The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 657: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (10)

   Chapter 657 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (10)

   After being stunned, she regained her senses. When she looked at the man again, the face of Jianxiu in white was still cold and indifferent.

  Chu Ling wanted to say more, but didn't have time to speak.

   The disciples of Wanjianzong who accompanied the assessment have already begun to enter the small sword mound.

   When she was distracted, Shen Zhi, who was walking behind, had already passed her and stepped into the light blue hole first.

   "Senior sister, aren't you going?" the young disciple behind asked suspiciously.

  Chu Ling restrained his breath, concentrated his attention, and said softly: "Go."

   After everyone had entered the small sword mound, some of the Daoists who were outside to join in the fun and observe were scattered.

   There are also some Taoist cultivators who insist on staying near here, wanting to squat for a follow-up.

   Inside the small sword mound.

  The clouds are scattered and the sky is blue.

   In the distance, a green mountain crawls, surrounded by clouds and mist, and immortal energy strikes.

   And there is a golden desert nearby, with the scorching sun in front of you.

  The green hills are far apart, and only a touch of seductive emerald can be seen.

   Now everyone is scattered in different corners of the desert, looking into the distance.

  Bai Xiaojin looked at the mountain, his eyes widened: "Boss, have you seen it?"

   Yunchu nodded.

   "After the desert, the stone formation, the sword mountain, the sword mound, and after that, a fairy mountain."

   The girl's voice was clear and gentle, like a ding dong of spring water.

  Bai Xiaojin was slightly startled, revealing the exclusive eyes of the brain-damaged fans: "As expected of the boss, like me, I can only see an immortal mountain."

   He tried to tiptoe to look around again, but he didn't see any stone formations, Jianshan Jianzhong and the like.

   This is not surprising, how could he, a little rookie who has not yet started his cultivation, have the same vision as the big man in the tribulation period.

   However, not only Bai Xiaojin, but most of the other disciples only saw deserts and immortal mountains.

   also defaulted to walking out of the desert to reach the fairy mountain to reach the real small sword mound.

   Yunchu tilted his head slightly and touched his chin with his fingers.

  Deserts, stone formations, and Sword Mountains can be regarded as the test of the journey to the Sword Tomb, but what is the function of the Immortal Mountain?

   Just a decoration? Or is it just normal confusion?

   After thinking about it for a while, Yun Chu set his eyes on Shen Zhi.

   Jianxiu in white walked behind the crowd, the sun's scorching couldn't affect him.

The    desert is no different to him than walking on the wet and warm plains.

   But these low-level disciples are different.

   Daoism is not enough, easy to be influenced by the outside world, unable to ignore the impact of the impact of the changes in the rules of heaven and earth during the tribulation period.

  Bai Xiaojin didn't take a few steps before he was sweating profusely, drinking half of the water in the kettle.

   Little Fatty gave a bitter face. If he continued like this, before he left the desert, his water would run out, and if it was serious, he might die in this desert.

  Yunchu noticed Bai Xiaojin's change, paused, and put a barrier on him to block the strong light of the sun.

  The cool mist circulated between the barriers, and Bai Xiaojin instantly felt a chill.

   A hint of joy appeared in his eyes, and Bai Xiaojin couldn't help exclaiming: "Boss, I really love you to death!"

  Don't stop him, from today onwards, he is the number one idiot fan of his family!

  Yunchu: "..."

  Little Fatty's volume was a little high, and he couldn't help attracting the attention of the nearby Taoist cultivators.

   Shen Zhi, who was walking at the back, raised his eyes slightly, and when he glanced past the girl, he stayed on Bai Xiaojin beside her.

   A faint blue light glides through the black pupils.

   The fingers under the sleeves of Jianxiu in white moved, as if he was thinking about something.

   Yunchu and Bai Xiaojin moved very slowly, getting closer and closer to the end of the team.

   With Bai Xiaojin around, their speed is very normal.

   After all, walking through the desert or something, this is just deliberately making things difficult for a 200-pound fat man.

   (end of this chapter)

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