Because of this matter, the two of them were sleeping with their backs to their backs that night. When the bull temper and stubborn temper came up, neither of them would let anyone go half way.

However, Han also felt that Zhou Yunshen was caught in his arms in the middle of the night. He thought vaguely that Zhou Yunshen still gave in.

The next day, everything was as usual, and breakfast was ready, but Zhou Yunshen did not talk to him, as if he was still angry with him. It's reasonable to say that I should have reconciled with him when I went to bed with him last night. Why do I do this today?

Such Zhou Yunshen is to let Han also not know whether he has carried him to sleep, he is not good to ask him, after all, they are really in the cold war!

Even if they were driving Han Jingyun to school in the same car, they didn't say a word. At night, in the morning, the next day, and yesterday, they carried Han Jingyun to school. The day before Han was leaving, they were like a barrel full of explosives. Anyone who rubbed a little spark could destroy the world.

And the hill between them has been working very hard these days. It is usually skillful enough to coax the finches down to strip off their feathers and roast their tongues. Fortunately, Han Yi and Zhou Yunshen only had a cold war with each other, but they didn't do anything to hurt each other.

At the moment, he was driving with Zhou Yunshen and Han Yi sitting in the back. When they met each other, they refused to show weakness, as if anyone sitting in the co pilot's seat would be a sign of weakness. Therefore, the two people are living in a strange harmony.

Han Yi used to be a mug gourd. Although he has changed a little in recent years, and this reconciliation with Zhou Yunshen, Zhou Yunshen dotes on him, and his temperament is even more nurtured.

At this time, he tried to control the anger in his heart, and his face was calm. He has to leave tomorrow, so he doesn't believe it. Zhou Yunshen can survive this evening.

After thinking about this, he felt that he was totally empty. According to Zhou Yunshen's bull nature, it might be possible to press down the matter by some means to make him unable to leave.

Han Yi heart liver son trembles, only feel and Zhou Yunshen's silence contest very consumptive.

Send two big men home, hill such as amnesty, step on the gas pedal to escape also like run, Zhou Yunshen and Han also two people one after another into the house.

Han also went into the door and changed his shoes. Without turning his heel, he went straight to the bedroom, took out his suitcase and began to clean up his clothes. Zhou Yunshen heard that he was packing things and didn't mean to stop him. Sitting on the sofa, he turned on the TV to watch a soap opera.

After watching for a while, the movement inside is getting smaller and smaller. Zhou Yunshen finally can't sit still. He secretly gets up and takes a look inside. Han also seems to be picking out his overcoat.


Is it cold to go to?

Didn't he buy his warm pants yet? It's time to change the warm clothes and the hats

Zhou Yunshen couldn't stop as soon as he thought about it. After a while, he patted his head and scolded him for nothing. Others are still fighting with you, but you are worried about whether others are cold or not!

Zhou Yunshen immediately went back to the sofa and pretended that nothing had happened. He continued to watch the soap opera, but Han didn't come out. Zhou Yunshen's heart felt like a dozen cats catching him. He got up secretly and ran to have a look.

Han also put in three pairs of socks.

Just three pairs?

I don't know if it's enough

President Zhou once again took care of the housekeeper. Han Yiyi looked up, and he immediately flashed back to the sofa. This continued for two times. After the third time, as soon as he took aim at it, he matched Han Yi's black and white eyes.

The air seemed to be stagnant, and Zhou zonggan felt a little embarrassed. He seemed to see his fortress, which was made of bricks, collapsed in an instant, leaving only a smiling villain looking at him.

Han also stares at him, this person, secretly came to see several times, but did not say anything, also did not know what to do. While he was packing things, he was also worried that he would give him a hammer to knock him dizzy and tie him up.

Zhou Zong was caught in a current situation, took the lead in the collapse of the fort, but still pull his last trace of dignity, face and do not speak.

Or Han Yixian said, "what do you want to say?"

In his black and white eyes, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes. Zhou Yun felt a sigh of relief, but he was still tense. He was brewing emotions in his heart. He thought about what posture he could kneel down to hold Han Yi. When Zhou Yun thought deeply about such a loss, Han also said, "forget it, don't say it." After a pause, he looked at him as if he were a rogue child. "You can't say anything anyway."

Zhou Yunshen:

Want to smoke a moment ago of their own several ear scrapes how to break?

Han also said that he had already turned to the box he had packed.

"I'll be leaving in a minute. I'll stay out in a hotel tonight."

Before his hand touched the box, Zhou Yunshen snatched it and held it in his arms. He said eagerly, "don't go."

"No?"Han also cold tone, voice also sank down: "how do you order me?"

The tenderness between the two eyes turned into anger and dark grief.

"Can't we not leave?"

Zhou Yun deep soft down, pleaded: "I don't want you to leave me so far, do not want you so hard."

Han also sighed: "Zhou Yunshen, I'm not the Han you used to be, but the father of a child. You can't really regard me as a woman under your wings."

"I made it clear to you that night, but you didn't understand. You said you were not Zhou Yunshen at that time. You knew it was good for me. Everything was considered for me. But if you look at you now, do you really do that? "

"In order to keep me, cheat me, calculate me, if I didn't suddenly think of it, I would still be kept in the dark by you."

Originally he was angry, but Han Yi was more and more aggrieved. Thinking about Zhou Yunshen showing him the documents of Yunyi company and what he said on his way back from city B, he felt more and more aggrieved.

"I can't tell which sentence you said is true or which is false. I don't know if I should believe what you said like and the future you promised."

Good boy.

Zhou Yun in the deep heart is like being stuffed with a ignited bomb. How did this matter rise to this height?

He threw the suitcase to the bed, and Han Yi threw his hands to hold Han Yi's hand, but Han Yi threw his hand away. Han also reached out to grab the suitcase. Zhou Yunshen thoroughly regretted that, no matter what gesture he had made, he immediately raised the white flag and surrendered: "I'm wrong. It's all my fault. Don't be angry."

Zhou Yunshen confessed his mistake quickly and sincerely. However, Han is now in a sad atmosphere created by himself. He ignores Zhou Yunshen and continues to talk about his "crime".

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