Han also in the heart "clutters" a, changed who knows oneself to be used in the heart will not be happy? What's more, this person is still a girl who was held in the palm of his hand since childhood.

Han also coughed, where Ji Ruan Ruan already said: "I know elder brother Zhou likes you, you are a pair."

This girl is too clever. Han doesn't know what to say to her. She just laughs.

"They want me to marry elder brother Zhou, because elder brother Zhou has a promising future and is likely to become another man of the storm. "Han Ge," Ji Ruan Ruan said, "they'll still trouble you."

"I know, but..."

"But you will not separate, will you?"

Ji Ruan's playful blink is clear in a pair of bright eyes.

"Yes, we will not separate."

"I know, so," Ji Ruan said, "I will first propose to terminate the engagement with elder brother Zhou. Anyway, we have no serious engagement, but they think we will get married."

"But won't you be scolded like this?"

"Ji Ruan chuckled," anyway, my physical condition, they also know that if I was forced to rush into the hospital, it may not be able to survive, dad knows the weight. "

"Well, you are."

"Brother Han," Ji Ruan whispered, "tell me how you met elder brother Zhou? Did you chase him first or did he chase you first? Seeing how much he loves you, he must have chased you first, right? Isn't there a saying that whoever pursues first will be shorter? "


Han also said to the girl who obviously had not experienced love: "I chased him. In love, there is no saying of height

His eyes were gentle, and he thought of his first meeting, his bitter love for Zhou Yunshen, and his secretly taking photos of him. At that time, although they were poor, their hearts were clean and pure. No one stopped them from being together, and they did not experience the pain of leaving later.

"He," said Han Yi, "is a man who hides everything in his heart. Even like not to say, because he is afraid that his ability is not enough, not enough to protect his love

"That man," Han also laughs, "thinks of himself as a load-bearing horse."

Ji Ruan and Ruan chewed on a straw and listened to Han also talking about how they fell in love and how they separated. Among them, Ji Ruan took some hard things to say. Ji Ruan listened carefully. The lazy sunshine in the afternoon fell on her hair and glowed with gold.

April season is already lush vegetation, early open vine climbing on the wall out of nail plate size of beige flowers, pale yellow pistil swaying in the wind, is the existence of this season.

When Han Yi told Ji Ruan about his love history with Zhou Yunshen, Han Jingyun's cram school was resting at recess. The lazy sun was shining on Han Jingyun's body. The young boy's stature was also very high among his peers. Standing in front of the bed, the sun fell all over his body.

White shirt, black trousers wrapped in long straight legs, if you look at Han Jingyun, you will certainly think of Han Yi many years ago. He is also dressed like this, but the temperament of the two father and son is different. Han is also cold, like the green bamboo after the rain, more and more cold. And Han Jingyun more than a few points want to be close to the gentle.

This is due to the different childhood and even childhood experiences of the two sons.

It's a pity that Zhou Yunshen is not in. He claps Han Jingyun's shoulder with both hands, "Han Jingyun?"

The man had a cigarette in his mouth.

Han Jingyun has always hated such people, just as Han also hated the fight on the road. He raised his feet to leave, but the man took out the cotton candy, colorful flower shape, looking very beautiful.

Han Jingyun suddenly looked up at the man with white lips.

"What's the matter? Grow up? You don't like marshmallows? But I don't see how old you are. Why don't you eat marshmallow? "

"Who are you?"

Han Jingyun still did not reach out to pick up the marshmallow, the man sneered, "don't you? So I'm going? "


In the end is too young, a small means of being cheated, Han Jingyun reached out to quickly take cotton candy.

"I haven't shown up for a long time. Why send you here?"

"There is more than one person who knows the truth. Am I the same?"

The man sat down in the chair next to him, his right leg pressing his left. "Don't you sit down and talk?"

As he spoke, the cigarette in his mouth shook and the ash fell on him, but he didn't care. It was obviously sloppy and used to it. Han Jingyun frowned in disgust, "no, I'll stand here. You can say what you have."

"Oh! Stinky boy

Han Jingyun patience standing in place, patience is exhausted, the man finally said: "you want to know, I tell you, you want to ask what you want to ask."

Hearing the answer he wanted to hear, Han Jingyun was at a loss. What did he want to know? What should he ask? What would he do if he knew it? In the afternoon, he felt that it was cool to hit some stones, which was like a cold problem.The cigarette smoke in the man's mouth curled straight up to the sky, and was blown away by the breath and sent to Han Jingyun.

Zhou Yunshen didn't know what he was busy with. When he came home, the phone kept ringing all the time. He answered the phone mostly in the toilet. Han wanted to hear it but couldn't really hear it. The sound of the water hindered him from eavesdropping, which made Han hate his teeth itching every time.

I'm angry, but Mr. Zhou took a bath and hugged him with soft words for a while. His heart softened again, and the original question turned into a kind of cold and warm question. Han also felt a little humiliated.

But what method, who does not have a heart to be reluctant to touch ah!

Mr. Zhou has a special set of provocative characters. Now, the roles he likes to play are the movie emperor, the agent who is hidden by the rules, and the life nanny. Every time I kiss Han Yi's hand, I raise my head and look at you eagerly. I call you affectionately, "Mr. movie Emperor..."

The voice is not charming, but very sexy, especially from the cold Zhou Yunshen's mouth, which originally had a special exciting feeling. The sound stimulated Han Yi's ears, stimulated his heart, and soon surrendered.

When Mr. Zhou was not busy, he would also go to the company to give Han Yi a love meal, and he did not say in advance whether he would come to deliver the meal. He ran into Han Yi's working meal twice. After one experience, Han also quickly closed the working meal and gave it to Xiaoshan and said, "why is there no nutrient soup? Did you bring me the wrong meal? All of this? It's all plain! Is this abuse! Isn't it said that it's meat and meat every day! "

The film emperor's acting skills have been praised by Koyama. The agent sees through it and opens the love meal. He puts his chopsticks into Han Yi's hand and says, "eat."

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