He said that Han Jingyun's eyes have become worship, can not ask to know what other people like is really great!

When Han Jingyun got a beautiful white cat, he talked endlessly with Han Yi in the video. He wanted to go to Han Yi's side immediately to play with the white cat, so that he could know how much fun the cat was.

Zhou Yunshen has been quietly doing the background wall, but the background wall is a little attracted Han Yi's attention. After Han Jingyun shows off the cat, Zhou Yunshen talks to Han Yi.

"The cat you bought him? When did you buy it? "

"You want to hear the truth?"

Zhou Yunshen took out a kitten ceramic from his sleeve like a trick. This poor trick made Han Yi laugh and said, "well, you are waiting for me to ask!"

"That's not true."

Zhou Yunshen showed off the ceramic kitten and said, "have a look, do you like it?" Finish saying and very air pick eyebrow way: "like also don't give you." And he looked like a baby. "My son gave it to me."

"If Jingyun hears the word" son ", I'm afraid he will sever relations with you."

This time, Zhou Yunshen was laughing. After laughing, he added a heroic saying: "one day I will let him call my father willingly."

"You just keep your mouth shut."

Han also looked at the cat that Zhou Yunshen shook in his hand. He didn't know whether it was about the cat or the cat sent by Han Jingyun. "It's very good. It's really good."


Zhou Yun deep way: "so beautiful a cat can not be good?"

After making the video phone call, Han Jingyun has already entered his room to sleep. Zhou Yunshen opened the door and took a look before he went to wash.

After hanging up the phone, Han also held the mobile phone for a long time, and the smile on his lips had been hanging. Things are developing in a good direction. Maybe some things can be completed ahead of time.

He slightly raised his head and listened to the patter of rain outside, beating on the leaves, listening to people feel very comfortable, he slightly squinted, enjoying the small happiness at the moment.

Zhou Yunshen is more and more busy, watching Han Jingyun spend more and more time at home during the winter vacation. He can't take care of Han Jingyun all the time, or invite Liang's mother back. Liang's mother had a job, but Zhou Yunshen was stunned to pay three times the price to dig her back.

Liang's mother also likes Han Jingyun from the bottom of her heart. She is not happy to be able to come back to look after Han Jingyun when her salary is high. When she comes back in a good mood, she makes her new dishes to Zhou Yunshen and Han Jingyun in different ways every day.

Zhou Yunshen came back to see Han Jingyun, who was obviously fat after going out for a week, and said, "I can see that you really like Liang Ma's cooking. It's really very supportive."

Han Jingyun pinched his fleshy cheeks and said with a sad face, "it's going to get fat and become a ball."


Zhou Yun deep smile hit Han Jingyun way: "at most, your father came back and didn't recognize you."

Han Jingyun's mouth was so shriveled that she almost burst into tears. Liang's mother stopped Han Jingyun's cry in his mouth.

After provoking Han Jingyun, Zhou Yunshen's box was full of toys and food and drink for Han Jingyun when it was opened. In this way, Han Jingyun had a feeling that Zhou Yunshen did not go out to do business, but bought something to eat, drink and have fun for him.

The blink of an eye is the new year, Zhou Yunshen then take Han Jingyun to the crew to accompany Han Yi to celebrate the new year, or go to accompany han to celebrate the new year by himself. I don't know if his crew is outside or in no man's land

The director of Han Yi's play is extremely demanding. From the beginning, it is necessary to create a classic posture. Therefore, after half shooting, Han knows that it will not be finished in the agreed time. As expected, the director said later that it was expected that the play would be filmed in the new year's Eve, which completely extinguished Han's hope of going back to the Spring Festival.

When talking to Zhou Yunshen, Han also talked about this, and Zhou Yunshen also disliked Han Yi. He called it "no man's land" where there was no signal for shooting before.

At that time, the dislike was expressed in front of Han Yi. The reason is like this.

Han didn't know where to set the scene, even if it was deep in the mountains and forests, but it took a long time to go. Zhou Yunshen, who had been on the phone with him at least once a day, didn't contact anyone for three days to directly ask people to find out where they had gone. However, Han, who had been filming for five days, saw Zhou Yunshen with an angry face.

Before Zhou Yunshen was angry with him, he was still a little afraid. Now, looking at his angry face, Han is not afraid at all. But the fact proved that he was right, Zhou Yunshen came over and pressed him hard against the wall. With the wind and frost from thousands of miles away, he was forced to ask him, why don't you think of a way to contact him?

It was his fault, and Han was also a little guilty. Before he thought of a good reason, Zhou Yunshen buried himself in the deep part of his neck and said, "I'm worried about you, I Afraid. "

Only Han Yi can make a powerful man like a tiger say such words, not to mention his voice is like an aggrieved child. Han Yi's heart softened, holding him in both hands and saying soft words.And the soft hearted Han also has been soft to the bed, straight thousands of miles to sleep, his week is always fed to the end. From that day on, Zhou Yunshen hated his "no man's land" location.

Zhou Yunshen felt headache when he thought about it, but he still dialed out the phone.

"Deep clouds?"

Han Yi's voice languid, Zhou Yun deep unconscious mind a loose way: "what are you doing?"

"Lie down."

From Han Yi's voice, we can see that he is very comfortable now, "today's work is finished early, lying dead on the two meter bed."

"Oh, should I pick you up?"

"No serious."

Zhou Yunshen smiles. The voice of a person who has not closed his eyes for two days and a night is tired. Han also knows that he wants to ask him a topic that he is afraid of provoking trouble. Instead, he picks up some light topics to say. Zhou Yunshen on the other side of the phone took a bath with the phone, changed his nightgown and went upstairs. He lay on the bed with almost no smell of Han Yi. He buried his face in the soft quilt and said, "Han Yi, I miss you so much."

The man on the other end of the phone said, "me too."

Han also said that the opposite person did not make a sound. He knew that Zhou Yunshen was asleep. He listened carefully to his ears and heard Zhou Yunshen's slight snoring.

How tired and sleepy is this man?

Han was reluctant to hang up. He listened to his ears for a long time, until his mobile phone was shaking violently like a cat with its tail stepped on. With the loud ring tone, Han was startled and almost dropped on the bed.

The caller was a strange number, and the calling city was not displayed. Han Yi was shocked, as if he was worried for a long time that he was about to tear up the paper to meet him.

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