As if this roar can hide his heart into anger at the moment, but he didn't expect that he was lack of confidence.

"I told you the hell, he's dead, dead! I killed him

"Damn it, you asshole!"

Han also struggled, but was deeply pressed to death by Zhou Yun, unable to move.

"Han Yi," Zhou Yunshen was close to him. They were very close, and their lips almost touched their upper lips. Because of their extreme anger, their breath was thick. At this time, the moist breathing slapped on each other's faces, but there was no half ambiguous flavor. It was just like their eyes were full of anger and sadness.

"Do you want me to kill you?"

"If you want to kill, you can do it."

Han yihun laughed, full of desolation.

"I don't want to live without Han Jingyun."

His eyes tightly linked to his eyes: "I told you, don't touch him, he is my life."

"He is your life, so what am I?"

This sentence asked to export, Han Yi's face caught a drop of warm tears from Zhou Yunshen. This makes Han Yi's heart startle, Zhou Yun deep cry?

Zhou Yunshen did cry. His tears kept falling like rain, wetting Han Yi's face.

"What am I? Well? "

He tried to maintain his dignity as a man and tried to cover up his broken heart. But he forgot what dignity he had in front of Han Yi? Now, for example, he's full of anger, thinking about him and janman's son, and he's crying like a dog in front of him.

Han is also dumbfounded. How should he answer him?

"I want to be nice to you, I try to please you, do everything for you, put down dignity, put down posture, but what about you?"

He cried: "you didn't put me in your heart at all. Even I thought that we had resolved the past and returned to the past few days, it was just your deliberate catering."


"No, what is that?"

Zhou Yunshen sneered, "is the chess piece in your hand used to confuse Yunting company? I'll be a cow and a horse for you. Will you go and serve the people of Yunting? "

"Han Yi,"

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and looked at him indifferently and alienated. He held his chin in his hand and screamed hard. Han Yi frowned painfully.

"You don't deserve me to be nice to you, never. You only deserve to be a sex slave. Only worthy of being trampled on. Your position in the future is just a dog under my hand

Zhou Yunshen let go, stood up, opened the door, and rushed out in a single garment. The door was on the "bang" sound band. Han felt that his closing voice was left all over the world.

Han also stood up and went to Han Jingyun's room. He opened the door carefully. The little people on the bed were sleeping soundly. Han also shed tears without warning and mixed with Zhou Yunshen. He held his head and squatted down slowly, only feeling that he was about to suffocate.

Hao Ge seems to have disappeared from his life. He calls Hao Ge again and becomes an empty number. Han also laughs bitterly and dumps his mobile phone on the bed.

He should have known that how could someone like Zhou Yunshen leave him alone in city a? It turned out that he felt strange those days because Zhou Yunshen sent someone to follow him. HAOGE should have been threatened by him and hung him until he came back. Even last night, he felt that Zhou Yunshen had a gun on his body.

I can't say what I felt in my heart. He was still doing those things. Was he not doing those things in the Song family at that time? It's just that I should be sitting in the position of the big man at the minute point now?

He was really anxious yesterday. Maybe he would do something impulsive. Han was glad to think of this, but the bitterness in his heart seemed like an iceberg of ten thousand years.

Han's plan to leave city a has been shelved due to Zhou Yunshen. Now when he goes out every day, he feels that someone is following him nearby. I'm afraid that even Han Jingyun's school gate is squatting, which makes Han almost crazy.

This kind of being spied on and almost confined made him feel depressed and painful, like a fish tightly held in his hand, and also reminded him of some very bad past.

Under such circumstances, he called sun Wang, and it took him a long time to answer his call. Before he spoke, he said, "what's the matter? Can't get along with it? "

He laughed. "It's not that I said you, Han Yi." he seemed to take a breath of smoke: "you went to Yang Luoqing again last time. How could Yang Luoqing's mad dog let you go? One more thing. I'm not your agent now. Your new agent company will arrange for you. Don't ask me for anything in the future

"By the way," he seemed to be very interested in Han Yi's phone call at this time and said, "what can I do for you?"

"Please show me a clear way."

Zhou Yunshen can't cover the sky by himself. He wants to escape Zhou Yunshen's surveillance with a strong force.

"Oh, you've figured it out?"Sun Wang said: "there is a noble person in the circle who is choosing a warm bed recently. Do you want to go?"

Han also forbeared, but he did not lose his temper to sun Wang, but politely refused. When he was about to hang up, sun Wang snorted: "do you think you are a big star or a movie emperor? If you point to a road, you have to have that skill! Han Yi, you just wait to die! "

Finish saying that he took the lead to hang up the phone, Han also threw the phone in the heart of anger, no place to release, a hard punch on the bed!

He can't jump out of this circle, can he?

Also can't find a way, Han also simply turned off the phone, whose phone also did not answer, even if Yang Luoqing wanted to make a phone threat, there was no way.

The whole world is quiet. Han is also very aware of Ah Q's discovery that although Zhou Yunshen sends people to monitor him, there is still one advantage. For example, he can help him ensure Han Jingyun's safety. Yang Luoqing's people who want to come to him are stopped.

He felt that he had become a canary raised by Zhou Yunshen Quan. He was not a high-level Canary waiting to be fed, but a low-level one who needed to find food by himself.

Han also mourned for several days, one night the door was knocked.

You don't have to think about it. The person outside the door must be Zhou Yunshen. There will be no one else who can knock on his door so late.

He hesitated to open the door for a moment, but the knock kept ringing, and there was a growing trend.

This is an old house. Neighbors live door-to-door. Anyone who knocks on the other side of the house will hear it. It's like opening the door for the neighbor, Han also told himself.

Standing in front of the door but again hesitated, only across a door, but it seems to be separated by a few lives of love and hatred. Only men like them have these love and hatred. Most of them are infatuated men and women.

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