Three people got out of the car. Han immediately drove away. However, a car behind blocked the road. The driver was carrying a cigarette. It was obvious that he was on the same road with the person in front of him.

When the window was knocked, Han also looked over and saw a face with a scar on it. The owner of that face showed a smile and said, "do you remember us? Thank you? "

Thank you.

The name haunts Han Yi like a nightmare.

His hands trembled, and he stepped on the gas pedal and ran away under longoglio's frightening gaze.


Han Yi's driving skills are not so good. The two cars behind him are chasing each other like they are dying. He is not familiar with the road of this generation. He runs in disorder, and the car's butt is hit several times.

The only thing that Han knows is that he can't go back and take Han Jingyun with him.

"Stop, don't stop, I'll kill you!"

After the threat came from behind, Han did not care and ran away. However, it is obvious that the other party is more familiar with this generation than he is. Han is also blocked in the intersection. He holds the steering wheel tightly and estimates the possibility of rushing out from here.

"Come down."

The car was hit hard, then the window was broken, a piece of glass flying across Han Yi's forehead.

"I told you to come down!"

One hand grabbed Han Yi's collar. Han Yi hit him with a fist, but he was beaten by an iron stick. He snorted. Lang Ge smoked a cigarette and looked at Han Yi. He sneered: "you are still so stubborn. It seems that you have not changed anything in six years."

Han Yi's eyes are fixed on him, and his hatred is not concealed.

"You hate us?"

Lang Ge slapped Han Yi, leaving a thumb print on his right face: "you fucked brother Chen! You have the face to say what you hate or not

"Come down to me!"

When the door opened, Han was also pulled out. Seven or eight people surrounded him in the center. His car had been smashed into a mess, and he himself was not much better. He was in a terrible mess.

"I hear you're a star now?"

Lang Ge held a flue in his mouth: "did you make a lot of money? Give us ten million and we'll let you go, or you'll die! "

With that, he kicked Han Yi, who knew that Han Yi, who had been kicked several times, put his hands around his foot and turned his ankle. He was unprepared, so he was also thrown to the ground by Han, and Han also pressed him down with lightning speed, and his fist fell on his forehead, hitting his eyes with twinkling stars.

It's a move learned from the martial arts director in the crew. Han is also crazy. These people don't care about people's life and death. If he can't leave today, he has to pull a person to support him!

The eldest brother was also beaten by Han. All the people around him rushed up to beat him. Han also skillfully put Lang Ge on top of him and got a few punches for him. However, he could not beat four hands with two fists. They were all used to fighting, and Han was soon beaten to the ground.

The chin is lifted up by the toes, and Han is already a piece of blood in front of his eyes.

"Xie you, oh no, it's Han Yi now, you..."

"Let go if you don't want to die!"

The angry man's voice came. People looked at it and saw a man in a black coat coming face to face. He was tall and tall. He was not good at stubble.

But no matter how fierce he is, he is also a person. Lang Ge and his men looked at each other and laughed. He said to Zhou Yun: "boy, mind your own business. It's not something you can do with it. Get out of here

Han also turned his head to see Zhou Yunshen. He came with a big stride, his face full of anger. Seeing that he didn't listen to the advice, several thugs saw each other and rushed up with the steel bar, ready to teach Zhou Yunshen a lesson!

Zhou Yunshen didn't even lift his eyelids. They rushed up and even Zhou Yunshen's half of the corner of his coat was kicked to fly.

Lang Ge sneered: "it seems that it's still hard stone, let's go together!"

He said he rushed up with an iron bar. When the mixed roads were armed, several people rushed up at the same time. Han also called out: "be careful!"

Zhou Yunshen took a look at him and clenched his fist more tightly.

How can Zhou Yunshen, who grew up rolling on the edge of his knife, be unable to clean up these small roles? Han also tried to open his eyes to see him. His heart was raised to his throat. He saw the white light in Lang GE's hand. It was a small knife with the length of a fruit knife. He stood up, but his body hurt too much and fell to the ground. When he looked again, Zhou Yunshen had already seized the knife and cut off a piece of meat on Langge's arm!

Lang Ge screamed, watching a piece of his meat fall on the ground, the blood like a broken faucet kept spraying.

Several people lie in disorder, on the ground issued a painful cry, for a moment, no one went to the tube Lang Ge.

Zhou Yunshen went to Han Yi. The tall man leaned down and picked him up. A car stopped more than ten steps away. Lin Zi got out of the car and said, "boss!"

"Take them away."Zhou Yunshen's voice was low. As soon as Lin Zi heard it, he was very angry. He waved to his brother behind him. Several people tied him up in the past, even the injured brother Lang was no exception.

"Don't kill."

Han was also taken to the car by Zhou Yunshen. His pain consciousness was a little vague. He also grasped Zhou Yunshen's arm and said, "killing people must pay for their lives."

Zhou Yunshen sneered and said in a voice: "kill for your life? The people of the Song family have died many times. "

He took off his clothes and wrapped up Han Yi. He said to his driving brother, "go to Linhua road."

This is the quiet of Hanzhong. They have not had such a harmonious moment since that.

Han also bit his lips and endured the pain. Suddenly, there was a hand in front of him. The owner of that hand said, "don't bite your tongue. If it hurts, bite me."

Han did not move, but his eyes began to wet.

Zhou Yunshen, who sent meat to the entrance, did not wait for Han Yi to move his mouth. He was impatient and put his wrist in. The hot breath from his mouth was a little moist. His soft tongue touched his skin and made him shiver all over.

Pressed up and down by the lip, the wrist that place seems to be in the flower heap. Han didn't hold him tight.

All the way to the place, Han did not bite, Zhou Yunshen seemed a little unhappy.

The person Zhou Yunshen is looking for is Wei Yan. Wei Yan is not surprised about this. He has asked han to be carried in. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yunshen does not give up and takes han to the place designated by Wei Yan.

"Cloud deep, don't kill people."

Han Yi, who had just put his body on the bed, grabbed Zhou Yunshen's clothes and begged, "I'm ok. Don't kill anyone."

Wei Yan stood at the door, watching Zhou Yunshen's movements freeze. Finally, he reached out and broke Han Yi's hand. Han Yi's eyes grew more worried. Finally, he said to Zhou Laodao: "no killing."

"Wei Yan, cure the wound."

Wei Yan responded and went in and cleaned up Han Yi's wound under Zhou Yunshen's gaze. His clothes were no longer available. They were all cut with scissors.

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