The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 651: The former princess? Your Excellency? (twenty three)

   Chapter 651 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (twenty three)

   Fu Xing lowered his eyes, his fingers lightly ripped off the corner of his clothes, and there was a look of worry in his beautiful eyes.

  The orange-red sunset kissed his fair face, like a thin layer of blush, so beautiful.

  The princess loosened her fingers and put down the corners of her skirt that were crumpled a little.

The   silver mask was discarded, and he passed the servants and walked outside.

   Until Fu Xing was far away, the servants came over in a trance.

   One person caught up after realizing it, and happened to see the princess parked outside the fence.

   Across the wall, the beauty in white lowered her eyebrows slightly.

  Slim figure, stunning and charming facial features, pitiful when looking down, with a touch of helpless fragility.

   The servant was stunned.

  Why didn't the princess go in?

   He was in a daze for a moment, only to see Princess Fuxing turn her head, and it seemed that she didn't intend to go in, she was just passing by.

   Fu Xing didn't expect to meet the eyes of the other party, he couldn't help but stop.

  The air is a little stagnant.

  The servant opened his mouth: "Is the princess... visiting the adults?"

   A moment of silence answered him.

   The servant is a little shy, and talking to Fu Xing, even if the other party doesn't speak, is enough to give him an inexplicable sense of happiness.

   This person has a natural affinity.

   This kind of affinity does not make people want to get close, but after seeing it, they will naturally have a touch of awe and love, and they dare not go beyond the norm.

   Seeing that Fu Xing was silent, the servant had some confidence.

   seems to be inseparable.

  The servants thought that Princess Fuxing had no intention of adults, but now it seems that the princess also cares about the safety of adults.

   So he bit the bullet and said: "Princess, you are a humble servant, and you have been serving in Qingfeng Pavilion for a short time, but everyone knows that the Duke treats you differently from others."

   The servant said, and saw the princess slightly raised her eyes.

   His beautiful eyes were filled with emotions he couldn't understand, but he didn't seem so happy.

"No, I didn't say that the princess is bad, it's definitely not a pejorative." The servant explained in a panic, "Those people said that the prince was sympathetic to you, and they were all guessing. Now, it can be considered to understand the temperament of adults."

   After talking for a while, the servant secretly glanced at Fu Xing, for fear of accidentally poking the princess' wound.

The princess' eyes were dark, and she looked at him quietly, as if she was waiting for the next paragraph, so he calmed down and continued: "I heard that the adults have no heart for the love between men and women since childhood, have no desires or desires, and only care for the country. Feng Qi After the establishment, the adult's mind was all on the people of Feng Qiguo, and he never thought about the love between men and women for a moment."

"But the adults are different to the princess. I have never seen the adults care so much about a woman. The princess' food and clothing expenses are all according to the adults' specifications. During the day, when the servants were thoroughly investigated, everyone came , including several ladies, only you, the princess, did not disturb you."

   Fu Xing was stunned.

   "Princess, you may be unfamiliar with your words, but you are actually very attentive to you."

   The servant said it sincerely and sincerely.

   But adults have never been so nice to any woman.

   Princess Fuxing is special.

   The servant was stunned for a moment, and then he heard the princess's gentle and pleasant voice: "Why are you talking so much to me?"

   The next man blinked.

   immediately lowered his head: "Princess, I have absolutely no other intentions, I just said from the bottom of my heart. If I offend the princess, I am willing to be punished."

  Fuxing lowered his eyes: "Don't be nervous."

   He slowly raised his head and looked at the cold wall.

   His dark eyes seemed to be able to peek through the wall to see the scene inside.

  Want to go in?

   Fu Xing tilted his head, the corners of his thin lips pursed lightly.

   It cannot be denied that this person's words have made him feel much better.

   I’m back, I’m so happy these days of rest haha.

   Near the end of the period, there are a lot of things, so the latest update may not be stable QAQ, but I will try my best to make time.

   After all, study is the most important thing, and the little cutie who reads the text should also concentrate on reviewing, and the novel is not in a hurry to read.

   As a small compensation, the rest of the content on this plane will not be charged, and a free stamp will be issued.

   Today's updates are also free, as for the explosive update or something, it is possible during the holidays. orz

   Finally, on Christmas Eve tonight, I wish everyone a happy holiday



   (end of this chapter)

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