He bet that Yang Ming saw him and Zhou Yunshen come out of the same door one after another. Although he knows the relationship between them, he doesn't think they have such a good relationship that they have to use the same pit to go to the toilet outside?

The only explanation is that you can't stand the fire. Go in and solve

Han Yi's face is burning like a piece of iron. He can make an iron squid.

Zhou Yun was very happy in his heart. He didn't like Yang Ming all the time, let alone two private "meetings" that Han didn't know. Yang Ming's Thoughts on Han Yi's thief were clearly seen by him.

Today, he saw Zhou Yunshen, but he was happy to scatter a handful of dog food and insert a few knives. He said happily, "Yang Ming also comes to the toilet?"

Yang Ming: "well," he answered Zhou Yunshen, but he looked at Han and said, "brother Han, long time no see."

"Yes, how are you?"

Han also coughed and looked for the topic: "is the work going well?"

"Very well."

"Brother Han and Zhou are busy first," said Yang Ming

Han also ran away, Zhou Yunshen originally wanted to take his hand to stimulate Yang Ming, but after thinking about it, he coaxed Han and gave up.

Originally, Zhou Yunshen thought that shopping mall would end in such a hasty way. Unexpectedly, Han also bought him two clothes. The high-quality fabrics and exquisite tailoring made Zhou Yunshen more and more tall and handsome. It was like a treasure tree that had been carefully cultivated for 18 years and finally grew up. How could he like it.

Zhou Yun as like as two peas in the mirror, he must buy a set of identical products. The shopping guide lady always looks at them. Han doesn't want to buy anything for him because he is so deep in Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was deeply satisfied. He walked out of the mall with big bags and small bags, and then went to the shop where Han also said to eat roast fish. With the roast fish, they talked about some miscellaneous things. Later, Zhou Yunshen and Han also recalled that they had chatted that day, and had imagined the future. At the end of the conversation, they didn't know where they were going. They felt as if there was nothing to talk about, but they were in a very good mood.

After eating the roast fish, both of them didn't want to go home. Instead, they drove to find a place to take a walk. Willows were planted beside the artificial lake. It was just when the autumn moon was hanging high that the antique warm yellow lights were on. From a distance, they could see that they fell into a dream made of tobacco willows.

Zhou Yunshen's hand got into his pocket, held his hand and moved it to his pocket. Han couldn't help laughing and said, "you can't leave me for half a minute, can't you?"


Originally is a joke, Zhou Yunshen is serious way: "is inseparable from you."

"I can't live without it."

It's cool. The wind blows on the side of the artificial lake, and it gets colder. The people who come for a walk seem lonely, but they are very happy with them.

Under the shadow of the night, they return to themselves, only Han Yi and Zhou Yunshen, once two teenagers who lived by each other. Each other will each other in the heart of the most important position, careful, reluctant to touch who.

After a half circle, they met a young man drawing a sketch.

There are a lot of stars on display, including the robot cat.

Han, who was a fan of robot cats since childhood, couldn't help but stop to have a look. Zhou Yunshen tentatively asked, "do you want to draw a picture? There are few pictures of us in the same frame, so it's good to have a portrait filled in. "

The relationship between the two is now very close, but when Zhou Yunshen proposed this, there was also a light of hope in his eyes, which looked like a bright star.

For a moment, Han couldn't bear to refuse him. He nodded his head, but hesitated to look at the painter's eyes.

Zhou Yunshen took out several pieces of grandfather Mao to the young man who was talking about business and said, "draw one for us. We need two people together. Don't ask more, and don't say it. "

The young man still doubts who this is. It's not a big star. He doesn't want to ask and tell. After Han also takes off his hat, he is stunned and says: "darling, it's really a big star. What, can you sign it for me? My girlfriend loves you so much! "

Zhou Yun deeply smiles and leads Han Yi to sit down and say: "draw well, and send you a blessing."


The young man was full of energy, picked up the brush, looked at them and started to write.

Han Yi's eyes and eyebrows are clear and handsome. Even at his present age, he is like a young man reading under a banana window in the paintings of the Republic of China. Mei Yu around a clear idea, let Zhou Yun deep hate to use everything to guard his innocence.

Zhou Yunshen is different from him. He is like a wolf king walking alone in the night, and he is like a deep pool in the dark, so that people can't see the bottom or explore the depth. Just like his way of doing things, it is always unexpected and confusing. Others can not see his half sincerity.

But he was different to Han Yi, with a smile around his eyes and eyebrows, and tenderness between his eyebrows and his lips. In Xiaoshan's words, Zhou's eyes and eyebrows are like honey when he looks at Han Yi, which can be sweet to death.If the young man has a spirit of writing, Shua Shua Shua Shua, but Zhou Yunshen is not free. He whispers to Han Yi and says, "what do you think he will paint us? Is it too ugly? Ah, I gave hundreds of them... "

After hearing this, Han also rolled his eyes and said, "what are you worried about when you give money? Just wait

Zhou Yunshen moved to his direction and said quietly, "I want to hold your..."

"No way!"

Han also didn't listen to all of them and refused: "you haven't got a long memory, have you?"

In this way, Zhou Yunshen was suddenly withered. He moved the stool and drew back wrongly. However, he was tall. He looked pitiful when he was sitting on the stool. Now Han has consciously added the effect of erhu. It feels like Zhou Yunshen has been abandoned by the whole world.

However, Han also did not intend to pity him. His deep intolerance of Zhou Yun was cruel to his reputation.

Now he's wondering if this guy doubts their relationship

Although Han's painting was not good enough for one and a half hours, he didn't have a good performance. But he has always been a good model, serious sitting, with a shallow smile on his face, it seems that the effect is not good.


Someone came up and said, "I'm afraid it's not good."

They had already gone far away with the painting. Han also signed his name and wrote a wish to live together forever.

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