The Boss Has Been Tricked By the Lord God Again

Chapter 669: I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (22)

   Chapter 669 I don't want to cultivate, I just want to cultivate you (22)

   "Boss, we just went down the mountain, is it alright?"

   Don't you need to tell Elder Shen Zhi or something, just disappear?

   Yun Chu glanced at him: "If you don't want to go, you can stay."

   Bai Xiaojin shook his head.

   "No, I'll be where the boss is."

   Bai Xiaojin Hanhan smiled.

   Yun Chu glanced at him, and after a long time, he calmly said, "Are you curious about your own background?"

   Bai Xiaojin stopped.

   looked up at Yun Chu in surprise, froze for a moment, and shook his head.

   Comrade Xiaojin's expression was fierce.

   "Not curious, they gave birth to me, but the eldest raised me."

   "The boss is the most important."

   Bai Xiaojin rarely changed his seriousness, and his expression was very serious.

  Yun Chu paused for a while, but did not speak.

   Actually, when the original owner first picked up the little fat man, he had some clues on him.

  The clue points to Biyun Villa. If the original owner wanted to check, he would definitely find something.

   But she didn't.

   Now that so many years have passed, things have probably gone wrong.


   It takes at least two days to travel from Wanjianzong to Biyun Villa.

  From morning to dusk, Yun Chu and Bai Xiaojin entered an inn to stay.

When    went upstairs, a woman in black passed her.

   Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, and glanced sideways.

   is somewhat familiar.

   Yun Chu thought about it, but did not find any clues in his memory.

   "Boss, what are you looking at?" Bai Xiaojin who was walking in front suddenly turned his head and asked.

   Yun Chu came back to his senses and shook his head: "It's nothing."

   When he came to the inn room, Yun Chu always felt that something was a little weird.

  Can think about it, there seems to be nothing strange about it.

   Lifted his feet to the window and pushed open the window.

  The sunset is orange, and the sky is full of colorful clouds.

   It seems to be fogging up.

   stood by the window for a while, Yun Chu reached out to close the window and walked back.

   After half an hour.

   dong dong.

  Yunchu lit the candle and walked to the window after hearing the sound.

   pushed open the window, a white carrier pigeon stood in front of the window, its tail feathers were dyed black.

  Yun Chu untied the bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg, let go of the pigeon, and closed the window.

   She came to the table and sat down, pulled out the cork, and took out the contents of the bamboo tube.

   expands, is a detailed map of Biyun Villa.

   Yun Chu lowered his eyes and looked at it carefully before imprinting the map in his mind.

   Folded up the map, put it under the candle and burned it to ashes.

   Yunchu blew out the candle and lay down on the bed.

   It was pitch black in the line of sight, and Yun Chu couldn't sleep.

   She always knows what she needs and is inseparable.

   has been a long time since childhood.

   Even if she wasn't there, even if she couldn't see it, that person always seemed to be with her.

   Yun Chu sighed, finally able to understand the original owner's feelings.

   It turns out that it is really uncomfortable to be watched at this moment.

   Yunchu lowered his eyes.

   Like the original owner, she still didn't understand the meaning of that person's existence.

  Thinking of this, she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

   The next day.

   Yunchu got up early in the morning and didn't see Bai Xiaojin.

   There was no movement in the little fat man's room, Yun Chu frowned.


   She kicked the door open.

   There was no one in the room, only Bai Xiaojin's luggage.

  Yun Chu walked to the table, a black card was pressed under the tea set.

   Yun Chu stretched out his hand and took out the card, his eyes lowered.

  ——Imperial city, never night.

   She crumpled the card into a ball and threw it out, her eyes darkening slightly.

   It seems that she has some strength to steal people under her nose.

   He happened to pass the imperial city on the way to Biyun Villa, so Yun Chu decided to find Xiao Jin first.

   Leaving the inn, Yun Chu found a stable in the town.

  No one, she kicked open the door and brought out a maroon horse.

   A little toes, and jumped on the horse's back.

   (end of this chapter)

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