The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 668: The former princess? Your Excellency? (40)

   Chapter 668 Former Princess? Your Excellency? (40)

   Fuxing stood up and looked at the middle-aged man who was walking towards him surrounded by dark guards.


  The man was arrogant, his black hair was tied up, and his star eyes locked Fu Xing tightly.

   "Your Highness."

   Fu Xing nodded, but when he saw the person brought by the other party, he still frowned.

   Bai Xiao squinted his phoenix eyes: "Your Highness, don't forget the big plan."

The    tone came with a sense of oppression.

  Fuxing raised his head: "What do you want to do?"

  He showed no emotion and asked the respected teacher as usual.

   Bai Xiao looked at Fuxing for a long time, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he said: "Feng Qi's prince is a stumbling block. With your conditions, it is easy to approach him."

   For example, the beauty plan.

  Fuxing lowered his eyes and raised the glass with his fingertips: "Then what?"

  Bai Xiao looked over and landed on the raised wine glass.

   "If Your Highness wants to kill someone, there are many ways."

   "Are you teaching me to do things?"

   Fuxing suddenly raised his head.

  's soft face was covered with icy frost, such icy coldness that Bai Xiao has rarely seen before.

   He froze for a moment.

   Feng's eyes narrowed: "It's just a reminder to His Highness."

   heard the words.

   Fu Xing sat down, his long slender legs overlapped, and his fingertips twisted the teacup.

   Don't be angry and arrogant.

  Bai Xiao witnessed the transformation of this originally clean and gentle boy step by step.

   As soft as he is on the outside, there are thorns on the inside.

   Bai Xiao can be called a master by him, which is the greatest respect this young man can give.

   But Bai Xiao realized at this moment that His Highness did not want to kill the Duke.

   was just a little surprised, he whispered to instigate: "Duan Chao loses Yun Chu, it is equivalent to a waste person."

   "According to my understanding, half of Feng Qi's military power is in the hands of the Duke, and His Highness should have some measure in his heart."


  Fuxing raised his eyelashes and smiled: "Master has any plans, you might as well talk about it."

  Bai Xiaohe stated: "Beijing has cultivated a well-trained army in Nanyuanling, ready to go out at any time."

   "His Royal Highness has dealt with the prince first, and got the military talisman."

   "By that time, Feng Qi will be vulnerable, and he will definitely be able to subvert him without the need for His Highness to take action."

"and then?"

   The boy curled his lips and asked the other person in a slow manner.

  Bai Xiao: "After Feng Qi is overthrown, the new dynasty will be established by His Highness."

   is not to restore the country, but to establish a new dynasty.

  Fuxing stared into his eyes: "This is the ending you want?"

   Bai Xiao was asked this, and was stunned for a while, not knowing how to speak.

  Your Highness, what happened?

   The next moment, Fu Xing said, "You should have known about your life."

   Bai Xiao raised his eyes suddenly and looked at Fu Xing unexpectedly.

   then smiled wryly, sure enough, he couldn't hide it.

   "It's okay if Your Highness knows."

   "Do you hate him?"

  Fu Xing suddenly raised his head and asked, his dark eyes were dark and deep.

   Bai Xiao instinctively retreated, and a trace of fear climbed in his heart.

   Fu Xing picked up the memories a little bit: "He is the murderer who indirectly ruined your life."

   Facing Fu Xing's torture, Bai Xiao was stunned and dazed.

   Memories are like a hand clasping his heart so tightly that he can't breathe.

   As soon as he was born, he was sent out of the palace and dealt with in secret.

   The **** in charge of handling saw that the baby was silent, so he thought he was dead, and threw the baby in the woods.

   Fortunately, he was picked up by Fu Xing's biological mother, Su Wan.

   At that time, Su Wan was only ten years old.

   At that time, Su Wan was already a beauty embryo, even if she was young, she couldn't stop her natural beauty and charm.

   When Bai Xiao was five years old, Su Wan was favored by the emperor and was forcibly brought back to the palace.

   This kind of nasty thing is not seen, it is carried out secretly, Su Wan has no family, only a little brother who was picked up.

After   Su Wan was forcibly taken away, Bai Xiao was left alone.

   He was an orphan again.

   (end of this chapter)

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