Gradually, he also felt the smell, he was in love with Han Yi. But Han Yi's heart only has a Zhou Yunshen, even if is not Zhou Yunshen also can't be him.

When he was an assistant to Han Yi, he asked people about it. Han also kept clean all the time. He only worked and accompanied his son. He didn't have any problems with men and women.

At that time, he thought Han was also noble and clean. Later, he realized that he just didn't like to be with others. He chose that person, and other people could not get close to him.

"Han Ge, I will guard you."

The man who appeared today was obviously not Han Yi's opinion. The red crabapple on his neck showed that his eyes were burning, like a soldering iron, on his heart.

Does Zhou Yun know anything about today?

When Han also wakes up, Yang Ming hides all his thoughts. He puts down a bowl of noodles after eating half of it. Or Yang Ming sent him back, this time just missed Han Jingyun's sleeping time. When he got home, he only had a light yellow light left for him.

Han also stealthily opened the door of Han Jingyun, who was sleeping soundly.

The kiss on his neck made Han want to strike, but he just thought about it. Finally, he bought some cosmetics to cover it up. Fortunately, Han Yi's skin is good and white, and it won't be too fake to cover with cosmetics.

After two days like this, Han also received Zhou Yunshen's SMS from Yunting company and came downstairs.

Han is sure that he can't see it. Then he goes downstairs. Zhou Yunshen is at the door. Han sees him at once.

Han Yi, this is equivalent to skipping the class and leaving. Before Han Yi spoke, Zhou Yunshen took his hand and said, "I miss you so much."

Hand still not honest with his fingers to rub each of his fingers, even fingerbones are touched and touched, like hundreds of years did not see the same.

Han also said with a smile, "so think of me?"

"Don't believe it?"

The man's voice is full of threatening and ambiguous flavor. At the same time, the strength of holding Han Yi's hand is also increasing. The hand pushes him to his side, and the hand has already grasped his waist.

Han also flew on the face of a red cloud, "people come and go, what do you do?"

Zhou Yunshen ignored him, took the car as a cover, lowered his head to kiss his auricle and said, "you haven't said you miss me. Do you want to miss me? Well? "

The last tone dragged on for a long time, as if the whole road scattered a long and ambiguous taste.

"I miss you every day."

Han also gritted his teeth and said, "satisfied?"

Zhou Yun gave a deep low smile, but when he let go, he touched Han Yi's buttocks. Han Yi's face was as red as the sunset in midsummer.

"Zhou Yunshen, you!"

Zhou Yunshen has been considerate to open the door, Han also made a gesture of please: "please get in the car, Korean star."

The Korean star, who had been eaten tofu, got on the bus with a red face. When he got into the car, he found that there was someone in the driver's seat. A young man was staring in front of him seriously, just like a soldier standing in a military posture.

Han Yi:

Someone was watching?

Zhou Yunshen, who had already got on the bus, stretched out his long arm, took him into his arms and asked, "what do you want to eat?"

Han also glared, Zhou Yun deep smile, asked the front of the small new year light way: "just now you saw what?"

"No, I didn't see anything!"

Zhou Yun snorted and laughed, "do you hear me? He didn't see anything. "

Han Yifu, he is your man. Of course, he said he didn't see anything. If he saw it, he was looking for death?

Han was so angry that he stepped on Zhou Yunshen's feet. Zhou Yunshen immediately held his face and gave a affectionate kiss.

Han Yi:

Han also has no language, driving light, shoulder back straight, an old monk into the world does not disturb the deep appearance.

Han Da Xing, who is out of work, went to have a big dinner with Mr. Zhou. Han can't eat too much. Most of the time, he watches Zhou Yunshen to eat. Zhou is very attentive to add food and soup, but Han also sits like a needle felt. Zhou Yun looks at his eyes deeply or looks like a wolf cub sees his prey. The light in his eyes explains his mind.

Han, who has always been guilty of being a thief, has been thinking about how to refuse Zhou Yunshen's request for love this evening. On those days when he was not inconvenient, he was very dissatisfied with Han Yi's Shenyou. When he was in a trance, he bowed his head and burned a kiss on his lip. When Han returned to his senses, Zhou also licked his lips and said, "well, this soup tastes like this Better. "

Han also ignored him. He bowed his head and stirred the soup in the bowl with a spoon. When Zhou Yunshen came over, Han also suddenly scooped out a spoon of soup and quickly stuffed it into Zhou Yunshen's mouth.

Zhou Yunshen's cheek was bulging, and Han also looked at it and couldn't help laughing. He said, "you look so funny."

Warm soup into the throat, Zhou Yun deep grin, "can bo beauty a smile, it's worth it."Han also said with a smile: "romantic prodigal son!"

Zhou Yunshen puts down his chopsticks and holds his face affectionately. Han Yi, Han Yi are about to explode!

Did Zhou Yunshen pay attention to it? There are waiters standing next to him!

Han also wants to push Zhou Yunshen away, but Zhou Da Lao is dissatisfied with him. He tightens his button and pries open his teeth. It seems that he is looking for the taste of soup just now.

This long kiss is like Zhou Yunshen's burning Acacia with Han Yi in recent days. Where is he willing to let go.

This kiss is also almost hypoxia, Zhou Yunshen reluctantly let go, and finally he pecked his lips.

"This hotel is mine."

Before the oxygen arrived at Han Yi's brain and Han Yi's God returned to his position, Zhou said, "they didn't see anything, they didn't dare to see it. Don't worry," he changed a bowl of soup for him, and a trace of solemnity crossed his face. "I won't give people a chance to slander you."

For no reason, Han also thought of the Marquis of the Song Dynasty, and silently scolded him in his heart: Wang Ba Yang Zi.

Why does he always think of song Hou recently? Was it that night that impressed him so much?

Han also raised his hand and kneaded his temple. Zhou Yunshen thought that he was angry and came to Han Yi with concern and asked, "what's the matter? Not feeling well? "

His breath is already close to Han Yi's ear. Han also shrinks his neck and keeps a distance from Zhou Yunshen: "it's OK. Eat it

"OK," Zhou Yun said with a smile: "after eating, let's pick up our son from school."

He said it naturally, as if they should have lived like this, eating, drinking and taking their son home after work every day, just like any ordinary family in the world.

Han is also thinking about holding on to his heart. Does Zhou Yunshen's visit to D city also indicate that they have other troubles besides the Ma fan of marquis song? And the Marquis of Song Dynasty Think of his bold Han Yi that night, his heart is like eating a fly in the general nausea, the heart wants to go back to the Internet to search for a knife to protect his body and carry it with him.

The Marquis of Song Dynasty is like a madman, which is similar to Zhou Yunshen. Both of them are crazy and don't want to die.

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