Zhou Yunshen didn't speak. He said in silence for a moment: "it's better to obey orders than respect. Thank you very much."


A string in his brain is broken, and Han also looks at it. Zhou Yunshen's light eyes just turn away. The two eyes meet in the air and turn into sharp thorns, which make people flesh and blood blur.

"Don't you want to be the son of song?"

"Well," said Marquis song, after drinking his last glass of wine, lifted his hand around Han Yi's neck and put him in his arms and said, "I raise this man, and I still have to be interesting in bed."

"Ha ha ha, understand," Li Jieqiang said, "then let someone arrange the room."

As soon as he went out, three people took each of them to his room. Maybe his heart was too chaotic. Han didn't pay attention to which direction Zhou Yunshen went. He turned his head and disappeared.

"Does it hurt?"

As soon as he entered the room, marquis song lowered him on the wall, "you are a slave in my bed. Zhou Yunshen also has playthings, and now he is bumping on the bed..."

"How interesting are you?"

Han also Bo Nu, "just to torture me?"

"No," the Duke of song looked at him drunk. "There is something else. I'm watching I don't tell you, "he pulled off his tie and went to the bathroom. Soon the sound of the water rang.

Han also sat down on the sofa, but his heart suddenly settled down and quickly fell asleep.

When the fire started, Han did not know. He was woken up by the fire, and his clothes seemed to be on fire. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the room was already burning. The Marquis of Song Dynasty was not seen. The smoke carrying the fire approached him like a god of death.

Han also covered his mouth and nose and ran out. Almost all the rooms on the first floor were burning. Han didn't run to the elevator. He opened the locked door and ran straight to the stairs. He wanted to live, to live He still has something to do, he has not settled in Han Jingyun, he can't die, not willing to

Suddenly, he bumped into a solid chest, the familiar breath made his tears fall down in an instant, his heart became numb at this moment, Han also maintained that posture, as if a devout believer finally found his God of faith.

"Mr. Han."

The man's voice was cold and distant.

No, don't call it that way.

Han Yi screamed wildly in his heart. He didn't know when he said it. He looked up and ran into Zhou Yun's deep eyes, "deep cloud..."

He opened his lips but couldn't spit out a word. His words were cut off by his indifference.

"Mr. Han," Zhou Yunshen said, "you should go to see Mr. Song."

Once and twice, Mr. Han opened their distance again and again, and drew a deep visible bone wound with a knife on their life lines.

"Mr. Zhou, help me once," Han also plucked up his courage. "It's on fire."

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment and said, "go in."

After that, he pushed Han Yi aside coldly.

there was a faint perfume in the house. Some of the fruit's sweet taste was very young and pure, and Han also fell into the ice cellar. There was a pretty boy wrapped in a quilt on the bed. The upper part of the room was naked. He looked at Zhou Yun deeply and did not seem to think that he would bring a person in.

Han also noticed that Zhou Yunshen's shirt buttons had been untied several times, revealing a small part of his skin. He looked lazy, like a cat leaning against a stove.

"It's OK," he went over and rubbed the boy's head and said in a soft voice, "he'll be gone in a moment."


The boy nodded cleverly and reached for his clothes. Zhou Yunshen pulled the quilt up and covered his body as if he was hiding his own treasure. "Don't wear it. Sleep."

The boy smiles sweetly, "OK."

He was gentle, clever, and very likable.

Zhou Yun deeply lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa. The dim light shone on his body, half clear and half hidden in the dark. Han Yi's face burned flustered. He became an extra person in the room. He delayed his love with the boy and became a stone to hinder him.

The boy was silent. The suite was separated from the living room, where they were as silent as sculpture. Only the cigarette end which was lighted by Zhou Yun after a deep breath was burning innocently, then lit up again It's like sticking in someone's heart.

How long did it take? After nearly two years, he finally got a good look at him.

Han Yi's eyes are sour, and he wants to rush to hold him and tell him that he misses him and he loves him. But Zhou Yunshen's side seems to have erected a cold high wall. Before he stepped out, he was severely blocked away, and could not get close to him.

In the past, all kinds of fireflies are weak in today's solid indifference. As long as they are more indifferent, they will disappear.

Zhou Yunshen changed his posture, and the smoke in his hand was extinguished and another one was lit. Han Yi suddenly raised his foot forward, half knelt in front of him and frowned: "where's your stomach medicine? With or without? "

He said to touch his pocket, suddenly a strong push him away, Zhou Yunshen stood up, full of disgust, "roll!"It was like a bucket of ice water to his head and quickly condensed into ice.

"What right do you have to care about me?"

Zhou Yun said coldly: "your gold master, your master son is the Marquis of Song Dynasty!"

"No It's not like that... "

Han also cried out. He knew that he should not cry in front of Zhou Yunshen. He should not say these things, but he was afraid that he would not have a chance to say it again and that he would never get along like this again.

"Shut up!"

Zhou Yun was furious, "don't tell those lies in front of me! I've heard enough! Now, "he pointed to the door," get out of here

With his eyes fixed on him, Han also searched carefully. Little by little, one by one, he wished to divide his eyes into two inches to look for them. However, he searched and searched, only the bone chilling cold could not find any softness.

"Zhou Yunshen!"

His pale smile, tears in his eyes first roll down, hit on the carpet, into yesterday's love and hate.

"I can go out, but you need some medicine."

He cried: "you do not take medicine, you are not good, how to revenge, how to find justice for the forest."

Lin Zi's two words, like a magic spell, sharply adjusted Zhou Yun's deep pain in his heart. He was like a bloodthirsty lion, and his whole body was emitting a terrible breath, "get out!"

Anger seems to tear the thin man in front of him to pieces.

"It's my fault," Han Yi bowed his head. "You want to avenge Linzi, you want to kill me. Cloud deep, "he raised his face, as humble as when he first fell in love with him many years ago," you come to revenge me. "

If our love is dead, if I am doomed to see no light in the future, then I would like to end this life in your hands, even if at this time in your eyes, I am just a little ant, and I, but the last pity.

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