The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 644: The former princess? Your Excellency? (16)

   Chapter 644 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (16)

   When Yun Chu returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Bai Fu rushed over.

   The dark guard in black seemed to have just been fished out of the water, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he bowed his head with seriousness and sincerity.

   "Sir, my subordinates are ineffective."

   Yun Chu carried the package given by Yao Ji and rubbed his brows.

   soon understood the cause and effect.

   When Kung Fu was not around for a while, Fu Xing disappeared?

  ...It's really worrying.

  As such, shouldn't the little princess be tied to her with a rope?

   "Have you found someone?"

   "My subordinates are incompetent, and I couldn't find Princess Fuxing." Bai Fu lowered his eyes and added: "But the unconscious Lord He was found in the east of the Royal Garden."

   "He You?" This name appeared in Yun Chu's mind.

   Baifu nodded: "Exactly."

  He You is a person whose official name is not well known, but his character is extremely poor, so bad that no one in Feng Qiguo knows it.

   "How did He You fall into a coma?" Yun Chu asked, frowning.

   "The silver needle is in the acupoint. The people from the Ministry of Punishment have already started to investigate."

   Yunchu nodded.

   "Go home first."

  Yunchu must first confirm whether Fuxing is in the house or not. If he is not, then he has really left.

   Yun Chu boarded the carriage with no expression on his face, unable to tell what he felt.

   If the little devil wants to leave, Yun Chu has no reason to stop him.

   But this plane is different, and she doesn't want this to happen.

  If Xiao Fuxing really leaves, even if a certain prince resigns, he will bring her back.

  The carriage hurried back to the Guogongfu.

   Yun Chu got off the carriage and went straight to Qingfeng Pavilion.


   The room was empty.

Prince   's mood was low for a moment, and there seemed to be frost that couldn't be melted in his black eyes, I don't know if it was anger or depression.

When    Bai Fu arrived, Yun Chu looked like this.

Prince    couldn't see his expression, but the air pressure around him made people within a radius of several miles unable to breathe.

  Yunchu stood under a plane tree in the courtyard.

   She lowered her eyes and slowly lifted the bag in her hand.

  Yunchu: "I'm not good enough for him? He still left."

   System: "Host, your method is wrong."

   "What's wrong?"

   System: "Host, think about it from another angle."

   Yun Chu did not speak.

   System: "If the Lord God kills Tiandao, you are not familiar with the Lord God either."


The    system continued: "But suddenly, the Lord God treats you very well, what do you think?"

  Yun Chu: "...There is something tricky."

   Want to get something from her.

   Yun Chu was thoughtful.

   In exchange, she really wanted to get something from Fu Xing.

   Protecting her is for the mission.

   being nice to her is to purify the inner demons.

   But it seems... she is too good for Xiao Fuxing for no reason.

   Yun Chu raised his eyes.


   So, don't be too good to Fu Xing, just protect it first.

   But the problem now is that people are gone.

   Yunchu's heart was unspeakable, as if a piece was missing.

   Yun Chu looked up at Bai Fu: "Keep looking."

  The white talisman withdrew, Yun Chu was carrying his bag with no expression on his face, but apparently returned to his yard in a bad mood.

   Back in the room, Yun Chu put the clothes he bought on the table.


   Well, wrong, you shouldn't think about that mess.

  In the future, put the protection of Fuxing as the first priority, take care of it without leaving a trace, don't be too obvious, and then try to stay close to each other.

   Yunchu was lying on the table, feeling unspeakably irritable.

  Where can the little guy run?

   Being able to escape under the eyes of the white talisman, it seems that his strength is not simple.

   At night, Yun Chu tossed and turned and lost sleep.

   When it’s even later.

   bang bang.

   A quick knock on the door broke the silence, and light came from outside the door.

   Yun Chu opened his eyes immediately, put on a dress, and got up to open the door.

   (end of this chapter)

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