"I don't care if I can eat spicy food like this."

Zhou Yun deep mouth said, but already in the processing of cucumber, Han also hugged him from behind his hem: "that can't help you, anyway, it's up to you now."

Zhou Yun put a piece of cucumber into his mouth, and Han bit it down, full of fragrance.

When lunch was all on the table, Xiao Shan and Han Jingyun also came back. There were few people on the mountain and the birds were stupid. After a while, they caught several of them and put them in the fish basket. Han also turned them into an old bird cage and put the birds in. They were sparrows. They were all very lively. Han Jingyun was a treasure. He even put his meals on the table and sent rice inside 。

Just a few sparrows made him happy. Zhou Yun thought about whether to let young master Han experience it when he went to catch fish. Would he be happy to call him father?

When the sun is not so sunny, Zhou Yunshen takes Han Jingyun out of the house. Xiaoshan also wants to see his eldest brother's fishing posture. He follows him with a fish basket, and Han also sees that Xiaohuang is also following behind his buttocks. He originally planned to stay to watch the house and close the door.

Zhou Yunshen's fishing this time is obviously more colorful than the last time he saw it. He also deliberately says it is very difficult. He makes Han Jingyun feel nervous.

When he caught a fish, Han Jingyun immediately jumped up and cheered, as if he had won a prize. Han Yi, who saw through Zhou Zong's routine, laughed without saying a word. Zhou Yunshen simply asked Han Jingyun to go down and try. He protected him behind him. Han Jingyun naturally went down to play and couldn't expect him to catch the fish. Unfortunately, Han was still too simple. General manager Zhou directly drove the fish to the net and let Han Jingyun catch the first fish in his life.

Han Yi:

After catching the fish, Han Yi and Xiao Shan watched from the side. The two people below were wet. When they got ashore, Han Jingyun accidentally stepped on his feet and fell into the water. Zhou Yunshen laughed and rushed to catch him. Han Jingyun pulled him with revenge, and Zhou Yunshen pretended to be surprised Hu also fell into the water, the next two people are the same, Han Jingyun laughed.

Xiaoshan sighed at Han Yi's side: "the boss is really out of his way."

Han also said in his heart, can not, let the strong wind and rain Zhou big man so embarrassed, only in his willing circumstances, where can Han Jingyun's strength pull him. Zhou Yunshen raised his head, and Han's eyes were softer than the water beside his body. His lips were filled with a smile, like the wind passing through the valley.

Zhou is always getting better and better. Han also thinks that mature men are really attractive.

Such efforts to coax Han Jingyun's favor, Han also thought, can the evening be given to the total weekly welfare as a reward?

Zhou Zong worked hard with the prince to catch fish. He rifled his belly by the stream, passed the grass through his mouth, and went back with one hand.

In the evening, Han Jingyun had been waiting for a long time for a picnic. Xiaoshan took the pot out and dug a stove on the open space outside. Zhou Yunshen was already dealing with the fish. Han also gave him a hand. It was probably that Han Jingyun, who watched them all in a hurry, soon joined them.

The fish must be cooked immediately. Three people and a dog stare at Zhou Yunshen's hand to see that the oil temperature in the pan is enough when he is preparing the seasoning. The dried fish is put down to fry along the edge of the roll, and the sound of Zizi immediately rings.

As the golden crows fall and the dusk grows stronger and stronger, Zhou Yunshen's fish is no longer on the table. Instead, he just puts them in the pot. Han Jingyun is very fond of such a way of eating. Han can almost guess what he thinks in his head, so it's just like putting up a tent to live in the wild.

Happy to eat meat, Han Jingyun, hard working Zhou Laolao.

Xiao Shan took the task of washing dishes. Zhou Yunshen went to take a bath with the smell of lampblack. Han Jingyun took a small stool and sat in the yard with Han Yi to watch the moon hanging in the night sky. Xiao Huang is cheering around Han Jingyun's cage of sparrows.

Sparrows are used to flying around in cages. They are not used to being trapped in narrow places.

Han also looked at the cage. Han Jingyun opened the cage with understanding. As soon as the cage door was opened, the birds flew out for a moment and disappeared in front of them.

After cleaning up, the hill looked at the night and sighed, "it's just a few bottles of beer."

When Zhou Yunshen came out, what he saw was the scene of three people sitting on stools looking up at the moon. I have to say, looking at it like this, I have a feeling.

He was reluctant to disturb him, so he didn't go there. Instead, he stood by and looked at him for a while. He didn't go to sit with them until Han found him.

Han Jingyun is so sleepy that he can't open his eyes. He is still lying on his legs and pestering him to tell stories. They are all old myths and legends, but Han Jingyun likes it miraculously.

At last, I don't know how. I talked about the story of the poor scholar and the rich lady. After they fell in love with each other, they were found that the poor scholar was desperate to find the young lady, and finally both died.

"Dad, wouldn't it be better if you didn't go to the young lady?"

"Why hope he doesn't go to miss?""Then the young lady would be better off and not be killed..."

Han also did not answer, next to Zhou Yunshen said: "if I am a poor boy, I will go to see miss when I have the ability."

"What if you haven't been able to?"

"Then let her go home and be her daughter."

Han Jingyun breathed evenly and was already asleep. Han did not dare to move. He looked at Zhou Yunshen from the side of his head. It seemed that Zhou Yunshen was very serious. What he said was also what he thought in his heart.

Such a great president Zhou.

Han also thought, maybe he is too great to need welfare?

Take the sleeping Han Jingyun in and Han returns to his room. Zhou Yunshen comes out of the door and hugs him and says, "I thought I would sleep with Xiaoshan tonight."

"Does Xiaoshan dare?" Han also raised eyebrows. "I'm afraid he will have to go into the room in a moment to show that he likes Jingyun very much and wants to sleep with Jingyun."


Zhou did not give a positive answer.

"You want the young lady to go back to be a daughter, don't you?"

"Almost, if you don't have the ability..."

Han also broke away from his arms and turned to kiss his lips. The surprise came so suddenly that President Zhou was forced to face. He felt a pain in his lips when he just climbed up.

Han also left his lips and looked angry.

"What's the matter?"

General manager Zhou did not receive the angry signal from Han Yi. His brain turned quickly and was in rapid analysis.

"Poor boy, rich lady?"

The little smart ghost week quickly captured important information.

"If you speak in D City, you have forgotten."

Han Yisheng's airway.

"Because of what I said, I would let the young lady go back to be a daughter?"

"Or because..." Zhou Yunshen put his hand around his waist and sent him to the front. Han also turned his head and didn't look at him. "Is it because you are going to attend the wedding ceremony of marquis song? Because you think I'm alone now

Han didn't say anything, which was tacit.

Zhou Yunshen suddenly began to feel lucky. Fortunately, he said something about the poor boy and rich daughter tonight, so that Han also revealed his unhappiness in his heart. Otherwise, he would be blown to pieces by the bomb according to his nature of hiding his worries.

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