If you want to go for a run in the morning, you can go down the mountain to play in the town in the evening. You can play for an hour with your mobile phone flashlight and Xiao Huang. You can drive for more than two hours. When you get home, you are tired and you don't want to move in bed for half a minute.

The third night in the middle of the night, Zhou Yunshen received a phone call from Linzi. Linzi's voice was very urgent, "boss, our place was smashed by Tangwen's personnel!"

According to Lin Zi's tone, there should be a fight, because drugs and Zhou Yunshen disobeyed Li Jieqiang's orders several times for Han. Li Jieqiang doesn't trust him any more. Tang Wen and Marquis song are interfering in it. Zhou Yunshen is almost on the edge of the cliff now.

Zhou Yunshen and Han woke up together.

"Going back?"

"Well, something's wrong. I have to go back and deal with it."

Looking at Han Yi's worried eyes, Zhou Yun deeply held his face and gave him a kiss: "it's OK. Don't worry. It's a small matter. Why don't you say hello to Wei Yan tomorrow


"Be careful, you have to go down the mountain so late..." Han also heartache way: "after less come, wait for me good, I will go back."

"What nonsense, I don't come to you, who do you want me to go to?"

Zhou Yunshen quickly dressed up. Han also added a coat to him and said, "it's cold at night in the mountains, so I'll go down the mountain in my clothes. Drive slowly. Be careful on the way. Let me know when you get there

Zhou Yunshen doesn't want to agree, but if he wants to say no, Han will have to open his eyes until dawn. "OK, just two or three hours. Don't wait. Set an alarm clock. It's time to see the message I sent you."


Han was also amused by him, "your method is really unique."

Zhou Yunshen also laughed, reached out to hold him full, closed his eyes in his ear and said, "wait for me to come next time."

"Well, wait for the emperor."

Zhou Yunshen took the door and turned around. Xiao Huang was wagging his tail at him. Zhou Yunshen bent down to touch his cerebellar pouch and said, "help me guard him well. Go back and find a daughter-in-law for you."

Xiao Huang licked his hand and didn't know if he understood.

Zhou Yunshen walked out of the gate and looked at Han Yi's room. He said in a low voice, "I'm gone."

Han is also sleepless, so late without a hundred thousand urgent things, Linzi can not call Zhou Yunshen, Zhou Yunshen now everything is hidden from him, as he needs to protect under the wings of the cub, afraid that he will be hit by the wind and rain.

But the more he did, the more scared he was.

Han also wry smile, more window and into the moon, looking at the cold, "when is the head."

Song Hou, Li Jieqiang, all the chaos of the underworld disputes, when is the end.

Zhou Yunshen's message came at four o'clock. Please don't read it.

Han also stares at the message for a long time. The screen turns off and lights up. He doesn't sleep at night. His eyes are dry. He rubs his eyes and doesn't know when his eyes are wet.

At the same time, Zhou Yunshen got out of the car, and there was blood on his face pointing to the house and saying, "people are still inside. I've been stopped. They are not allowed to go. Damn it, we will lose face if we let them go!"

Lin Zi was very angry, but Zhou Yunshen was very open-minded. It was not Lin Zi who could stop them, but that they did not intend to leave. Tang Wen was waiting for him to appear.

Sure enough, Tang Wen, who smoked a cigar and cocked his legs, saw Zhou Yunshen's face and laughed. "Yo," he said in a voice, "are you willing to show up at last? I didn't think I'd see him tonight. "

"Tang Wen."

Zhou Yunshen sat down and looked at him and said, "late at night, I hit people at my site. Should I have an explanation?"


Tang Wen turned to his confidant standing behind him and said, "he asked me to explain? Ha ha ha

His confidant laughed with him.

"Do you think I should explain it to him?"

Tang Wen intentionally laughs exaggeratedly, Lin Zi's eyes seem to be able to spurt fire, he is humiliating Zhou Yunshen!

"Is that enough laughing?"

Zhou Yunshen's voice sounded coldly.

"What? Are you upset? Tut Tut, Zhou Yunshen, how much trouble did you make in B city? Drugs

Tang Wen clapped his hands, "do you know how much trouble this is? In those days, you were hunted down by the Song family like a dog. It was boss Li who saved you and saved you. Now you've made such a big mess for him. If he doesn't go back to you, you've got a very big shelf now! "

"I've solved the drug problem. I'll find out what's going on. Don't try to hide."

"Oh, you can do it as soon as possible," Tang said with a smile, "or I'm afraid you won't have a chance to check."

"What do you mean?" Lin Zi couldn't help but say: "miscellaneous things, respect our boss!"

"Respect? Zhou Yunshen, I think your days like a dog are coming again. Respect you? " He defiantly looked at Zhou Yun and said, "bah!"Several confidants behind him also "Pooh" a mouthful.

Tang Wen got up and said haughtily, "today's thing is just to give you a warning. You will always be under boss Li's command. You should always be obedient. Otherwise, it will be more than a scene to be smashed next time."


A group of people follow Tang Wen to go out, Lin Zi Qi in the back holding a steel stick and calling: "boss!"

"Did I let you go?"

Zhou Yunshen slowly rose, "hit my place, hurt my people, no one can leave all tail, you will not be an exception."

"What? Do you dare to abolish me? "

Tang Wen sneered, "Zhou Yunshen, you'd better figure out who sent me today. It's boss Zhou who asked me to come! If you dare to do something to me, you just... "

Before Tang Wen could finish his words, he came face to face with a steel stick. He dodged away. Zhou Yunshen had already taken off his coat and rushed in with a stick in his hand.

Seeing Zhou Yun deeply flushed, Lin Zi was excited and roared: "kill these scum, brothers!"


With a high voice, Tang Wen avoided Zhou Yunshen's attack and said, "Zhou Yunshen, you're crazy!"

Zhou Yunshen today hit him is tantamount to betraying Li Jieqiang! He's not going to die!

"This thing," Zhou Yunshen sneered, holding a stick. "I wanted to do it for a long time."

Said a stick fell on Tang Wen's shoulder, Tang Wen screamed, as if he heard his own bone broken business!

I wanted to do it for a long time.

Beat him or betray Li Jieqiang and set up his own house?

Tang Wen didn't have time to think about it. He grabbed a stick to protect his body. He just stood up and was kicked in the waist with a kick. Others fly out to listen to the forest in the back of the way: "motherfucker, bear you for a long time!"

Lin Zi's eyes and Zhou Yunshen's on, each other a smile is clear.

Ten minutes later, Tang Wen was tied to a chair. Lin Zi picked up his chin with a knife and inserted it into his flesh with a little force. The pain made Tang Wen wake up and said to Lin Zi's cruel eyes, "didn't you say you'd kill me? Now look, who abolished whom? "

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