"And your husband?"

Zhou Yungui seemed to be stabbed by a thorn. His body trembled. His face, which had no blood color, suddenly turned white. His teeth were biting his lips. He did not know whether it was because of tension or fear that his hands were tangled together.

"No Husband. "

"What do you say?"

Zhou Yunshen suddenly looked up at his sister, two flesh and blood relatives after nearly ten years. When Zhou Yunshen was angry, his eyes were fierce and frightening. His tears rolled down and his body trembled slightly.

"The man my mother found me cheated people with a fake account book Later, he was cheated and had a child, and then... "

Zhou Yungui said, covering his face with his hands and shaking his shoulders.

Han also looks at Zhou Yunshen. This week's mother took her daughter to cheat on her marriage. Unexpectedly, she was cheated and gave birth to two children.

In this regard, Han can also be regarded as knowing why Zhou's mother mercilessly left Zhou Yunshen, who was still young, and left with Zhou Yunshen. I'm afraid that at that time, he thought that his daughter would make money for her in the future? This kind of mother is really chilling!


Zhou Yungui knelt down and said, "don't drive me away. You just look at our younger brother and sister. Help me! I could have had a better life, but now I've been ruined by my mother for the first half of my life. Please don't let me be ruined by my mother all my life, OK

Zhou Yungui was crying and pleading. His thin shoulders and rough hands, which were obviously hard to live, were like drumsticks hitting Zhou Yunshen's heart.

His body was trembling slightly, and Han was busy holding him. Zhou Yunshen, like a person struggling to wake up from a nightmare, is looking at Han Yi.

"The cloud is innocent."

He whispered in Zhou Yunshen's ear.

The most innocent of all is Zhou Yun's return. He was taken away at a young age without any resistance. When he was taken away, he didn't even know that what he was facing was to become a mother's money collecting tool. Therefore, we should pay our love, chastity, youth and even life.

"Mom has done a lot of wrong things. I know what she did to us is unforgivable. I also know that, but brother, we are really in a desperate situation, and I really have no way out I can't afford two children, and I can't get rid of my mother... "

"I've committed suicide, but I can't leave two children behind Brother, tell me, what should I do? My mother used me as a tool. I didn't go to school for a day. I didn't have the ability to make money. "She looked at Zhou Yunshen with tearful eyes." my brother is the only one family member in the world. "


She came to grasp Zhou Yunshen on her knees, and her eyes seemed to gaze into Zhou Yunshen's soul. "Do you want to watch me and my child die?"

"Can you bear it?"

Han also frowned, stretched out his hand to open Zhou Yungui's hand, and said unhappily, "if you really treat Yunshen as your brother, you should not treat him like this."

"Tie him with the identity of brother and sister, kidnap him with your words, and pierce his heart."

His tone became colder and colder. He knew clearly that Zhou Yunshen felt pity for his sister. He could care about his mother and the two children, but he could not care about Zhou Yungui. His younger sister, who went back to him after suffering a lot, would not be Zhou Yunshen if he didn't care.

He also pitied Zhou Yungui's experience and sympathized with her having such a mother, but she should not have pinched Zhou Yunshen's soft rib and stabbed him hard.

Han will not allow it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Zhou Yungui was also stabbed by Han, repeatedly apologizing and even kowtowing, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt my brother, I just I just Fear of being left behind again. "

Zhou Yungui wails like an abandoned child.

"My mother sold me to a lame old man in a remote village for the first time, and ran away with ten thousand yuan. The old man tortured me every day for fear that I would run away and tie me like a dog. I was afraid. I was hurt when I was beaten. But my mother took the money and left and came back to save me after a year And then again and again Brother, I don't want to live like that again... "

"Get up."

Zhou Yun said in a cold voice, "you are my sister."

Zhou Yunshen lifted up Zhou Yungui and said: "let him pass the past. In the future, you are Zhou Yungui. The two children, if you want to see them off, you can send them away. If you want to stay, you can stay."

His voice is very light, as if through this moment of time through more than ten years back to Zhou Yungui before he was taken away, "you're home."

Zhou Yun returns to a Leng, then embraces Zhou Yunshen to burst into tears.

The girl who has been away from home for many years and has suffered too much has returned to her brother.

Han also slightly moist eyes, quietly back out.

Yes, this is Zhou Yunshen, a real man with love on his shoulders.

Zhou Yungui and her two children cleaned up and came out. It happened that Liang's mother had finished the meal. She had made two portions of soup for a table of good dishes. One was specially for Zhou Yungui to drink. After a meal, Zhou Yungui was in tears.Maybe it was the smell of the food that floated up. Maybe it was Zhou's mother who couldn't sleep. When they were half eaten, she stomped downstairs. Han also looked at it and saw that she had mended her makeup, and her lips were as red as blood.

She went to the table and looked at the dishes. She ran to the kitchen and took the dishes and sat down to eat.

"Who told you to eat?"


Zhou's mother looked at Zhou Yun and said, "this son doesn't let his mother eat?"

"Zhou Yunshen, since you want to leave Zhou Yungui, I have to stay more. I can grasp the life course of Yun Gui... "

Listening to Zhou's mother, Zhou Yungui's chopsticks fell to the ground and looked at her in horror.

"What are you talking about? What course? "

Her lips turned white, her voice trembled, and she looked at her mother-in-law in disbelief.

"Don't be angry. I just want to prevent you from disobedience in the future. I didn't expect that it could come in handy now. I'm also very surprised."

"It depends on what your brother does. You say your mother can't eat much food and only one room to live in. Your brother won't give up, can he?"

Zhou Yungui looks at Zhou Yunshen for help. Zhou's mother uses chopsticks to knock on the bowl, and the porcelain sounds, "I know what you're doing now. The gangsters are mixed. If you kill me, someone will be sent all over the world. Zhou Yunshen, you are my son. I know what you think clearly. "


Han Jingyun leaves the table angrily as soon as his chopsticks are thrown away. Han also takes a look at Zhou's mother and follows Han Jingyun.

"Why does Dad want them to live in our house?"

Han Jingyun choked for a day, feeling uncomfortable, and now he said it all like a bamboo tube pouring beans with Han, "I don't want them to live in. You let them go, let them go."

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