Originally some terrible wounds, but because Zhou Yunshen's figure is maintained too well, and become not too eye-catching, but like a medal on his muscles, adding a masculine charm.

The number of wounds shows how many times he almost lost Zhou Yunshen. Han Yirou's soft lips kiss the wound one by one, and finally stops on his belly and unties the buttonholes of his pants.

Han Yi's provocation is not skilled, but as long as he is right, Zhou Yunshen is like a firecracker. In the narrow space, he turns over and presses Han under his body and laughs: "this is what you sent to the door."

Han also did not resist, but also made a look of playing with Ren Jun: "I don't know who delivered the door himself."

It's hard to say. It's getting more and more arrogant.

Zhou tells Han Yi who came to be bullied

Under the moon night, the vegetation is new, everything is full of vitality.

After a love affair, both of them were exhausted. Zhou Yunshen wiped his sweat with his clothes and put his clothes on Han Yi's head.

"Yunshen, you never seem to have told me about your family, your parents, the past before I met you..."

"When will you tell me?" he said

Zhou Yunshen took a look at him. Han Yi's white porcelain skin still had a touch of light red. He couldn't help but raise his hand and touch it. He said faintly, "I'm an orphan. My parents died when I was 10 years old."

He used very light, as if talking about other people's past, but also like the indifference of reciting textbooks.

"My mother is not dead." He said, "my father fell from a height working on the construction site. A steel bar penetrated his heart and died. My mother left with my sister

"Do you have a sister?"


Zhou Yun thought deeply: "her name is Zhou Yungui. Now she should have married." "Who knows? It's been so many years. "

He didn't like others to look at him with sympathy. Intentionally or unintentionally, he continued, "what can I do when I'm ten years old? My grandparents died early, and other relatives would not be burdened with a child. So I went to fight with those kids, and I always had a meal to eat. "

"Is that how I grew up?"

His tone deliberately changed to a relaxed way: "later, he practiced a unique martial arts and saved you like a great swordsman."

He looked at him sideways and said, "my most precious you."

Han also laughed and said, "so are you."

The moonlight outside the window shines on the man's face. From Han Yi's point of view, his side face has a nose like a peak, and there are some years of pain in his eyes.

In a few words, he summed up the darkest and helpless youth in his life. How did that little boy earn his own food and clothing? How did he protect himself?

Every new year, every family lights, but no one belongs to him. There was only one set of old house and his old stove.

The most joyful and lively day of others is that abandoned youth, the most painful day.

Han also suddenly remembered that Zhou Yunshen came to see him on New Year's Eve last year and walked with him from the old year to the first second of the new year in the corner. At that time, did he just want someone to accompany him for the new year?

His heart suddenly hurt a little, as if someone was beating his heart with a hammer.

Thousands of people, and you will have me in the future.

He wants to say this to Zhou Yunshen, but he knows that for men, sympathy and pity are fatal injuries, even from the closest people.

"Do you recognize your sister when you meet her again?"


Zhou Yun deeply pulled his mouth and said with a smile: "it's all over."

Put on clothes, Zhou Yunshen really sent Han Yi upstairs, one ladder up, there was the last floor left, Zhou Yunshen suddenly seized Han Yi's hand and said, "I really hate you."

What he fears most in his life is parting, even if it is only a short time.

Han also held him for a while, but he didn't hold back: "I will accompany you in every new year in the future."

"Han Yi."

Zhou Yunshen voice some trance, "when can you let me into your past?"

Han Yi's body a stiff, vague way: "wait for time."

Zhou Yunshen "um" a, hand patted his back way: "go up, I watch you go up."

The door closed gently, Zhou Yun looked at the door for a while and then turned to go downstairs. Han, who has already arrived in the bedroom, opens the window to watch Zhou Yunshen open the door and watch the car leave.

They are the world's most lonely two vines, tightly intertwined, inseparable from each other, in order to symbiosis.

After that night, Zhou Yunshen came to see him the next night, which was early. In the evening, he came, changed his clothes and took Han Yi and xiaodoubao out for dinner.Zhou Yunshen chooses a Hunan restaurant and a theme room for robot cats, which is obviously to coax the children. Xiaodou Bao is very happy. Both father and son like this cartoon character.

After dinner, take the children to the shopping malls and supermarkets, walk around and send them home.

The third day was the world of two. That evening, the sky was covered with clouds. Zhou Yunshen went for a walk with him. They walked along the willows along the river bank. It was clear that they were two men, but they were gentle as if they wanted to blend into the increasingly thick smoke and willow color.

When going back, Zhou Yunshen suddenly said to Han: "I want to give you all I owe you."

A no brained words, he kisses his eyebrow heart way: "go back quickly."

It's so harmonious to be together these days. The two people are like sugar figurines who want to stick together. After the rest time is over, the time they spend together will be reduced. Moreover, Han also has to follow the crew everywhere. Once separated, it may be more than a month.

Han also took out a box of medicine for stomach disease from his pocket and said: "if you have a stomach disease, remember to eat, of course, it's better to remember to eat. If you don't remember, let Linzi remember it for you."

Really busy, where can I afford to eat?

Zhou Yunshen didn't want han to worry, so he nodded and agreed.

The box of medicine also took Han Yi's temperature, Zhou Yun held it in his pocket and watched Han Yi go upstairs before he got into the car.

The next day, Han also got up early. He prepared gifts for the crew. A small box contained snacks. It was made by a snack shop in a city. It had beautiful cherry blossom shapes and five different flavors. Han Jingyun and he liked it very much. He still felt sorry for the delay.

He and zess arrived at the same time. Han also picked one for him. The boy politely said thanks.

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