It was at that time that jiangman appeared. The owner of a small restaurant was very white. He had a small black mole on his nose. He had long black hair and wore a long white skirt. Even standing at the door of a small restaurant, it was a beautiful scenery.

It was the new year's day to recruit waiters. At that time, Han Yi didn't even have a dollar all over his body. He said he was going to apply for a job. In fact, he just wanted to have enough to eat.

In the past, although I was often bullied and humiliated by the Marquis of the Song Dynasty, I had no problem with food and clothing and a little pocket money. When I came out of the incubator of the Song family, I experienced the vicissitudes of the world.

Janman left him.

"Later, I asked why she left me," Han Yi said, pulling her lips, revealing a smile even worse than crying. "She said that looking at me, she remembered a brother who had been very good to her, and said that I looked like him very much."

"I spent a new year in jiangman. We had no place to go after the closing of new year's Eve. She made dumplings..."

Two people who had no intersection in their previous lives ate a plate of dumplings together. At that moment, they were like relatives, blessing each other, and their wishes were fulfilled. The coming year will be smooth and smooth.

"Because I was pursued by the Song family, I felt guilty. It seemed that people on the road were flustered. Later, because a girl provoked Pisan's Gang, they beat me half to death. Later, they ran into a patrol police car, and I recovered my life after they ran away."

Said Han also stopped for a while, Zhou Yunshen did not need to think about the content behind gradually heavy, is Han also unwilling to recall.

"Later, it was jiangman who saved me, but at the cost of being a woman of PI San. Pisan is a gangster, not a man. He often beat and scold Jiang man. He thinks Jiang man is like a woman in a prostitute shop. "

In the not bright light, Han also looked at Zhou Yunshen and said: "you will not see jiangman being bullied by such an animal?"

"You ran away with janman?"

"Well, it's just that she was three months pregnant by that time." Han Yi's hands clenched. "Originally I took jiangman to the hospital, but after examination, the doctor said that jiangman's health was too poor. If she hit a child, she would have to take out half of her life, and there would be no more children in the future."

"I can't let jiangman take any more risks, even if I'm going to die."

Han Yi's voice floated like dust in the air. "That year, I took Jiang Mandong to hide in Tibet. PI San was abducted by the people on the road. My wife was held in my heart, and I tried my best to find us."

"But at that time," said Han Yi, she was in tears. "Jiangman said that was the happiest time of her life. Even if it's three meals and no place to live, follow me to live across the bridge hole, and then I can stay in a small hotel... "

"Yunshen, I almost sold my kidney in those days."

Zhou Yunshen's eyes suddenly widened, his hands clenched, trying to control himself.

"I think I'm a man. I can't let jiangman, a pregnant woman, eat or sleep well. I try my best to make money. I've got in touch with the kidney sellers. But I don't know where jiangman found her at the beginning. Stop me and forbid me to sell kidneys."

Memory that only incandescent lamp, emitting a musty smell, and a mouse passing by the small room was pushed away by jiangman, she had a big stomach, holding a rusty kitchen knife, like a female soldier in front of him, threatening those people not to touch him.

"She said she would rather die than sell my kidney. She said she wanted me to raise children with her. If she really wants to repay her, she will marry her. She has always wanted to marry an honest and responsible person, a good and obedient child, and a warm family

"I registered with her."

"A few days after registration, Jiang man was in labor. It rained heavily that night. She gave birth to a boy, who was Jing Yun."

"Not long after Jingyun was born, Pisan's people found the door. At that time, I didn't feel that I had the strength to send me to buy Baotou

When he came back from buying steamed buns, jiangman was dead, naked.

"The animals!"

"Han Yi."

Zhou Yunshen held his shoulder in both hands and said, "it's all over. It's all over."

"No, there's no past, it's not going to be in this life!"

Han also fiercely raised his head, staring at Zhou Yunshen and said: "you don't know what it's like to owe someone a life. A love, you have no chance to repay it all your life!"

"Han Jingyun is my life! It was I who owed him so much that he lost his mother at a young age. It was I who owed jiangman. She could have married an honest and responsible person, have a lovely child and a warm family, just as she thought, instead of... " He was so sad that he couldn't even say a word completely, "it's not that I've made a miserable life!"

"She may have thought of this day, which is the reason why she gave birth to Han Jingyun! She wants me to live! "

"She was so kind, and I was..."Han is also out of control. Zhou Yunshen hugs him and says, "it's not your fault, it's their fault."

"You tell me that just because you care about me."

Han yihun smiles with a twinkling in his eyes.

His body is soft and paralyzed in Zhou Yunshen's arms, like a tiger who has fought against fate for most of his life without a trace of strength. Every breath blows up the dust of years of pain.

"If you think that's the case," Zhou Yun held his face and looked at him, "then I'll tell you."

"In this life, I will carry your sin, I will bear your pain, and I will hold back all the wind, frost, rain, snow, sword and shadow of your Han Yi."

"I'll pay what you owe, and I'll ask for what you owe."

"And you," he said, melting his loving eyes into his eyes, "just do Han Yi."

There was silence in the room for a while, and Zhou Yunshen's voice echoed in his ears, straight into the deepest part of his heart. The man who had already rooted in his heart has grown into a towering tree.

For him, some people are willing to grow up to be an invincible general and split a secure place for him to spend the rest of his life.

Gaze at each other for a few minutes, Han also pulled the corner of his mouth, called a: "cloud deep."

Answer him is a long kiss, not with lust, not like the past domineering, like a cure for years of wounds, pressing his lips, tossing and turning to heal.

"Han Yi, Han Yi..."

He cried, Acacia thousands of times, Acacia hot his heart paste, bad, now scrape off the rotten meat, grow again.

He knew that the missing six years between him and Han Yi had been completely made up in this night, and there was no gap.

One night's love seems not to know tired, until the sky turned white, Zhou Yunshen just hugged Han Yishen to sleep.

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