It is not surprising to think that she has always been a thoughtful and kind girl.

That night, Han also called Yang Ming on the phone. They said for a few minutes. Yang Ming said hello and agreed to meet with Han in the company tomorrow morning.

The next morning, Han also sent Han Jingyun to school. According to the usual practice, Han Jingyun kisses Han Yi on the cheek before entering. This small hill envied the mouth, "little childe is so cute that I want to have a child. Boss and brother Han are really lucky. "

Now Zhou Yunshen's subordinates have taken the initiative to divide Han Jingyun into Zhou Yunshen's son, and they are all called "little childe". The boss is now leaping thousands of miles, all of a sudden his wife and children have a proper life peak.

However, Zhou Yunshen thinks that this brain circuit is a little strange, but it also conforms to Zhou Yunshen's style.

Yang Ming is waiting for Han Yi at the gate of the company. After a period of time, he has become more mature. He looks more like a mature man. The charm of a mature man is full of his hands and feet, which is very attractive. I'm afraid that the female stars of such a handsome agent have already broken the head?

"Brother Han!"

Yang Ming greets him warmly. Xiaoshan stands in the middle of Han Yi and Yang Ming with the principle that all female creatures are the big brother's love enemies. Han also can't laugh or cry, and tells him that he and Yang Ming have something to discuss.

They went upstairs and went straight to Han Yi's lounge. Yang Ming told Han Yi about the situation. Han also nodded and signed some documents. At last, Yang Ming worried and asked, "I heard that brother Han, you are at the shaqing banquet..."

"My former friends joked. The director was too timid. When he became a director, he ran away with others. As a result, everyone took it seriously."

Han Yi's tone was relaxed, but he opened his hand and made a helpless gesture, which convinced Yang Ming.

As they were saying that hill was coming to urge han to go for an audition, Yang Ming also left. They went downstairs together. Han also got into the company's business car, and Yang Ming drove away.

The audition this time is a modern fantasy drama, set in modern times, but there will be some ancient ghost elements. Han also auditioned for the role of the male protagonist, and the hostess are nominally brothers and sisters. He has always cared for the female host and spared no effort to protect her life.

Xiaoshan tried to recall what the company had told him just now, and he repeated it to Han Yi.

"They said that the role setting was very popular with the audience, and in the end, the male leader died to protect the female leader and let the female host and the male second be together. Tut, it's a role of great love. If you play this role, you will be popular! "

Xiaoshan has completely entered the role of a broker. The more he said, the more excited he became. He seemed to see that Han has also become a big star in the north and south of the river!

"Well," Han also managed the characters, "the character and the ending are very tear jerking. I will try to win this role."

"Han, what do you want to do when you make money?"

Han also picks eyebrows. Will he tell him that he wants to support his boss Zhou when he makes money?

Xiaoshan is responsible for regulating Han Yi's mood, trying to make sure that he has a happy and relaxed life every day. He tries to find some relaxed topics along the way, without mentioning Zhou Yunshen in a word.

However, Han has always been concerned about Zhou Yunshen. The more dangerous the man is, the more he is not allowed to go. Now he is not even allowed to know. When he comes back, he must make clear what happened six years ago and "educate" what he did this time.

This time, the director is a new show in recent years. At 35, he has already made three Internet blockbusters. It is half a success to be able to play with him.

When Han Yi recited his lines, Xiaoshan had already chatted with the people around the director. When Han also came out, he said, "brother Han, it is said that more than ten artists have come to audition for this play. Are you sure?"

"I don't know, but," Han also said with a smile, "I think it's eight to nine."

His melancholy temperament is very appropriate to the character image of that brother. Just now he heard from the director that he is determined to win the role.

The good news came in the evening, saying that the contract could be signed tomorrow, but the director said first that the play was hard to shoot and there were a lot of fighting scenes, so Han was also mentally prepared. If you can't bear the pain, don't sign it.

Kobayashi stomped his feet in anger. What director is so angry?

Han also laughed off, but he felt that the director was very interested in him.

As soon as the contract was signed, all kinds of publicity were put on the agenda. Han Yi tried to make a model and take publicity photos for two days in a row. As soon as the fixed makeup photo came out, even Xiaoshan was astonished by Han. This shape, this person, was like a person coming out of a painting!

Liu junnan also seems to think that Han Yi has an unlimited future. When he talks with Han Yi, he is full of beating around the bush. If he wants to arrange a broker for him, is it not equivalent to Liu junnan's person?

Think about the last time Liu junnan listened to Yang Luoqing's words and asked him to say that, Han also can only ha ha ha in his heart. He beat around the Bush, Han also as do not understand the past.He devoted himself to his work. Only in the dead of the night did he have time to think about those messy things. Thinking about Zhou Yunshen, he would be back in two days. Han also calculated that he would buy some vegetables and make a meal for him when he came back.

On the day Zhou Yunshen came back, Han bought a big bag of vegetables and went home ahead of time. However, he met an acquaintance at the door of his house.

It was the Marquis of the Song Dynasty who was wrapped up at the door like a big star.

He leaned against the door and whistled to Han: "don't you invite me in?"

Han also clenched his fist and said, "the place is narrow. If there is anything wrong with song Gongzi, please speak outside."

Song Hou laughs twice. He comes over and looks at Han Yi. He raises his hand to pinch Han Yi's chin. Han Yi turns his head to avoid it.

Song Hou's hand pours empty, chuckles a way: "now pour is compared to before temper also big."

As he said, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and his hand suddenly grabbed Han Yi's neck. As hard as that, he seemed to pinch Han Yi's neck!

"You know what Zhou Yunshen is going to do, don't you?"

At this time, the Marquis of Song Dynasty treated him like an enemy of life and death, "you helped that scum deal with me, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Zhou Yunshen has hurt my parents! Han Yi, I will remember this account for you, the day when you are waiting to repay it! "

He pinched Han Yi by the neck. When Han Yi was still in a daze, he pushed him against the wall and bent his head to bite Han Yi's neck. How could Han let him touch him again?

Every man's fatal weakness is song Hou. Han also touched his neck and looked at him coldly and said, "Marquis song, you take yourself seriously. There is no eternal overlord. Who knows Yunshen will not be the next song family. "

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