Zhou Yunshen did not ask him how long he could stay. He was afraid that it would increase his burden. As a winter vacation child, Han Jingyun had no worries as long as he finished his homework every day. Han also held back and did not ask. In the evening, both of them were lying in the same bed. Han also pretended to read books. President Zhou came with the bird's nest and said, "drink it."

Han also opened the lid and saw: "bird's nest?"

He frowned and said, "I'm not a woman. What do I drink this for?"

"But you need to mend your body."

"I didn't forget what I said on the mountain," Zhou said

Yes, when he was on the mountain, he told him to mend his body.

Han has always felt that he is a strong man, deliberately not to let himself develop towards the direction of a weak woman, but this week he is always more and more regarded as an egg in the palm of his hand.

Under Zhou Zong's slightly threatening look, Han also had to settle all the bird's nests, leaning against the pillow and stroking his stomach. Han also said, "you look like you're raising pigs."

"Then you should be happy."


Mr. Zhou went to bed, covered his quilt, and gave him a kiss: "now that the new year is over, you can live to the new year of next year."

Han Yi:

"I thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Han is also angry. Zhou Yun has changed deeply. He would not bully him like this before!

"Well, it's better to be like a pig. It's simple and easy to guess. Let me guess what my Han Xiaozhu is thinking..." He deliberately lengthened the voice line to: "do you think I can stay until 15?"

Han also don't ignore him too much, Zhou Zong broke his head and said, "I will accompany you and Jingyun as much as possible."

"There may be something unexpected You know that. "

Han also sighs. No matter how much he wants Zhou Yunshen to accompany him, he also knows that some things can't be controlled by Zhou Yunshen, and he will be busy when he is busy.

"I see."

Han also said: "even if you can't accompany us, it doesn't matter. It's safe."

"Well, Ping'an," Zhou Yun held him in his arms and said, "it will be more and more peaceful in the future. Soon we will be able to rest assured... "


Zhou Yunshen did not say that, and Han was a little uneasy.

What do you mean they can rest assured?

Zhou Yunshen, is he going to attack the Song family?

His heart leaped wildly. Countless questions that he wanted to ask came out of his mind, and they were all pushed back by him. Zhou Yunshen obviously didn't want to talk to him about it. He couldn't ask any more questions.

Soon, Han also found that Zhou Yunshen did a good job in keeping secret. He did not even know that he asked Xiaoshan about it. Han is also worried, so he can't help but call Yang Ming quietly, telling him that if anything happens, he must arrange Han Jingyun according to what he said to him before.

He seemed to be a farmer who was worried about his rice not drying. The only thing that made him happy was that Zhou Yunshen was always with him.

Because of the reason of Han Jingyun's presence, Han Jingyun was very happy with a new style of eating and playing every day. One day, Han also looked at his son in the afternoon and said to the point, "I've gained a lot of weight."

As an idol, Xiaodou Baodun is more heavy than his own star father. When Xiaodou Baodun is crying like a storm, she brings Liang Ma, who is in the kitchen with Zhou Yunshen to make a barbecue in the evening. After hearing this, Liang Ma laughs and coaxes Han Jingyun: "Jingyun is growing up. It's normal to grow fat. When you grow up and grow tall, you will become handsome and handsome You've lost weight


"It's true, of course."

Liang Ma pointed to Han Yi and said, "look at your father. Is he tall and handsome? You are his son, can you still be a little fat man? "

Han is also very speechless about his son's appearance. He originally wanted to tell him that it was not true. Finally, he coaxed him down the slope under the eyes of Liang Ma. It was true.

Xiao Dou Bao didn't cry, but he tried to restrain himself when eating barbecue at night. He didn't eat a bunch of barbecue, but went to vegetarian. Han also recently quarreled with Mr. Zhou, always losing, and became very evil. Knowing that xiaodoubao was restrained, he specially ate meat in front of him, or took it to his mouth to tempt him.

A small age, but I did not think of a bean curd

Xiao Huang, who was gnawing at the bone, looked up at him with a loud surprise, and seemed to echo with a "Wang".

Han yiha laughs. After laughing, is he really in love with his son, or is he nice to talk to Han Jingyun? Han Jingyun was originally more pro Han Yi, and Han did not have to say a few words to make him laugh.


Han Jingyun has not been coquettish to Han for a long time. He put his hands around his neck and said, "you are the best person in the world for Jingyun. Jingyun will love you for a lifetime."Han also listen to the heart is not all happy, jiangman's things in his heart like a thorn, stabbed his heart uncomfortable panic.

He hugged Han Jingyun and said, "Dad loves you too. No matter when, dad will protect Jingyun."

Zhou Yunshen tested a bunch of beef and handed it over: "and me."

Han Jingyun looks out of his father's arms to see Zhou Yunshen. His black and white eyes are as moving as clear wind and bright moon.

At last, the whole family worked together. On the morning of the 16th, Xiaoshan came to pick up Han Yi and work. Zhou Yunshen did not send him to the car.

Before he left, he told his mother to call Linzi. When he left, Zhou Yunshen came back and said, "I'll make him a bird's nest or make up soup every day."

"Well, I've written it down. I'm sure I'll feed Mr. Han's meat back."

Zhou Yun deep smile to see sitting next to Han Jingyun, slightly bent down to him and said: "and you, little boy, also want to be good, obediently listen to your father's words."

Han Jingyun snorted, holding the dumpling son and called Xiao Huang upstairs.

Han Yiyi went to the company and Chen Qian told him that he had arranged his work for half a year. He himself was a workaholic. He promised to make Han a film emperor in front of Zhou Yunshen. He was full of energy at the beginning of the new year.

Han, such a workaholic partner, was also very fond of him. He was afraid that people arranged by Zhou Yunshen would get used to him. Later, he felt relieved when he learned about Chen Qian's work style.

In the next year, follow Chen Qian's arrangement. For the rest, fight for what you can, and leave it to fate if you can't.

As soon as Han Yi started, he joined the production team, which made Zhou Yunshen tell her to boil tonic soup every day for Han Yi. Liang's mother was very nervous. She was not at home. How could she mend her body?

So Liang Ma tried to save the country by calling Xiaoshan and asking him to buy the crew for Han Yi to drink every day. Change for another drink tonic Tang Han also always feel that he seems to be in confinement?

Han was so busy that he couldn't even see him off at the beginning of school. He only gave him a video on his first day of school to encourage him to work hard and win more awards in the new semester.

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