Because that's where all the warmth is after his parents died, and it's also the driving force for him to live when he takes Han Jingyun hard life.

Zhou Yun deeply moved, his hands to speed up the speed of stripping his clothes, quickly wrapped them in the quilt, skin close to the skin, like a soldering iron like hair.

As the waves swept through the whole room, there was only a lingering sound like the singing of a shark.

Zhou Yunshen stopped, holding Han Yi's face as if he was looking for a bright child. "Han Yi, tell me, have you ever thought about meeting me for so many years? Have you ever looked forward to meeting me again, looking forward to meeting me at some time? "

The heavy voice is like a leaf boat to hold him up, and the fact is the same, Zhou Yun deep around his waist, like the hand of flower protection.

The light in Han Yi's eyes gradually dissipated and gradually recovered to Qingming. He seemed to fall into the memory. Zhou Yunshen also waited patiently. After a while, Han also said, "I've thought about it."

These two words are like war drums beating in Zhou Yunshen's ears, shaking his heart even to his soul. Han also seemed to hear him smile, and then came the storm, so that he had no time to think about other.

Both of them didn't have dinner. Fortunately, Zhou Yunshen sent food to Han Yi when he was cleaning up. He had four dishes and one soup and a bowl of tonic soup. When Han Yi came out, Zhou tried the temperature to: "the temperature is just right. Drink this."

Han also took a look and said, "I don't need to mend my body..."

Zhou Yunshen's eyes seemed to have starlight, "need."

"No need to..."

"You need it."

Han Yi:

His ambiguous smile seemed to imply something. As expected, Han also heard him say at the next moment: "otherwise, I would be reluctant to exert myself..."

Han also immediately raised the white flag and surrendered: "good, good, I drink."

Zhou Yunshen seizes the victory and pursues, "after eating the meal, take medicine and then go to bed."

Han Yi almost didn't swallow the soup. He glanced at Zhou Yunshen secretly. How could this man be so healthy? Even though he had a lot of trouble, he was more energetic than before. It's just out of the ordinary sense.

According to Zhou Yunshen's arrangement, after having a meal, he took an hour's rest. After taking cold medicine, Zhou Yunshen carried him upstairs to sleep, and Han felt that he had a very full time that night.

Maybe he was tired today. Han also had a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, he had a dream about him and Marquis song in his youth. Song Hou, dressed in a well tailored suit with a cigar in his mouth, said to Han Yi, who was helping him with his homework, "would you like to go to play with me in the evening? My father said he would take care of you. Don't let me go out with me every time I go out, and make people think that I abuse you and don't take you to play! "


Han also did not lift his eyelids, the pen is still walking smoothly on the paper.

The Marquis of Song Dynasty sneered and said, "Han Yi, don't you like women?" He lowered his head and whispered, "don't you like men?"

The cigar almost poked into his face, and Han was still cold.

This expression angered the Marquis of Song Dynasty. He slapped Han Yi in the face, and Han Yi was beaten to a tilt. "Don't be shameless. Your life was saved by my song family. Who are you still holding a face all day?"

He started very hard. Five thumb prints appeared on his face. The pale pink one didn't feel frightening on his face. On the contrary, he felt that there was a strange aesthetic feeling on his face. As soon as the idea of marquis song came out, he scared himself. Is he a pervert?

Young Han also stood up, looked at the Marquis song with hatred, and said in a cold voice, "if it weren't for you, my parents would never have died!"

At that time, the young man was rebellious and fearless. Han thought that death was also a kind of liberation, and he would not bow down in front of the Marquis of Song Dynasty.

Such arrogance completely infuriated the Marquis of Song Dynasty. The Marquis of Song Dynasty grabbed his collar, but did not hit him with a fist as Han expected. Instead, he looked at him with narrow eyes.

This is the way Playboy song Hou looks at a plaything. Han is familiar with it.

"So what? Your parents are the dogs of my song family, and you are just a dog of my song family. Don't try to escape from my song family for a lifetime

"Han Yi," he said, touching his face with his hand, "don't make me angry, or I'll kill you!"

His eyes gradually became hot. It was the first time in Han Yi's memory that song Hou showed his disgusting mind to him. Dream again, he did not think of boxing on the top, mouth scolding what.

When I wake up from my dream, it is Zhou Yunshen's deep eyes, like a blue black sea, and the tide is lapping on the shore.

"A nightmare?"

He put his hand on his cheek and asked softly, "what did you dream of?"


He took a deep breath and said, "I'll go and have some water."

Zhou Yunshen turned over and put out a glass of water and handed it to him. He said, "I just drank the water. I want to prepare a cup. It happens that you drink it now."Song Hou always thought that when he entered the company, he would feel a little bit upset when he was in the company, and some even thought that when he was not in a good mood, he would even feel uncomfortable when he went into the company!

Han also tightened his eyebrows. Why is this so? He seems to be out of his control.

At this moment, he even dare not to see Zhou Yunshen, as if he betrayed Zhou Yunshen from his soul.

Zhou Yunshen has been staring at Han Yi, he can't escape any subtle changes.

"Who did you dream of? So Afraid? "

Han also put his hands into his thick hair and could hear his unnatural voice line: "I want to see a psychologist tomorrow."


Zhou Yunshen held him in his arms and said, "I'll arrange for you."

"No," said Han, almost rejecting the conditional launch, "I'll just go myself."

He did not notice that Zhou Yunshen's body was stiff, but for a moment he said hello.

The next day, Han gave up all his work and drove to a private clinic.

It's green to enter the eye, and the plants grow naturally. Once you enter here, Han feels relaxed both physically and mentally.

This psychologist is a foreign doctor. He is a man in his forties. He is wearing a casual dress, a curled beard and a smile in his eyes. He looks very friendly.

His assistant came up and said, "this is Mr. John. He will treat you."

John looked at Han with a smile and said, "this Mr. Han made me feel as if I had seen him at first sight, as if I had seen him before."

Han also politely smiles, thinking that the foreigner has been in China for a long time, but he has learned the Chinese polite words.

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