Skin contact, like a small cluster of flames in burning the soul of two people, will be a rough, a deep soul to pour fit.

"In the past six years," Zhou Yunshen's voice sounded, which was not abrupt in the silent night, because his voice was very gentle, even with a little cautious feeling.

"Do you remember me?"

Han also confirmed that Zhou Yunshen was really trying to bury his past in front of him, and told him to fall back into his deep love.


For the first time in six years, he said frankly.

Zhou Yunshen's body trembled slightly. He was both happy and sad. Since you miss me, you are reluctant to part with me. Why do you want to leave?

He wanted to ask him why he wanted to leave, and he was afraid that the answer would break his soul and make him unable to bear it.

Han Yi's everything is more important to him than Mount Tai.

His life, he can be as powerful as a tyrant to carry him, his suffering, he can smooth for him one by one, but he was cruel to him, at that time he was like a fragile egg.


He kisses his soft hair.

Han also moved his lips, but only moved. In the end, he didn't say anything. He just held Zhou Yunshen in his arms.

This active embrace in Zhou Yunshen's eyes is Han Yi's active reconciliation. He seems to see a little bit of snow melting through this embrace.

Han will go back with him.

Zhou Yunshen stayed with Han Yi for another two days. Because of Zhou Yunshen's proper care, Han Yi's wound was almost healed.

The past few days have been very sweet together, even if the rain fell for a few days, they did not even come out of the door, but this is exactly the same as the two people, they desperately good to each other, hearty sex, seems to want to use these days to make up for the disappearance of six years.

On the day Zhou Yun went deep, it was rare that the rain would stop. Han also got up early in the morning to make a breakfast for him and xiaodoubao, and they ate tomato and egg noodles together.

Zhou Yun was afraid that Han would also go out to get wet. As he was about to leave, he picked up the work of sending xiaodoubao to school.

Xiaodoubao is sitting in the front passenger's seat playing with the toys that Zhou Yunshen sold to him. These days, he has become familiar with Zhou Yunshen and chatters with him about interesting things in the school.

Zhou Yunshen also more and more felt that the children did not seem to be so annoying and acceptable. However, because of their children, they did not dare to make any noise even when they were doing sports at night. However, they were not happy.

It's time for Han to change a house. He thought that if the sound insulation is good, it's better to have a three storey one. Throw Han Jingyun alone upstairs. They live on the second floor.

Well, that's the best arrangement.

Thinking that he had already arrived at the school gate, Han Jingyun got out of the car, waved to Zhou Yunshen, and looked at him in a tangled way: "Uncle Zhou, when will you come again?"

Zhou Yun deeply pulled the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "what? Are you reluctant to part with me? "


Han Jingyun nodded: "Uncle Zhou is very good to dad and Jingyun. Uncle Zhou is a good man."

The man sitting in the car fell into deep thought. After a while, he seemed to be answering Han Jingyun, and also like answering himself: "when I'm finished, I'll come to see you immediately."

Han Jingyun got a satisfactory answer. He walked into the school happily with his short legs. Zhou Yun pulled his tie and sat in the car and smoked a cigarette. When he was halfway through the smoke, he received a call from Linzi. He put out the cigarette, turned around and went to the place he said.

The claws of the Song family are too long!

If there is someone next to Zhou Yunshen at this time, he will find that there is a chilling feeling in his eyes, which is like freezing people into ice.

At the same time, Han is also sitting on the sofa. There is still the patter of rain outside. He closes his eyes when he listens to the rain. Every place in the room has left Zhou Yunshen's breath and mark in just a few days. He surrounded him like a giant beast.

Han Yi's heart is sweet and sour.

It's like a dream he didn't finish six years ago, but now the dream is over, he has to arrange to leave.

In order to be at ease with Zhou Yunshen, Han Yi's mobile phone has not been turned on for several days. He rushes on the power and lies on the sofa, slowly reliving the relationship of these days.

If Zhou Yunshen knew that his softness and catering these days was because he left him after he left, would he be angry? He that person, looks at the ice cold, starts to be angry, is like a devil.

Thinking of Han Yi's eyes, a warm damp.

There were dozens of missed calls and messages after the machine was opened. Most of them were from sun Wang and Yun ting. What surprised him was Yang Luoqing.

Did he call him to keep threatening? He even intercepted a video of him and sent it to him. Han also deleted the video without any expression. He found a man named Hao Ge from his address book and dialed it.Du

After four sounds, the phone was picked up, and there were thick pajamas in brother Hao's voice. Han also said to the point, "brother Hao, I want to help me avoid the people of Yunting company. Send me and my son to L City, and reward you for opening it."

Brother Hao said with a smile: "what? You don't want to be a big star anymore? "

Han also said with a smile: "you are not looking at me. What kind of star have I become these days? It's more reliable to go home and plant."

His self mockery made HAOGE laugh a few times, and Han also talked to him for a while. Brother Hao almost patted his chest and assured him, "don't worry, I'll arrange this for you, and I'll do it for you. The people of Yunting company can't stop you. "

"Well, thank you for your good news." "As soon as possible," he said, his eyes half secretly

He was worried that Zhou Yunshen would come back at any time. If he found out, he did not dare to think about the consequences.

In fact, he stayed behind. His real destination was not l city. After Hao brother sent him and Han Jingyun, he would immediately leave for another place by boat. It's not that he doesn't trust Hogo, but there are too many uncontrollable factors in the world. Because of Han Jingyun, he must be cautious.

Han is also holding the mobile phone, just want to be absorbed, the mobile phone rings again, it is sun Wang calling, Han also directly hang up for him.

Where did you know that sun Wang was very persistent and kept fighting, but Han had to take it.

"Grass! Han Yi, you finally answer the phone! "

"You want to die, don't you? Taking advantage of the rain these days, I don't want to go out, you think you can escape, right? Hurry up, or you'll have something to do with the company. "

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