The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 503, the value of the city leaders

Public security bureau leadership

Know the mountain group breeding base

After a large number of visitors gathered, immediately attaches great importance to it.

The Secretary of the Public Security Bureau took the team in person, and a special police team with a ten person rushed to the scene.

Because the mountain god group is not a general company,

It is the largest private enterprise in Anhai and even the province. The annual tax quota is among the local name.

It can be said that the Mountain Group has become a local business card.

After the police arrived, I found that there is too much here!

Because over time

More and more tourists here, look at it, the highlands near the wall are all visible.

There are five or six thousand people, and the number of visitors is still increased at speed.

So the leader can only apply for support to the bureau again.

Finally, the Public Security Bureau has adjusted a total of 100 special police to maintain the order of lives.


At noon on the same day, Anhai TV station reported this news.

The local self-media also broadcast the spectacular scenes of the Anhai base.

That is really a shoulder, the people of the mountains.

Especially in noon, the number of tourists reached the peak and reached more than 80,000 people.

More than 80,000 people! It is necessary to know that the whole Anhai is almost seven or eight thousand frequent people.

That is to say, on the afternoon, one tenth Anhai people came to the breeding base and watch colored rapeseeds.

"I am going, too cattle! If each person receives ten yuan tickets, it is 800,000!"

"What do you want to eat upstairs? Collecting tickets, if you dare to let the big moms go in, they are sure that the rapeseed flowers will give you a flat, but also want to collect the ticket to make their money?"

"The upstairs is reasonable, and if it is true to accept the ticket, there will be no so many people enter, I am estimated that there is 10,000 people to buy tickets. Eight!"

"In fact, the key to the problem is not these, but the place where the rape is planted, it will not be able to collect the ticket. Everyone can enjoy the flowers on the mountain, and also use it to pay in it?"

Other eating melon people feel that it is very reasonable to say.

Because the people of the Chinese people have diligent and savvy products, they want to collect tickets with rapeseeds, that is really unrealistic.

Let's take a look at those watches of rapeseeds.

Those places are not increasing by tickets.

Instead of relying on the accommodation of tourists to promote local economic development.


By the next day

Tourists come to the breeding base.

Many of the tourists from the provincial city,

In noon, even the local road was blocked by the tourists of the self-driving tour.

The local people suddenly became happy, hurry up to the road, put on the small stall, sell snacks, sell fast food ...

Mei Zi is a small business, and even a primary school student is only selling water, and it has also earned seven or eighter.

In the next few days, the mountain god group rape breeding base became a net red attraction.

Tourists from the province and net red rush to come here to play, enjoy the beautiful colored rapeseed.

Seeing colored rapeseeds so popular

The local leaders also saw the opportunity.

Anhai is called the back garden of the provincial city, and these years are also striving to develop tourism while developing agriculture.

Unfortunately, in addition to the Anhai Grand Falls, the city is not a attraction that can take out.

The appearance of colored rapeseeds has brought the opportunity of giants to local rural tourism.

According to relevant departments,

An Hai City has more than 300,000 mu of oil-ranging area.

It is the largest rape planting area in the province.

Therefore, Anhai leaders are very interested in colored rapeseeds who have just hit the mountain god group.

Just the next day of the tourists began to visit the card

The city leaders conducted an investigation of the mountain god group breeding base.

Leaders personally asked Professor Wang asked the relevant situation of colored rapeseeds.

After you know that these rapeseed seeds can also cultivate colored rapeseeds, the leadership has made decisions.

Be sure to promote these two colors of rapeseeds in a large area of ​​the city.

If this can be promoted, then Anhai will succeed alternative to Luo Ping, and become a new rape flower view.

Not only the city's tourism revenue will increase, but also the income of relevant practitioners will increase.


On the afternoon

Anhai held a relevant leadership meeting.

At the meeting, the relevant leaders introduced the results of this day, and suggested that Anhai took the development of rapeseeds.

"According to the research experts of colored rape blossoms, this new rapeseed flower is very stable, and we can build our Anhai to create a new colorful rape flower."

After the relevant leaders, the other leaders in seats nodded.

"Since everyone agrees with this project, then let's take a specific discussion"

In fact, the promotion of oil and flowers is not difficult. Just give farmers a little subsidy, it is estimated that most farmers in the city are willing to plant.

Because rapeseeds are all crops in winter to spring, there is no impact on summer crops.

And according to the introduction of the Mountain Group experts, the output of colored rapeseeds will not be less, and even higher yields than ordinary oil.

The yield of mu should be around 400 pounds, while the local rapeseed seed mu yield is only 300.

Therefore, promoting colored rape flower plants can not only promote local tourism development, but also increase the income of cultivated farmers.

It can be said that this is a multi-party win-win project.

In this way, Anhai colored rape flower project officially established.

Its total investment is 10 million, and it is expected to promote 300,000 acres of colored rapeseeds in the city.

Leaders will be willing to build an Anhai to create a national first colored rape flower view.


Received notices from the city

Jiang Xingmin was very shocked. I didn't expect the city's leaders to have such a sense of ambition, actually to plant 300,000 mu of colored rapeseed.

"I am very sorry leadership, our colored rapeseed seeds may not be so much."

Jiang Xingmin specially called to understand the city leaders.

"There is not so much? Is your rapeseed seed output?" The leader is a bit surprised.

Jiang Xingmin once again knew that the leaders must be a line,

Because the seeds are selected, 30 percent of the yield can be achieved, it is quite good.

After listening to Jiang Xingmin, the leader thought for a while, and he continued to ask:

"Ginger, choose the rest of the rapeseed, can you speculate in colored rapeseeds?"

Got! As soon as I listen to the leaders, Jiang Xing people will understand his intend.

"It can be able, just production and growth may not be so good!" Jiang Xingmin reputable.

"That's no problem, no selection seeds, the rest of the rapeseed we also want!" Leaders immediately tone.

For the city leaders, the yield of rapeseed is not particularly important.

Because as long as you don't affect your view, it can be accepted.

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