Han also took a deep breath: "yes, Dr. Wei can say what he wants. It's just, "he said." please tell me where Yunshen went last night and when he will come back. "

Wei Yan felt that the skin on his nose was almost broken. At last, he came in and put down his breakfast. He took a stick of oil in his mouth and said, "it's a shame to be angry at the crown Love. "

"You were almost killed. He didn't go to a bloody place. I'm sorry for his title of killing God."

"The name of the God of death?"

"Is he the God of death?"

"Not really."

Wei Yan consciously changed his topic very well. He flattered his husband and said, "your man is a famous God of killing. There is no grass and blood flowing everywhere."

Han Yi:

Wei Yan, who looks funny, has been playing with him all the time. He can't tell him where Zhou Yunshen has really gone. Han can see clearly that this man is unreliable.

"You can give him the greatest peace of mind if you take good care of his illness here." Wei Yan seldom changed his serious tone and said to him, "Zhou Yunshen would have died if he could not stand a little storm."

Han Yiping is not a talkative person. However, Zhou Yunshen gave Wei Yan a death order before he left. He asked him to accompany Han and talk with him. Otherwise, Han would have to think blindly and lose his spirit.

Wei Yan is usually talkative, but what he is most interested in with Han is his past with Zhou Yunshen. Han is absent-minded and brings him into his memory. Picking up some good things to talk about, as for the two people's deeper past, naturally will not tell Wei Yan.

It has nothing to do with intimacy or intimacy. Everyone has a grave in his or her heart. Some things that are not humane, maybe some things that are hard to talk about, or some things that are too difficult to remember and take out to bask in the sun. I said to myself, and then like grass withered in autumn, snow covered, in nowhere to find.

Wei Yan is a very competent escort. He has three meals a day on time. He comes to chat with Han when he arrives. Xiaoshan also brings Han some business that the company needs to deal with. Han also had the mind to think about where Zhou Yunshen is now and what he is doing. He can't wait to install a locator on his body! Of course, the idea was wiped out when he saw something he didn't understand.

It's not as easy to manage a company's identity as an artist.

Seeing that he couldn't understand, the hill thought, "would you like to invite a consultant?"

Although Han Yi thinks this is like a pit, now he can only work as a logistics personnel, take good care of the company and wait for Zhou Yunshen to come back. Therefore, Han Yi takes his spare time to study hard, and makes progress every day. In the dead of night, he will touch out his mobile phone and edit out messages, and delete them word by word.

He wanted to contact him, but he was afraid that contacting him would hurt him.

What's more He has been thinking of the Marquis of song. It's like a magic spell carved into his bones.

In this way, Han also has a feeling of betraying Zhou Yunshen in spirit.

The evening breeze came with the fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus. Han also smelled the fragrance of flowers and edited a line of text, hesitated for a moment or ordered the send key.

The mobile phone vibrates slightly. Zhou Yunshen takes out the mobile phone and looks at the message sent by Han.

The osmanthus is in bloom.

The corner of his mouth is slightly cocked up. There is indeed a osmanthus tree in Wei Yan's yard.

He thought about it for a moment, and hit a line back.

Han Yizheng was about to release his mobile phone when the news came in.

"Are you better? Don't be picky. You have to eat whatever Wei Yan gives you, and let him buy you what he wants to eat. "

Lin Zi is watching Zhou Yunshen in danger. Before he mentions chopping people, he can still calmly send sweet news to Han. He is really impressed. Otherwise, how can Zhou Yunshen be his boss?

They all hide in the car, waiting for people to come and rush out.

After chatting with Han Yi for a few minutes, Zhou Yunshen finally sent a message to ask him to go to bed early, so he pressed the screen out. Before putting it back in his pocket, he couldn't bear to turn it on again.

The screen saver has been replaced by a test that he is afraid of Han Yi. Han also smiles, his mouth slightly rises, and his eyes and even his eyebrows are full of intoxicating brilliance that fascinates him.

Lin Zi's inquisitive probe looked over, and Zhou Yun's quick and quick pressing extinguished the screen and put it into his pocket, as if it were some kind of treasure.

Lin Zi:.... "

Just as he was about to say something to smile at Zhou Yunshen, his index finger raised to signal him not to make a sound. Sure enough, it took only a few seconds for the lights to shine in and a black car came in.

"It seems that we are waiting for the right one."

Song Jiangcheng came to his lover's house tonight. He was a hot and sexy model. He thought about it again and again.

Although no one has given him another child, as long as a man can still have a child, he will not give up his mind. What's more, the Marquis of Song Dynasty is really too worrying now.When the lights were shut, Song Jiangcheng came to the door and smelled a perfume. He thought he was what the new lover wanted to do. He pushed the door happily and called the name of the little lover.

All the way into the bedroom, he saw a man sitting on the bed. Song Jiangcheng called for his baby, and the baby rushed over, like a hungry wolf. But in the past, the charming little lover was stiff all over, and he obviously felt something in her arms when he jumped down.

Song Jiangcheng discontented to let her go to turn on the light. As soon as the light was turned on, song Jiangcheng called out, kicking his little lover on the ground, waiting for the middle of the night to panic and be afraid of pouring out at this moment. Song Jiangcheng's cry attracted people in. What was lying on the floor of the bedroom was not a head or something?

"Who is this?"

Song Jiangcheng paced back and forth: "let people check! And this woman, "he said, pointing to her lover," take it back and ask carefully. "

A group of people are in a panic to go, and before they get on the bus, they are dazzled by the strong light. Song Jiangcheng squints from his fingers to see a tall man get out of the car and walk in front of them.

"Mr. Song, we meet again."

Zhou Yunshen raised his hand, and strong light withdrew. Song Jiangcheng saw Zhou Yun and said angrily, "what are you doing here?"

"You did the work in the house?"

"Is Mr. Song not happy to bring his old friend to see him?"

Zhou Yunshen said in a leisurely way: "the famous killers on the road failed to kill Han Yi, an ordinary person. It is really a shame for such a person to accept Mr. Song's money. I will help Mr. Song deal with it first."

"Who did I come for? I came here for Han. Zhou Yunshen, "Song Jiangcheng sneered," you are indeed a kind of infatuation! "

The ending is full of irony.

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