The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 167 - Doing the Work (Seeking Subscriptions)

The next morning

After breakfast, Hai Zhang's family went up to the mountain to prune the fruit trees in the orchard today!

"Oops! Uncle has a lot of prickly pears here!"

Autumn has arrived, the wild prickly pear by the roadside golden golden, looks very attractive, little Duo Duo saw the surprise shouted!

"Wanna eat it, huh? What a little glutton!!!" Zhang Hai laughed and glared at the guy, then picked two, wiped off the burrs and handed them to him!

"Hehehe, thanks uncle!!!" The prickly pear was the result of little Toto's joyful smile!

"There are a lot of prickly pears in the mountains, and I see that they are sold in the highway service area. Seeing the fruitful prickly pear trees by the roadside, the lady lamented to.

Because this thing, in the countryside almost no one wants, usually only children will pick two to quench their appetite, in addition, occasionally there are villagers will pick a few pounds back to make prickly pear wine!

"Over ten dollars a pound?" When she heard her daughter's words, Wang Guilan was surprised.

"Of course people buy them! It's just that not many people buy them!!!" Sister Zhang Qin laughed.

It's usually bought by tourists who come to the city or people in the city to try a fresh one.

Seeing so many wild prickly pears growing by the roadside, Zhang Hai also thought of his childhood, when we didn't have any snacks, we like to pick prickly pears by the roadside as fruit to eat, sweet and sour, eat in the mouth and sweet, think about some drooling!

So Zhang Hai is going to finish the work later, and pick some back, and if you can't finish it, you can make it into dried prickly pear, or brew it into prickly pear wine!

Prickly pear brewed wine, Zhang Hai has also drunk before, the taste is really good, it not only has a peculiar fragrance, but also can strengthen the stomach, clear heat and diuretic, a small amount of consumption, the body has many benefits!

Soon everyone came to the orchard, and Big Sister took out a big tablecloth and laid it on the ground, and put Little Dorrit on it.

"Little Duo Duo you play with your sister here, you can't let her climb on the ground, okay?"

"Got it mom!!!" The little one nodded seriously.

"Sister, will my brother stay here and play with you?"

The little girl looked at him with a bull's head and then ignored him as she played with the doll in her own hands.

The little guy wasn't annoyed either, and squatted on the ground with a smile on his face, watching his sister play by herself!

Seeing how well behaved the two children were, the older sister smiled and nodded, took a hand saw and started to trim the branches on the side of the tree!

There are still quite a few orchards in the 4-5 acre area, and even though Zhang Hai worked quickly, it took a whole day for everyone to finish pruning the trees in the orchard!

"Hai is home!!!" After Zhang Hai prunes the last fruit tree, Wang Guilan and the others are waiting for him by the roadside!

"Mom you guys go home first, I'll pick up some firewood and go back!!!" Zhang Hai responded loudly.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I think I'm going to be able to do it for a while.

"Then you come back early, we'll go back to cooking first!!!"

Zhang Hai nodded in response and picked up dry wood in the orchard!

There is a lot of firewood in the orchard, because the boughs that are pruned by families are put on rocks to dry, and when they dry, they become fuel for fires.

In addition, there were also a number of other trees, shrubs, etc. that grew in the orchard, which, when cut down and dried in the sun, could be used as firewood!

Because there was a lot of firewood in the ground, in less than half an hour, Zhang Hai picked up a whole truckload of it, almost completely covering the tricycle!

On the way back, I just happened to meet the co-op employees on their way home from work.

"Hai, gather firewood."

"Xiaohai, you've made a fortune today!"

Everyone saw Zhang Hai pulling a big cart of dry firewood and joked about it!

"Haha, there's more on the mountain, we can all get rich!!!" Zhang Hai also responded with a smile!

Recently, Wang Lei is arranging pruning of the orchard of the cooperative.

As we all know, if a fruit tree grows too high, it is not only inconvenient for picking, but also detrimental to the photosynthesis of fruit trees.


"Uncle you're back?"

"Uncle, look at this prickly pear I picked today, isn't it much?"

As soon as Zhang Hai's car drove into the yard, little Duo Duo brought his prickly pear picking over to show off!

"It's only this much, and it's not even enough to fill my teeth!!!" Zhang Hai said with a deliberate smile.

"Hee hee, is your uncle's tooth gap that big?" The little guy took one look at Zhang Hai's teeth and then smiled and asked!

Just at that moment, my elder sister shouted loudly in the hall, "Xiaoduo Duoduo, come here quickly, don't block your uncle's work!"

Zhang Hai is now so strong that he can pick up a big bundle of dry firewood in one go, and in less than 10 minutes, he had a big truckload of dry firewood neatly stacked under the eaves next to the house!

"Xiaohai, I heard that we sold a lot of fruit this year?" Seeing his brother wiping sweat in the yard, Zhang Qin smiled and asked.

"Well, it's about seventeen or eighteen thousand!!!" Zhang Hai nodded, and he hadn't calculated the exact number.

"This much?" Big Sister looked at him in amazement!

"Well, our fruit grew well this year, and ripened a little earlier than usual, so the price was good, and the peaches sold for 10 yuan a pound, and the plums sold for 5 yuan a pound!

Zhang Hai answered with a smile as he washed the sweat off his body!

Hearing his brother's answer, Zhang Qin was very surprised, did not expect his own peaches and plums can actually sell at such a good price, because before she also helped sell peaches at home, even when just ripe, a pound of peaches is only four or five pieces at most.

Here, Zhang Qin's heart was even more curious. I don't know how my brother managed to get such a high price for the fruit.

After scrubbing his body, Zhang Hai was also hungry and smiled as he walked into the kitchen and asked his mother.

"Mom, what are we eating tonight?"

"Oh, I'm stewing ribs, let's have ribs hot pot later!!!" Wang Guilan smiled as the pot was gently cooking pork chops, emitting a strong aroma of meat.

In Qingshan, everyone likes to eat hotpot, and all the dishes can be put into the pot, which is more convenient during the farming season.

Soon, my brother-in-law came home from work!

Everyone was sitting by the fire, eating the rib hot pot, even the two little kids were enjoying it!

"Oh, little Dodo you eat slowly, be careful of burning your mouth!!!" Seeing the little greedy cat stuffing ribs into its mouth, Wang Guilan reminded with a smile!

"Got it Grandma!!!" The little guy's mouth was full of food and he slurred his reply!

We all had a good laugh at this!

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