"When will you be back?"

"Chen Qian said," wait two days. No matter if I can't get out, I'll come back to you after two days. " Han also seriously said, "I want to see you."

Zhou Yunshen reached out and stroked Han Yi's face on the screen, eyebrows, eyes, lips, and cheeks one by one, as if pointing to the real skin of Han Yi rather than the cold mobile phone screen under his abdomen.

Seeing Zhou Yunshen raise his hand, Han will know what he is doing. Zhou Yunshen's hand seems to have really touched him. It seems that the flame and nerve cells in his body are stirred up by him.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. Cloud deep, "he said softly," I want to spend my life with you. "

"Can't think about it," Zhou Yunshen corrected, "it must be."

Han also has a sweet heart.

His words like a brand in his heart, let his heart burn, as if to warm his life.

Han didn't go back two days later. When they were packing up and ready to leave, Chen Qian received a phone call saying that he wanted han to have another audition.

They all know that this means that there is a play. The role selection is so rigorous that Han's confidence in the play has increased several grades.

You have to take it, he said to himself.

He seems to be a test child, waiting to give the most beautiful answer to Zhou Yunshen's hand.

After the audition, he waited for another two days. Two days later, Han also received good news. Chen Qian was so happy that he won 500 yuan. Han immediately took him and Xiaoshan to have a big meal.

When the excitement subsided, he got tangled again. How should he tell Zhou Yun? Chen Qiangang just told him that he should stay in the production team all the time during the filming period. He should not go out, visit his class, or divulge anything about the play.

It means that he and Zhou Yunshen have to be separated for a long time. They can't meet and hug each other, just like they are in prison.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yunshen readily agreed. Han was half happy and half unhappy.

"Don't you care so much about me, don't you miss me so much?"

His voice was a little lonely.

For a long time, he agreed to it very quickly.

Zhou Yun on the other end of the phone said: "my life is yours."

Han Yi's ears are burning, and the receiver seems to be getting hot. Those words run over his whole body like wheels. He opens his lips and wants to say that I have already arrived. He hears Zhou Yunshen: "it's OK for you to be in the crew. It's safe for you." Zhou Yunshen said, "there may be a bloodbath on my side. You're just right in the crew."

"What are you going to do?"

Zhou Yunshen's voice was clear and shallow, as if he was in the sun in the courtyard in the afternoon, "don't do anything..."

"Zhou Yunshen!"

The man at the other end of the receiver was suddenly angry, and his voice was filled with anger from the receiver into his ears.

"Have you ever made a mistake again? Will you exclude me again? "

Han was also dizzy with anger. He bit the tip of his tongue, and the smell of rust spread in his mouth. The pain swept over his tongue, which kept him awake, but he felt the pain and astringency in his heart.

He felt that the pain made his breath difficult, and he opened his mouth slightly, like a cruel fish thrown to the shore, struggling on the edge of death.

"What's the matter with you?"

The person on the other end of the phone asked eagerly.

Han didn't say a word. It was the smell of gambling. He was also afraid that he could not help crying when he opened his mouth. In front of Han Jingyun, he is a father who will hold the heaven and earth. In front of outsiders, he is a mature man who needs to take responsibility. However, when facing Zhou Yunshen, he looks like a child.

"Han Yi."

The man's voice was low. "Are you sick?"

Opposite is the dead silence, Zhou Yunshen clenched the mobile phone, the heart is like being severely rubbed, in the silence was rubbed into a pool of blood.

"I wish you were clean," he said in a low voice, "without a stain."

As clean as he liked him at the beginning, or in his heart, Han has always been a clean and precious boy in his heart.

Over the years, it has never changed.

Han's eyes were hot, and Zhou Yunshen's words hit the softest place in his heart.

No matter what he does, it is for his good Zhou Yunshen. He would rather be dirty as a ditch, but also cherish him as a plate of the moon.

"Don't torture yourself."

Zhou Yunshen had a soft voice and coaxed him: "I'll be OK, so you should be good. Don't do it again, "he sighed." you're like picking out my flesh with a knife. "

The heat in the eye socket is better than one. Han also bit his lips and said, "what you said is safe and safe."

"Well," Zhou Yunshen said, "I want to grow old with you."

Han yihun, "you are not willing to send the daughter back?"

The old account has not been turned over."That's to say it," said the soft voice with a firmness. "You're mine anyway."

Han also knows about Zhou Yunshen's possessive desire. Just thinking about it, Zhou Yunshen asked him again, but he didn't know when to join the group, and whether the director was difficult to get along with.

Who doesn't have a bit of temper, not to mention the other side or a world-famous director, Han has already made psychological preparations.

"The cloud can also invest..."

Zhou Yunshen was cut off by Han as soon as he opened his mouth. "Goodbye, they've already made investment, and cloud won't join in the fun. I'll do my job well."

"Well," Zhou Yunshen's voice was as comfortable as baking by the stove in winter, "if you feel good, let Chen Qian do what you need, don't save it."

"Well, I see."

Han was about to say something when he heard Zhou Yunshen say: "I have something to do. I'll call you back," and finally added, "have a good meal."

Because of these four words, Han Yixin, who was a little lost in his heart, is now in hot air again.

Care for you to the point of three meals a day, this is the love that can spend the rest of your life together?

He thought of hanging up the phone and sat for a long time with a smile in his hand.

Zhou Yunshen said he would call back on the same day, but he didn't return the call that day. Han Yi was reading the script and waiting for the call. After 12 o'clock, he didn't call yet. He knew that he was still busy.

He was a little disappointed in his heart. He wanted to call him, but he was afraid that he would be busy disturbing him. Han Yi's heart button became a twist, like a little woman's entanglement. Finally, he decided not to call, but opened his notebook and made a note. Today, Zhou Yunshen said he called back, but there was no call back.

He is recorded in the small book, and then good with him to calculate the general ledger!

Han Yi figured out the time to enter the group the next day. He calculated that he still had three days to rest, or free activities. After entering the group, he could not come out again. After three days, he immediately looked at the ticket and ordered the nearest ticket to go back to city A. he missed Zhou Yunshen and should talk to Han Jingyun.

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