After wearing the two hands together, they both tacit understanding did not speak, as if no one is willing to break this wonderful moment, this kind of atmosphere may only once in this life.

I don't know when Zhou Yunshen's hand suddenly grasped Han Yi's, tightly holding and changing posture, as if to grasp every inch of skin on his hand. It's not good enough.

"Look at those in the big box."


Han also opened this box full of boxes, inside is a photo album, very artistic cover is still two rustic words.

My love.

Han also wants to laugh. How deep is Zhou Yunshen's obsession with these two words? Why do you have to put these two words on everything?

When he opened the album, Han was shocked. The man in it was seven or eight years ago. He had a schoolbag on his back and his head was short. He looked fresh and young, like the morning dew on the green leaves in the morning, but his eyes were a little melancholy.

The youth stands in front of a low wall, the green Parthenocissus on the wall is green, and that young man is a picture that time is reluctant to disturb.

Zhou Yun deep embrace him, warm voice way: "continue to look down."

It doesn't seem that his technique is not good in the background. He even recognized that the dish being fried in the pot was tomato scrambled egg, which was Zhou Yunshen's favorite dish.

"When did you take this?"

Han Yi's voice line trembled, "at that time, you were secretly photographing me?"

Zhou Yunshen didn't answer. Instead, he helped him continue to search down. He was in his life, at school, in He's on the top of songhou's convertible.

Each one was taken without his knowledge.

The photos are more beautiful than one. The technique is more spicy and more professional. I'm afraid it was taken by mobile phone at that time. I'm afraid that people who are far away can't see clearly. They can only see one person.

"Zhou Yunshen," Han Yi's voice concealed a thousand layers of waves, "you have always been in my heart, haven't you?"

"But why..."

Why don't you let him know?

In the days when he thought he was lonely, in the days he didn't know, there was a man quietly following him in the school, going to school with him, following his walk after school Even after they lived together, he was photographed sitting in a car with song Hou.

If Zhou Yunshen fell in love with him at that time, if he was put in his heart by Zhou Yunshen at that time, how sad should Zhou Yunshen be at that time?

Isn't the knife in his heart?


No confidence, trembling questions continue to jump out of his mouth.

Zhou Yunshen has turned over a page, and finally the man opened his mouth in his ear, as if the lover whispered gently: "because I love you."

Because I love you, so this is enough, because I love you, so you all I will treasure, because I love you, so you all, I forgive.

He would rather cover the wound and cry with pain. What he didn't want to say was Zhou Yunshen.


Han is also wet in his eyes. If he had known that Zhou Yunshen only thought so, would he not be willing to leave? Or maybe when he leaves, he will call last week Yunshen and leave city B to live again?

The answer is yes.

Then they won't miss six years!

Six years, spring flowers and winter snow lonely for six years, young people become young, he will not harm Jiang man.

"It's my fault."

Zhou Yunshen seemed to know what Han was thinking: "I shouldn't have told you. It was my indifference to you in Thailand. Han Yi, everything is my fault. "

"It's my self-esteem that's too high. It's that I can't love you more."

How can Zhou Yunshen be blamed for all this?

How many years have we known each other? He knows the meaning of Zhou Yunshen.

No wonder he did.

Some people are destined to be born in Rome at birth, and they can get something that others can't get for a lifetime or even several lives without hard work. At that time, Han was nominally the adopted son of the Song family, while Zhou Yunshen was just a little scumbag in the stinky Water District of city B. he would fight with his fists when he ate and drank. He even died one day.

If you want to be proud of him, even if you want to be proud of him, even if you want to be with him. He would not let himself say it like he was in the ditch at that time. Han was also the white moon in his heart at that time. Is reluctant to touch a touch, only in the dead of night when it is taken out with a clean towel to wipe and wipe the sky moon.

Now I think about it, I'm afraid that his indifference after cohabitation is also due to his self loathing and complaint. It's not what Han Yi thought he didn't like himself.

Han also suddenly laughed, holding his man is how much to pay to walk to today? The pain and tribulation he experienced turned into a love for him.He de how can, this life can meet such love, can get a person such love.

"The biggest mistake in people's life is that they are easy to live in self righteousness and turn into a circle. But I don't know that the most harmful thing is myself. "

Han Yi:

The shot of floating pink peach blossom suddenly broke, and there was no atmosphere.

"Why aren't you dressed?"

Han also resisted the beating of his veins.

"What shall I wear when I come in for a bath?"

Zhou Yunshen looks innocent, but the cunning in his eyes betrays his simple face.

With a hook of his finger, the silk robe suddenly fell to the ground like a piece of skin, revealing Han Yi's symmetrical body.

"Didn't you want to tell me something just now?"


Big tail wolf voice gently dig a hole way: "you say now, I listen to it."

Han Yi:

He didn't want to say anything.

The skin is close to the skin as if to melt into a general.

Zhou Yun deeply kisses the tip of his nose and wants to say something, but he doesn't know whether he can't suppress the evil fire in his body, or he can't stand the temptation of peach blossom colored lips to kiss him. It's hard to keep sober again after indulging in it.

What Han Yiyuan wanted to say was all left in his mind. He thought that the two people were together now, and their feelings were good. It seemed that there was nothing to be said or expected in the future.

I just think of Zhou Yunshen's secret love time many years ago and he thought he was good for Zhou Yunshen, and Han Yi's careful liver son still can't stand it.

Such a guilty heart, in Zhou Yunshen follow-up put forward some requirements, Han Yi's heart a soft agreed. Zhou Yunshen seems to have been greatly inspired, the bathroom just turned into a battlefield to lingering.

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