The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 628: The top brother is a little mermaid (End)

   Chapter 628 The top brother is a little mermaid (End)

  Jiang Qiwannian does not post a single Weibo, and is an international giant.

  Suddenly forwarded Bai Shuyao's Weibo to send blessings to Jiang Shi, which made many people suspect that the boss had been hacked.

   Just when various public opinions continued to ferment, Bai Shuyao commented on Jiang Qi's reposted Weibo——

   Come back soon.

   While my friends continued to be shocked, Jiang Qi himself replied to this comment.

  As you order, my wife.

   Eat melon masses: ! ! ?

   The more careful netizens are, the more they feel that there are a lot of tricks in it.

   So, the hot search arrangement.

  #Bai Shuyao Jiang Qi#

  # Bai Shuyao Jiang Qi Jiang Shi#

  #Jiang Shi's life experience#

   This hot search event, Jiang Shi was the last to know.

   The teenager clicked on Weibo and clicked into the hot search.

  The little mermaid lowered her eyes and slowly typed out a few words——

   Jiang Shi V: Thank you for your blessings.


   A very ordinary photo of interlocking fingers.

  The Little Mermaid was secretly photographed when Yun Chu was asleep.

   The background is a plain white bed sheet.

  Jiang Shi's Weibo was just released, and the whole network was boiling again.

   This time it was a real hammer, and my brother sprinkled dog food in public.

  The hot search came up immediately #jiangshi admits love#


  Yun Chu and Jiang Shi sat in a row, opposite Ms. Bai Shuyao who was dignified and generous.

  Jiang Ran sat on the right side, looked left and right, wondering: "Where is my brother?"

   Bai Shuyao smiled gently: "I'm too tired to rest in the room."

   Jiang Ran nodded, yes, he had been on a plane for a day.

   Jiang Qi, who was kneeling on durian in the room, lay pitifully on the bed.

   There are several layers of towels between the knees and the durian, but it is still a jerk.

   Bai Shuyao smiled and looked at Yun Chu: "Chu Chu, when are you going to get the certificate with Ah Shi?"

   Yun Chu paused and blinked: "Auntie, Ah Shi is still young, only 19 years old."

   are not yet of legal age for marriage.

  Jiang Ran snorted, "What's the matter, I'm 125 years old, an early adult."

  Yunchu: "..."

   125-year-old grandfather Jiang Shi rolled his eyes innocently.

  Jiang Ran: "Don't look at me, I'm 135 years old. My sister-in-law is 271 years old, my brother..."

  Bai Shuyao: "Jiang Ran!"

  Jiang Ran quickly shut up.

   No woman likes to have her age announced in public.

  Bai Shuyao picked up her mood and looked at Yun Chu: "Chuchu, Ah Shi should have told you that our family is a mermaid. Mermaids are very normal at their age."

   Yunchu nodded, indicating that he understood.

   Bai Shuyao smiled in relief.

   At the end of the conversation, Jiang Shi said, "I plan to quit the entertainment industry."

   The boy's voice was serious.

   Bai Shuyao was slightly startled and looked at her son: "Why?"

   Jiang Shi lowered his eyes and held Yun Chu's hand: "From now on, there are more important things to do."

   Bai Shuyao was quite satisfied.

   That's right, unlike a man with a wolf-hearted heart, who has been gone for more than half a year.

   The **** dad kneeling with durian: T^T

   After having dinner at Jiang's house, after returning to the villa, Yun Chu held Jiang Shi's fingers and squinted: "Grandpa Jiang, what's the important thing?"

   Being called that by the other party, Jiang Shi was stunned for a moment. For the first time, he felt that he was a little old.

   lost his mind for a moment, he bent down, picked up Yun Chu horizontally, and walked towards the sofa.

   Bullied his body and pressed him up, Jiang Shi lowered his eyes, the corners of his beautiful eyes were slightly red.

   "What did you call me?"

   Yunchu said deliberately, "Grandpa."

   Grandpa Jiang was unhappy, his cool fingertips slowly poked into the corner of a "granddaughter"'s clothes, held his waist, and slowly moved up the waistline.

   paused halfway, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "What's it called?"

   Yun Chu's body was tense and numb.

   pursed his lips: "Grandpa."

   The little mermaid lowered her head and gently bit the girl's fair collarbone.

   After a quarter of an hour.

"what is it call?"

   "...Well, Ah Shi."

  The Little Mermaid corrected: "Call husband."

   The final stubbornness of a certain boss: "I didn't get a certificate."


  The sunset was orange, and the ground was paved.

  The little mermaid leaned down, her breathing was unsteady, and the color in her beautiful eyes was extraordinarily beautiful.

   He is merging with his world.

   (end of this chapter)

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