The boss started with raising pigs

Chapter 518 scientific research team hot search (seeking whole order! I really want to starve!)

Just married in Amin

The province also held a grand 'May 1 Labor Medal and the May 4th Youth Medal' commendation meeting.

The main leaders of the province attended the meeting and made an important speech.

In this conference, many people have gained honorary commendation.

Yang Jia, deputy general manager of the Mountain Group, received the title of the provincial labor model.

Jiang Xingmin is getting a personal award in the May 4th Youth Medal.

In addition, the company has four breeding research teams to have a team commendation.

That is Wang Ming Mountain, the Mountain God, a rice breeding team;

The Mountain Shenyi Wheat Breeding Team Leading Professor Gao Yiming;

Mountain Shenyi, Hostel, Higher Workers, Hosted by Weijiang;

Finally, Zhou established the mountain gods, soybean breeding team; "

There are so many people and teams on the mountain god group.

The participants and the live audiences watched all the time.

Jiang Xingmin and Deputy General Manager of the General Manager of the Mountain Game Group.

They lead the mountain god group to achieve such amazing results, and they can get these honors.

There are also four research teams.

It is a national treasure team.

They have achieved their achievements in the past two years, but they are not only shocked by the country or even the world.

Because of their research, the three major food crops in Huaxia can achieve the advantage of the leadership.

The food security of Huaxia can be effectively guaranteed!

Although we have already got rid of the hunger for decades,

But the people still have not forgot to forget those difficult years.

Everyone knows that we can eat and hold warm today, you will not leave their efforts and contributions.


In addition to the three grain crops, there is also a pain in the hearts of Chinese people.

Once the Chinese, it is the origin of soybeans.

In decades ago, Huaxia is still the world's largest soy production country and exporter.

But by 2004, a conspiracy of foreign gardeners, completely defeated domestic soybean processing enterprises.

After some integrated acquisition, in the present, Huaxia has 70% soybean processing enterprises to be controlled by foreign capital.

Even our familiar golden fish are foreign brands,

Even national teams such as Fu Linmen have also doped with foreign shares.

It can be imagined, how horror is the control of my country's soybean processing enterprises!

And all of this is based on China's loss of soy pricing rights.

But today, with the strength of the mountain god group big bean breeding team

Everyone finally saw the hope of Huaxia soybeans again.

Because there is a high-yield seed that the mountain god group is cultivated.

So, domestic soybeans can be self-sufficient, you can completely get rid of the dependence on foreign soybeans.

Therefore, when the audience saw the introduction of these teams of the mountain god group, all were respectful.

Scientists who have paid for these silently are full of respect.

"It's really a national moon! Mountain god group is really cattle! A company has so many excellent research team!"

"Come on! I hope that the mountain god group will make persistent efforts to make more contributions to the Huaxia's breeding industry!"

Netizens can't help but launched, because these research teams achieved, it is really amazing.

The most needed in Huaxia is what they have to be, not those who are coated with small meat.


"Haizi congratulations!"

In the morning of this day, the monkey is like Zhang Hai Congucheng.

Zhang Hai is very surprised: "Congratulations? Not I am married."

"Your kid wants to go, I said the things of May 1 and May 4th, have you been awarded a lot of people?" The monkey smiled and explained.

"It turned out to be this, I thought you were saying!" Zhang Hai glared up.

Because Yesterday, Amin married, he didn't pay attention to this news at all, just know that the company has a commendation.

As for the online news, he still don't know.

"You haven't got online from yesterday, now I am praising your company's research team and scientist!" The monkey laughed.

"Yes?" Zhang Hai opened the mobile phone and saw that the company was again hot again.

Almost all of the hot search is almost all the company's high-end products, but this time I hot search does the company's research team.

As they got to commend, the various research results of their team also known for netizens.

Everyone admires their scientific research spirit.

"Hey! I doubt that your company's research team is really hanging!"

Monkeys once again looked at the amazing achievements, they couldn't help but laughed.

"That's not, it's all the mountain god bless, or we can call the mountain god group?" Zhang Hai half opened.

"Roll!" The monkey was white, and he felt that he was in his nuts.


The two people chatted again, and the monkeys suddenly remembered a thing.

"To the sea, you promised my mountain god mutton?"

"Isn't you eaten yesterday?"

"Eat it on the banquet yesterday?" The monkey looked at him with great eyes.

"Of course, isn't it the mountain god mutton?" Zhang Hai nodded.

Seeing Zhang Hai's reaction, the monkey did not do it on the spot, and immediately kill a sheep, soothed his injured heart.

"Yes, okay, want to eat lamb, let's go out!"

Then both people called the big bull and Afeng, and they went to the raising base.

"Brother, your company is really powerful, it seems to be hot again!"

In the car, the big cat is laughing and said.

"OK!" Zhang Haiqian laughed.

I heard the answer to him so Versailles, everyone couldn't help but turn over the eyes.

I feel that he is a forced, and the company team is hot and I'm also called it?

This will not be as expected like the 'ordinary family twist vine, Peking University is also hinding.

"Haizi, your company's mountain gods should be listed?" The monkey is really a food, three sentences are not eating.

"Fast, it should be listed within this month!" Zhang Hai nodded.

From the end of last year, there is also a half year old.

According to the farming time of the lamb, the first high-end mutton should be coming out.

"So fast?" The monkey thought it was more than two months, which knows this month,

For a time, some monkeys were awkward.

"The sea brother is not happy?" A peak said.

Know that this guy is ridiculed himself, so Zhang Hai stared at him warned:

"Pay attention to talk, the wages last month have not yet sent it!"

"Ah, I am wrong, I apologize! I repent! I have dawn, I will never .........."

Afeng deliberately exaggerated to Zhang Hai, or it is not convenient in the car, this guy is estimated to give Zhang Hai.

"Okay, your five-fur acting acting, who looks for!" Zhang Hai smiled and shook his head.

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