Zhou Yunshen is irregular in the face of Han Yi. He is as bright as a star in his eyes. He stealthily clasps the back of Han Yi's head and competes for his territory.

Han also eyes light move, Han also knew what he wanted to do, and quickly took his hand and said: "in the hospital, not allowed."

Zhou Yun deep hum smile, "that you call a husband?"

It's like killing Han Yi. It's like a pair of hands pinching his throat. He can't cry out.

"No? All right

Zhou is very generous to take off his clothes.

Zhou Yun held Han Yi's chin in his hand and said, "call or not?"

Is there any difference between calling it or not?

At the next moment, Zhou Yunshen pulled the quilt to cover them. Suddenly, there was darkness in the quilt. Han also gritted his teeth and said angrily, "you don't mean it!"

"Listen to your cry, my heart is like a cat scratching. Han Yi, I will die without you."

Han Yi:

To save the Korean beauty, you have to die to survive.

"Han Yi, I love you.

This sound is from the distant mountains and seas, through the wind and the moon, clouds and snow, just for this moment to reach your ears.

After the end of the battle, Han also kicked uncle Zhou to take out the garbage and rest on his pillow.

Zhou Yun's deep and cheap is a lingering kiss to take out the garbage.

When he came back, Xiaoshan stood guard at the door. Obviously, he had been waiting for a while. He said politely: "boss, have you seen brother Han?"

Han GE's face is slightly red, a look is just that what, Zhou Yunshen very calm "um" a way: "after dawn, go to buy some nourishing porridge."


Hill said solemnly, "make sure to finish the task."

Zhou Yunshen didn't have time to watch him play tricks. He had already pushed the door in. Under the white weaving lamp, Han Yi's face was light red, and the color was spring. Zhou Yunshen looked at it and squeezed into the bed. He held Han Yi in his arms and said, "sleep, I'll accompany you."

This time, Han also tired, in Zhou Yunshen's arms fell asleep, Zhou Yunshen set the mobile phone to mute, sending messages.

Lin Zi sent a picture. The young man in the picture was not someone else, but the Marquis of Song Dynasty.

He's been to city a?

Zhou Yun's deep complexion sank a line of words in the past, and Lin zisec replied yes.

He asked Linzi to send someone to protect Han Jingyun.

Han Jingyun is Han Yi's heart gradually. If something happens to him, Han has to follow him.

At 6:30, Xiaoshan delivered the breakfast on time. Zhou Yunshen ate the delicious mushroom chicken porridge with steamed buns and two kinds of small dishes. Zhou Yunshen ate with Han Yi. After breakfast, the nurse came to fetch water.

Last night, Han Yi's face was a little bit bad today. Zhou Yun deeply regretted that his intestines were blue. Fortunately, Han didn't say anything. He had a chat with him.

After lunch with him in a hurry, Zhou Yunshen had to leave. He came back quietly. The business of D city is not over.

Xiaoshan sent Zhou Yunshen out. Before getting on the bus, Zhou Yunshen told him, "don't let anyone approach Han Yi. There are many people in the hospital. Except for doctors and nurses, everyone is stopped. Even the people from Yunting company are no exception."

Zhou Yunshen had a bit of a serious taste when he told him so. Xiaoshan's body was straight: "yes! Boss

Han also lay in the hospital for three days. During these three days, except for going to the toilet, Xiaoshan did not let him go down to the ground, as if he were a fragile porcelain doll.

When he walked out of the hospital and was exposed to the sunshine, Han also felt very happy, like a prisoner who had not seen the sunshine for a long time.

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