The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 655: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (8)

   Chapter 655 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (8)

  After dinner, Yun Chu and Bai Xiaojin went back to their rooms.

   It wasn't until the next day that the sun rose three poles before Yun Chu opened the door.

   Bai Xiaojin also packed up and walked out of the room.

   There is still half an hour before the opening of the small sword mound. At this moment, almost all the Taoists in Qinghuai Town rushed to the venue.

  Except for those Taoist cultivators who have been entered into the roster who have the opportunity to enter the small sword mound assessment, the rest can only gather around the periphery to observe and observe the pictures.

   When Yunchu and Bai Xiaogang arrived at the scene, the big figures of Wanjianzong had already arrived.

   Among the white-robed sword cultivators, one person quickly caught Yun Chu's attention.

   He turned his back to the crowd, the white jade crown was tied like a waterfall of blue silk, the white clothes fluttered, and the immortal air was compelling.

  's tall and tall figure is like a straight cedar in the ice and snow, cold and ethereal.

   This is a very eye-catching person who will quickly attract everyone's attention in a crowd.

   Yun Chu recognized it almost immediately, the inner door elder of Wanjian Sect, Shen Zhi.

   And, the main **** and demon.

  Yun Chu was a little surprised, he was startled for a moment, and was pushed forward by the crowd.

   "Idle people, etc. Avoid." Jianxiu, who was maintaining order, raised his hand.

  Yun Chu withdrew his gaze, and took out the certificate given by the old man in a hurry.

   The other party was startled for a moment, then withdrew his sword and let her walk inside.

  Bai Xiaojin also showed the proof and went to the assessment team with Yun Chu.

   Bai Xiaojin glanced ahead and whispered, "Boss, is the third from the right Shen Zhi?"

  Yun Chu nodded: "Yes."

   Everyone on the field, she could see Dan at Dantian with a glance.

   Jian Dan saw through her cultivation, but Shen Zhi, who was also in the tribulation period with her, could not see through.

   Hearing Yun Chu's answer, Bai Xiaojin touched his chin: "It looks like a dog."

   is a bit pedantic.

  In Bai Xiaojin's eyes, these decent cultivators are as pedantic as rotten wood, and you can tell by their aesthetics.

  The white color that can't be beaten by iron for thousands of years will really cause visual fatigue after watching it for a long time.

   After a while, several big figures of Wanjianzong turned to face the crowd one after another.

   The world fell silent when they saw Shen Zhi's appearance.

   Jianxiu in white clothes is as cold as snow, with black hair and white skin, his indifferent eyes drooping slightly, like a fairy walking out of a picture scroll.

   As if all words were pale to him.

   is beyond description.

  Some Dao Xiu's eyes showed maddened eyes.

   It is this person, who has reached a height that almost everyone can't reach in a lifetime. In the period of transcendence, he is only one step away from attaining the Great Dao and ascending to the Immortal Realm.

   And, he is only 19 years old.

   Such an amazing genius is both enviable and enviable.

  The realm of cultivation also respects the strong, which is the same as in the realm of cultivation.

   For example, there are a large number of Shen Zhi's brainless fans in the cultivation world, and Zuodu also has a large group of brainless fans of the Demon Lord.

   If the two meet, it is a wonderful thing.

  The fans of the Shen Zhi faction insist that their elder Shen Zhi is the most talented person in the world, but the fans of the Yun Chu faction disapprove.

   They insist that their demon master is the most powerful and talented person in the world.

   When people from these two factions meet, they will inevitably be torn apart for seven days and seven nights.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a brain-damaged fan.

  Right now, the Taoist cultivators in front of them are doing fine, restraining their inner excitement.

   Many of the cultivators who were watching from behind screamed.

   The noisy voice seemed to arouse the displeasure of the white-robed swordsman, he frowned slightly and his eyes fell down.

   inadvertently met the gaze of the girl in white in the crowd, and he paused.

   The figure of the girl was reflected in the dark pupils, and his eyes slid down to her lower abdomen.


  ...can't see anything.

   (end of this chapter)

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