The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 662: The former princess? Your Excellency? (34)

   Chapter 662 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (34)

  The women in the manor’s mansion were all very depressed. There were only a few women in the backyard, so they couldn’t play house fights.

  To be honest, Yao Yilian and Xu Shi have nothing to contend with.

   A straight lady and a side lady, but their positions are slightly different.

   But neither is favored.

   Guogong reboots and does not step into the backyard very often.

   Yao Yilian can only have a higher status than Lemon Xu.

   But they are not favored by each other, and they are both pitiful people, and there is no difference in essence.

   Yaoji, who entered the palace later, was no different from them.

   Only Fuxing is different.

   In front of Fu Xing, the Duke of Guo was a different person.

   After a while, Yao Yilian looked at the mess on the ground and sighed.

   "Wan Xing, pack up."

  The little maid nodded timidly: "Yes, ma'am."

   Yao Yilian also felt that she had overreacted.

   Then what can be done, the attitude of adults towards Fu Xing has already doomed her to lose.


   Yun Chu rubbed the pantothenic acid head, and deeply felt the headache after a hangover.

  She changed her clothes, walked to the table and sat down.

   Yun Chu took out the bronze tiger soldier talisman that Duan Chao had given him, and lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

   Within a quarter of an hour, Bai Fu knocked on the door and entered.

   The young dark guard approached and whispered a word in the ear of the prince.

   "Sir, I've found it out. It's from the Bai family."

  Yunchu searched for the memory of the original owner and thought of a person.

   "Bai Xiao?"

   Yun Chu looked at Bai Fu, and there were innumerable connections between the Bai family and Bai Fu.

   To be precise, Bai Fu used to be a member of the Bai family and was the eldest son.

   When Fengqi had not yet destroyed Yuan and founded the country, the Bai family was at its peak.

   was a big family that was famous for a while, and everyone wanted to get involved with it.

   Bai Fu was originally the direct son of the Patriarch of the Bai family, who should have been watched and spoiled.

   But there are dark tides inside the Bai family, and there are a lot of filthy, filthy, and unknown disgusting things.

  The Bai family has a handsome adopted son, and the master of the Bai family treated this adopted son as his own.

   Unexpectedly, he raised a white-eyed wolf.

  Bai Fu's father also treated the adopted son very well, treating him as a full brother.

   But this adopted son, the current head of the Bai family, Bai Xiao, not only entangled with Bai Fu's father's wife, but even murdered him secretly.

   At that time, when the elderly Bai family learned about this incident, he was so angry that he died on the spot.

   After that, Bai Xiao performed a good show and used a foolproof reason to deceive everyone.

   He succeeded in ascending the throne.

   is a model who has been extremely uncaring until now.

   Baifu's biological mother, Yuemo, was fascinated by that person's skin.

   At that time, Bai Xiao definitely wouldn't leave his elder brother's flesh and blood in Bai's house.

   He wanted to get rid of the white talismans.

   Bai Fu's biological mother disagreed, but at this point, she had to make a choice.

   Apparently, she abandoned her child.

   But he didn't kill his own flesh and blood, he just threw the little white talisman into a remote mountain and left it to fend for itself.

  When the original owner was seven years old, he followed his father to hunt in the mountain, and happened to pick up the gray-faced little white talisman.

   A word from the original owner changed the fate of this little boy.

   White Fu is grateful for the kindness, but then this kindness completely turned into a follower.

   When Yun Chu first entered the Duan family, Bai Fu also followed.

   It was also from that time that Bai Fu became a shadow guard.

   He is the one who truly witnessed the original owner's journey.

   Later, Bai Xiao abandoned Bai Fu's biological mother, and the woman realized that the man was only using and calculating against her.

   Once, Bai Fu followed the original owner on the street and met a woman who was begging for a living. Bai Fu had no expression.

   Bai Fu has never told anyone about his experience, and only the original owner knows the grievances between him and the Bai family.

   (end of this chapter)

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