The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 667: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (20)

   Chapter 667 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (20)

   Shen knows not to listen, and only thinks that the girl is throwing a tantrum.

   He touched Yunchu's head and coaxed, "Be good."

  Yunchu:  …

  My dear sister.

   She's dying of heat, big pig's hoof.

   Yun Chu's eyes were red, and a thin layer of sweat covered his forehead.

   While Shen Zhi was not paying attention, Yun Chu kicked the quilt away with one foot, almost exhausting all his strength, and there was only a little left.

   This Diusiu was not saved in the end.

   Seeing Shen Zhi sigh and stretch out his hand to pull the quilt, Yun Chu quickly jumped up from the bed and hugged his neck.

   pressed his face to his, then raised his head and looked him in the eyes.

   Yun Chu's face was expressionless, but his eyes were still fierce: "Look, it's hot."


  I'm so stupid.

   Shen Zhi couldn't help being stunned, and met the little girl's fierce eyes.

   was stunned for a moment before realizing that the little girl's pale face had now turned rosy.

   The hair on the forehead was wet and soaked with sweat.

The place where   's side neck was touched by her was very hot as if it was pressed against a stove.


  Yunchu: "..."

   However, if nothing else, the little devil is quite comfortable.

   Yun Chu hung on Shen Zhi's body expressionlessly, and his fingers couldn't help digging into the collar.

   White-robed Jianxiu was stunned, then looked at Yun Chu, the little girl's expression was light and expressionless, as if she didn't know what she was doing.

   He couldn't help but stepped back, and was brought to him by Yun Chu's neck again.

  Yunchu: "Don't move."

   Yun Chu took a deep breath and decided to take back his ignorant words.

  A hand was withdrawn from Shen Zhi's neck and took his hand instead.

   Yun Chu lowered his head and raised the hand of the white-robed swordsman.

   Shen Zhi was a little surprised, but he didn't move, leaving Yun Chu.

   When he realized something was wrong, the little girl in front of him had already bit his fingertips.

   Shen Zhi was stunned for a moment, there was a slight tingling in his fingertips, and it was a little itchy.

   Next, the process of sucking blood made him stiff and his eyelashes couldn't stop shaking.


   Yun Chu frowned and swallowed blood.

   She is not a blood race on this plane, so naturally she doesn't feel that blood is sweet.

   A smell of fishy and sweet, accompanied by the unique spiritual power of the tribulation period of the white-robed sword cultivator.

   This nicely neutralizes the restless magic within her.

   After drinking the blood, Yun Chu retreated back to the bed and was no longer close.

   wiped the remaining blood stains on the corners of his lips, the Demon Lord Zuodu looked at Shen Zhi lightly.

   White-robed Jianxiu lowered his eyes, as if staring at his bitten fingertips.

   He watched for a long time, and finally said in a hoarse voice: "Why do this?"

   has been restored to the original demon master, and the magic power is no longer leaked.

   Yun Chu did not speak.

   No need for her to explain, the little devil should have guessed it.

   White-robed Jianxiu's eyes were dark and deep, and his voice was very low: "So, has it been for this all the time?"

   Yun Chu raised his eyes.

   Her little devil seems to be angry.

   seems a little sad.

   As expected, biting your finger to **** blood or something, the little guy can't accept it.

   Yun Chu's straight female type comforts: "I won't bite you in the future."

   "The mighty blood of the Tribulation Period can relieve my symptoms."


   "I'll go find someone else." This sounds easy to be misunderstood, so Yun Chu added, "Get some blood."

   Cut your hands and let out some blood, it is best to store up a year's amount.

  Yunchu began to recall the locations of other tribulation leaders.

   After a while, Yun Chu felt that the air pressure around him suddenly dropped.

   The eyes he saw when he looked up were as cold as ice and snow.

   Yunchu was a little inexplicable.

   for what? Angry for not wanting his blood? !

   Then, I saw Jianxiu in white fluff his sleeves and leave, and spit out a word coolly:

"it is good."

   (end of this chapter)

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