The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 613: The top brother is a little mermaid (41)

   Chapter 613 The top brother is a little mermaid (41)

  In the land of mermaids, unlike in the fairy tale Daughter of the Sea, the little mermaid has to pay a heavy price for her legs.

   Here the mermaid, fish tail and human legs can be switched freely.

   This is a country of romance and freedom with only one hard and fast rule.

   - Can't interact with humans.

   Whether it is a human being who falls into the water or a human being on land.

Once the    mermaid family encounters, they must stay away from them.

  Otherwise, you will be cursed.

   And the little mermaid Iger, who just came of age, dismissed it.

  The naughty little mermaid pigeons into the mermaid family on the day of the coming-of-age ceremony. Under the leadership of the blue whale friend, she came to the golden coast and entered the human society with human legs.


   The movie is overall fun and engaging.

  Ige is very naughty, and from time to time creates some small troubles to make fun of people, with cute naughty dimples on his cheeks, which can always make the audience laugh.

   And at the back, the pattern of the film gradually became clear.

   Gradual upgrades.

   Yun Chu could hardly see Jiang Shi's shadow from Yi Ge.

   To say there must be something similar, it must be, they are all cute?

  Yun Chu bit the straw and stared at the screen without blinking.

   After a while, his shoulders sank.

   Yunchu lowered his eyes slightly, and saw his head resting on his shoulders.

  Jing Shi wears a peaked cap with a long brim that covers his face.

From this angle of    Yunchu, at most, you can see the other side's chin covered with a black mask.

   The breathing sound becomes even.

   Yun Chu bit the straw for a while.

Fell asleep?

   Then, the phone rang, and Yun Chu opened it and took a look.

   After reading the information, his expression froze slightly.

   tilted his head and glanced at the person in the corner. The other person's body was deeply sunken, and the peaked cap stuck his entire face.


   Jiang Shi’s work and rest are relatively regular, and he goes to bed at eleven o’clock at the latest.

  After eleven o'clock, it becomes very sleepy.

   That is, falling asleep in a movie theater is normal.

   The most important thing is that these two still sneaked out of the house.

   After the movie ended, I didn’t dare to go home.

  Yunchu: "..."

   Yun Chu's mouth twitched.

   After watching the movie, how do these two deal with it?

   Throwing it into the hotel? If something is photographed, it is difficult to do.

   In the second half of the movie, Yun Chu had no mood to watch it.

   After the movie was over and everyone was gone, Yun Chu pushed his head off his shoulders.

   shook and pinched his face expressionlessly.


   The more you pinch, the more addictive it becomes.

After    had enough addiction, little Jiang Shi slowly woke up.

  's eyes were wide-eyed, misty, apparently just woke up.

   The whole person seemed at a loss.

   The peaked cap on top of his head snapped down a little, covering his eyebrows under the broken hair.

  The boy stretched out his hand and raised it, revealing his eyes.

   seemed to remember something and said, "Is the movie over?"


   Yun Chu reached out and pulled Jiang Shi's mask, covering the boy's rosy lips and chin as white as snow.

   When he looked at the corner, he realized that Jiang Ran didn't know when he left.

  The cinema was empty, only Yun Chu and Jiang Shi were left.

  The staff on duty also started to come in to urge, and the cleaning aunt followed closely to clean up.

   Yun Chu took Jiang Shi's hand and walked out of the cinema with a little confusion.

   After entering the underground parking lot, Yun Chu raised his eyelids.

   Well, I want to hit someone.

   People and cars are gone.

  The abandoned little poor blinked, without a coat, his body looked thin.

   The hand held by Yun Chu was also extremely cold.

   Yun Chu reacted and put the coat in his hand for the children.

   The two faced each other, Yun Chu lowered his eyes and pulled the zipper for him.

  Jiang Shi was still taller than Yun Chu, the boy lowered his eyes and had long eyelashes.

   The tall body is tall and straight, like a tough cedar.

   The girl raised her face slightly and pulled the zipper to the top. The boy raised his hands and clasped the other's hands in an active gesture.

   (end of this chapter)

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