Han also difficult to check his wound, found that the above rub medicine, as for who wiped, he did not want to know.

Heart across a trace of bitterness, Zhou Yunshen, why do you suffer?

Yang Ming watched as he drank two bowls of chicken soup and ate chicken and food. Even if the stones in his heart were left behind, he would watch Han Yi for a while. He told Han Yi that he was going out to buy vegetables. Han was not feeling well. He was a bit glum.

He's always been like this before and now, as long as he's not feeling well, it's like eggplant beaten by frost.

Han also sat on his back for a long time and then lay down. On the other side, Yang Ming went downstairs. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he saw Zhou Yunshen leaning against the car to smoke.

He was still in the same suit as he had last night. It seemed that he had not left at all.

Yes, Yang Ming was still hiding something from Han.

Last night, he was almost knocked unconscious by Zhou Yunshen. It took a long time for him to recover. At that time, he was worried about the safety of Han Yi. He stumbled down to find Han Yi, but he did not expect to meet Zhou Yunshen who was holding Han Yi upstairs.

At that time, Han was also held in his arms by Zhou Yun, wrapped in his coat, but still showed a pair of slender legs.

At that time, his brain exploded. He regarded Han as a benefactor, just like his brother. How could Zhou Yunshen treat him like that.

From Zhou Yunshen's posture, he can see what he has done to Han.

Yang Ming was shaking with anger. He wanted to fight with Zhou Yunshen and worried about Han Yi. He tried to resist his anger and tried to take over Han, but Zhou Yunshen refused to give it.

"How dare you touch my people?"

Zhou Yunshen's words like a stick hit Yang Ming's head.

They still fought, but Yang Ming was beaten by Zhou Yunshen. Zhou Yunshen didn't do anything about it, so he could not fight with his feet.

"Go upstairs and let the water go. If Han Jingyun wakes up, he will be coaxed and not allowed to come out."

At that time, Zhou Yunshen was like a Shura coming from hell. Knowing that it was harmless to Han, he got up and did what Zhou Yunshen said.

Then he watched Zhou Yunshen carry Han Yi into the bathroom. He stayed outside. As long as Han called, he rushed in. But Han was still in a coma, and Zhou Yunshen didn't have anything to do with Han. He took a bath and skillfully found medicine to wipe him.

And then he let him go.

Yang Ming refused to leave in any case. He talked to Zhou Yunshen in a low voice. At last, he explained to Zhou Yunshen, and Zhou Yunshen's evil spirit of killing people was half stopped.

Finally, Zhou Yunshen went out and came back. In the middle of the night, he did not know where to get a chicken and ingredients. He skillfully went to the kitchen to boil a pot of chicken soup, simmering slowly.

He left just before dawn and told him to let Han Yi drink soup for dinner. But I didn't expect Han Yi to sleep until the afternoon. To his surprise, Zhou Yunshen had been waiting here for so long.

Last night, after Zhou Yunshen left, he remembered that it was Zhou Yunshen who had seen the play that Han Yi was shooting, so he called Zhou Yunshen President Zhou in front of Han Yi.

"Did he drink the soup?"

After smoking for most of the day, Zhou Yunshen's voice was very hoarse, like a blunt knife.

"Brother Han drank two bowls and ate half a bowl of rice."

Yang Ming in the end young did not resist to ask Zhou Yunshen: "you have been here?"

Zhou Yunshen didn't answer. He threw away his cigarette end and stepped on it to see Yang Ming: "no one is allowed to say anything about last night, even Han Yi. If you let him know a word, I will kill you."

This threat in Yang Ming's ears, do not know why less weight, Yang Ming also hung a smile: "you will not."

Zhou Yunshen's eyes flashed cold, Yang Ming said: "because Han brother, you won't. I have no intention to Han Ge. I can help you protect you and take care of you. You can rest assured, Mr. Zhou. "

"By you?"

Zhou Yun deep sneered and said: "you are not worthy to stay by his side."

"And you?"

Yang Ming looked at him fearlessly and said, "are you upset with brother Han? Han GE has such a good temper. A person can be so angry by Mr. Zhou that you must have done something to make Han Ge sad? Han elder brother now so dislikes Zhou Zong, Zhou Zong hurt him to regret again, also don't know dead sheep mend prison is not late. "

Zhou Yunshen's eyes narrowed slightly, and Yang Ming was secretly challenging him.

"Do you want to be beaten again?"

"I just want to ask Mr. Zhou not to disturb brother Han. He doesn't want to see you."

"If it wasn't for Han Yi's face, you couldn't have stood here and told me that you should have paid the price last night."

"Let me meet you in his house later," he said, pausing. "Then you don't want to stay in a city."

Yang Ming didn't know how powerful Zhou Yunshen was. He only thought that he was the boss of the company. He had some money in his hand to make people work. He never thought that he was a gangster.

"Get out of here after dinner."Zhou Yunshen said to get on the bus and go away, leaving Yang Ming to clench his fist indignantly in the spot. How did Han Ge offend such a werewolf? What a devil!

Yang Ming's face is hurt. This morning, he was hiding from Han Jingyun. He bought vegetables and cooked dinner. After talking to Liang Ma on the phone, he left.

Han also has no wound on his face. Even if he is not feeling well, he still plays with Han Jingyun for a long time before he excuse himself for being tired and rest.

The relationship between him and Zhou Yunshen has become more and more irrational. How could he have come suddenly last night? Even if he can meet beauty at night, won't he have contact with other men?

Han was also very angry, but he did not find that he held it like this. It was a bit jealous.

Tossing and turning all night, how can things develop to this point?

As a "sick man", Han Yi had two plays to shoot the next day, so Han also got up early. Liang Ma listened to Han Yi's words yesterday and came early. On the way, she also bought breakfast for Han Yi. After breakfast, he drove his real broken car to the group.

When there were his plays, he came early. When he came, the director had not yet come. There were only two or three staff members. When the mobile phone rang, he saw that it was Yang Ming calling.

He looked at Yang Ming's name and felt a little complicated. He and Zhou Yunshen did that last night. Yang Ming must have known.

It's nothing to be known that it's a gay. The key is that Yang Ming saw such a terrible moment, and he clenched his mobile phone. He is a gay, also a man, with dignity and his bottom line. Last night, Zhou Yunshen simply regarded him as a woman who let him play with him!

He answered the phone, and Yang Ming's voice full of sunshine and power overflowed from the microphone. He asked Han whether he had gone out and whether he had breakfast.

Han also answered and hung up in the crew.

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He thought that there was a scene of rape to be filmed and another one was against Yang Luoqing. He needed to be kicked into the pond by Yang Luoqing

Water play again!

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