Yang Luoqing looks at the outside with his eyes, but for a moment he bends down and reaches out to catch Han Yi. Han Yina is willing to ask him to grab his legs and kick hard to avoid it. The sound of footsteps like a shower is approaching from the outside, and a familiar footstep comes to the door.

"Here I am!"

Han also let out a loud voice.

Zhou Yun was deeply shocked and kicked open the door. Yang Luoqing took the opportunity to rush to Han Yi and put his stick against Han Yi's chin. Seeing Zhou Yun's vicious and cruel way, "if you dare to come here, I'll kill him! Hey, "he grinned grimly." even if I die, I'll take him to the grave. "

"Boss, what's the matter?"

The business of the woods rings, and Zhou Yunshen closes the door with a backward hand.

Shock, anger, heartache

All kinds of eyes are changing in Zhou Yunshen's eyes. Han also has a different face. How can Zhou Yunshen see him like this? How can he This moment Han also wants to kill Yang Luoqing than Zhou Yunshen!

"Do you think," Zhou Yun's deep voice sounds like ten thousand years of ice, "can you still go out alive?"

"Dare you kill me? In your case, I am an important witness. If you kill me, you will be finished! "

"Didn't the man who sent you tell you that you were abandoned? Gecko's tail is broken for survival, "Zhou Yun's lips are deep, and his eyes are contemptuous." do you think you can be his tail? "

"Nonsense! I You dare not kill

Yang Luoqing was flustered. The torture he had done to Han Yi was to vent his anger, in order to satisfy his abnormal psychology. However, everyone had a desire to survive. When the real threat of death came, he thought about how to live.

"If you don't hurt him, you can still live. Now..."

Yang Luoqing's pupil suddenly widens. Zhou Yunshen attacks like a leopard. His speed is so fast that he doesn't have time to give Han Yi a stick. He can only watch Zhou Yunshen punch him in the face!

Han was also deeply held in his arms by Zhou Yun, quickly untied the rope on his body, took the cool quilt on the bed and wrapped him tightly. Yang Luoqing on the ground stood up and swung his stick to fight against Zhou Yunshen. As soon as Zhou Yunshen let the stick hit him on the shoulder, Han Yi heard him Snort and shook his body. Zhou Yunshen turned around and kicked Yang Luoqing.

"Come in!"

Linzi came in, Zhou Yunshen holding Han also went out, with Linzi brush past: "take away."

Zhou Yunshen's eyes were fierce and frightening, and Lin Zi was busy responding. They had just checked outside just now, and had already prepared for the worst. Zhou Yunshen gave Yang Luoqing to him. It was obvious that as long as people were alive.

Yang Luoqing held the stick and shrank in the corner, shivering, "don't come here!"

He growled like a stranger beast.

"You're finished."

Lin Zi sneered, "guess how you will die?"

After getting on the bus, Zhou Yunshen threw the sheet out and changed the air-conditioning blanket on the car to wrap Han Yi. Han Yi's body was still shaking. Zhou Yunshen held him tightly, with pain and hatred in his heart.

"How's Jingyun?"

"He's OK."

Zhou Yunshen's voice seemed to tremble, "even if it's my life, I will protect him. Don't worry. "

Finish his eyes a hot, you can rest assured, what does he take to let him rest assured? Mingming has arranged everything, but he has not calculated that Qin Shaoyang has a problem and robbed him on the way.

If he could be more careful, if he could check more carefully, Han would not be like this.

"Oh. That's good. That's good. "

Han also seems to have some vague consciousness, struggling to open his eyes to see Zhou Yunshen: "what about you? Are you ok? "

"I'm fine."

Zhou Yunshen almost burst into tears. He hugged him again and said something, but he couldn't hear clearly because he was choked. He buried himself in the blanket and pressed Han Yi's cheek: "I'll take you to Wei Yan. He has a way."

Han also seems to have a smile: "good."

It's hard for him to get rid of it. It's hard for him to get up again. But now he's afraid of nothing with him. It's like a person who has been through half a lifetime of war and meets a peach blossom land, leaving only peace of mind.

Wei yanzao had been waiting for Zhou Yunshen to hold people down. He pointed to the upstairs and said, "go up quickly!"

For the sake of Han Yi, he dismissed all the staff in the clinic, and now he is the only one here. Wei Yan carefully told Linzi, "go and check all around. Don't let the tail follow you."

Lin Zi got into the car again. Yang Luoqing was still humming in the car. Lin Zi kicked him again. He hit the car door and fainted.

Han is also addicted to drugs. He wakes up and faints several times. His blanket is wet with cold sweat all over his body. Wei Yan has no choice but to give him a tranquilizer injection. After Han Yi has gone to sleep, he gives him a general examination.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Yunshen waited beside him. He stood like a wooden post, watching Wei Yan busy. I don't know how long after that, Wei Yan took off his mask and said, "the situation is not very good.""He has suffered a lot in the past two days. His wounds are easy to heal, but it's hard for him to give up his addiction. And mentally, "Wei Yandun hesitated." Han is also soft and tough inside. He has a strong temperament. I'm afraid he will be traumatized by mental torture. You have to pacify him in the future. "

"Drug addiction..."

Zhou Yunshen repeated, Wei Yan nodded, "yes, drug addiction. He's addicted, and trying to quit is like taking his bones apart

"Then give it to him!"

Zhou Yunshen's fingernails pinched into the meat, "give it to him, I'll find it for him."

"You're crazy, aren't you?"

Wei yannu said: "you know what the consequences of touching poison are. You will not kill your head if you do those things, but you will be doomed if you touch that thing!"

"I don't care!"

Zhou Yunshen said that he wanted to go out. Wei Yanyi took his arm and said, "are you going to get him drugs?"

When Zhou Yun was not familiar with his words, Wei Yan sneered.

"Well, you'd better wait until he wakes up and ask him if he needs you to get drugs for him. Whether he wants to take drugs or not, he will become a drug addict and even dare not face his son again!"

"When he wakes up, ask him what kind of life he wants."

Wei Yansong opened his hand and said coldly, "I'll go to fill water and you can wipe his body. If you still want to go, you can go. I can't stop you, and I can't control you."

When the door is closed, Zhou Yunshen doesn't know how he got to Han Yi's bed. He looks like a stone man until tears roll out of his eyes and kneels in front of Han Yi's bed.

The tall man kneels in front of the low bed, holding Han Yi's bony hand, his forehead against Han's hand and crying silently.

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