The Branded Female Fencer

Sealed Servant, Part 94 - Demon King's Home

I've earned enough time for that startup. It is also for this reason that we crushed the demon kings who, depending on how they were used, became powerful enough to destroy a nation. Anomaly's decision was quick, saying that if she died herself, it would be nothing.

When the tubes that were connected one at a time came off and the culture fluid drained, the aiga-one slowly moved out. I haven't finished making the final adjustments to my intelligence yet, but I'm ordering you not to stop until we wipe out everything but ourselves in this workshop first. After that, you just have to adjust after your enemies are gone. At least I wish I could fight Titania.

Anomaly was constantly getting information from Tiran, who stretched him around the workshop. The highly indeterminate Alphilis tried to negotiate just in case, but they found that they would withdraw if Tetrapolishka was even safe. You may have been fortunate that Tiran didn't kill Tetrapolishka earlier. I wonder if Alphilis and the others will withdraw even if we leave them alone. Either way, the workshop on this earth is going to end, and there is no reason to dispute with Tetrapolishka. Arnelia also sends in one Mason, and it is assumed that she is not going to set up anything serious here. And, if so, Titania is the only enemy for the moment.

Anomaly was almost certain of the victory. At the very least, it is possible to escape. Just then, Eigaoan was looking up at the ceiling to see if he recognized the nearest enemy. That's where I got word from the Tetrastine user demon.

"We're buying time for Titania opponents, but it's time to limit ourselves. If we're going to stop this, we're going to destroy the workshop, but how are you getting ready?"

"No, I'm done. You can withdraw. Thank you for your disciplined cooperation so far. I really didn't think you'd stop me."

"I made a deal as a magician. Quite a bit of consideration for this one too. I think it was a good relationship. Wish me a good fight."

"Hmm, something you don't even mean. I'm not glad a man wishes me a good fight."

"So let's just say Lissie."

"Then let's have it. I'd be happier to die."

"Looks like you can still afford it. If I were alive, I wouldn't want to see you."


Anomaly laughed invincibly at him, but I think Tetrastine would have given him the same look if he had been here. It was an alliance with no trust whatsoever in each other, but both Anomaly and Tetrastine have split that this would be the case between those who are, well, against the ethics of the world.

Anomaly also wondered what Tetrastine would do in the future, but it is believed that she would no longer be able to enter the Black Mage than she had cooperated with Anomaly on this occasion. The purpose of Tetrastine was not well known to Anomaly, but after a moment, it was thought that he might no longer need the knowledge of a black magician.

"(Because it looks like it was moving around right there in the back. I will continue to do so, but his ability to gather information had something to keep an eye on. I somehow found out that the form of witchcraft I use is a little different from the modern one, but I think I've already looked into us. Then they might have grasped everyone's weaknesses, but... well, it doesn't matter, does it? What would Oranzeble have thought of Tetrastine? Or maybe you weren't even interested in that. I don't care what you think of Orange Bull, it doesn't seem sane. What am I supposed to say?

Anomaly was puzzled by the thought. I may have been relieved that Aigaoan was activated, but it was true that I had not been relaxed in a few days. But he just didn't think it was going to be fatal.

Anomaly felt the pain pushing through her back. It is the spear that pierces the body. The spear that broke right under his heart took power from Anomaly's body, and he fluttered unconsciously and unwittingly stuck to the railing in front of him. Getting on his knees did not allow him to be proud.

But I don't know why. There shouldn't be any enemies here, as much as I was pierced in the first place, and I shouldn't be able to move this far - Anomaly looked backwards unexpectedly. I know who did it, but I just couldn't believe it.

"Nah... Tyran, huh?

"Yes, Father. You're alarmed. It is one end of the three spears that pierce wisdom, love and desire, especially wisdom. Your father is no better than me because of his strength, and he will deprive you of the energy to think. It should be fatal for your father, who is the Lord of thought."

Tyran's inorganic eyes were looking down at Anomaly. Unlike Kubelais, who has a clear self, there is only an inorganic light floating in his eyes that cannot read any emotion that merely repeats the ordained act.

If you look closely at the anomalies, the surrounding divers didn't even have time to make metastases, where they were captured one after the other by Tyran. Since the room itself is made up of Tyran's body, it is also useless to write the activation formula for the transfer on the ground in advance. Before Anomaly said anything, Tyran started talking to herself.

"You're right about 'the guy'. There are times when the all-powerful father can make a gap. That's probably when I cut the trump card. That's what I thought happened to Aigaoan."

"That guy...? Who, that. Besides, you can't fight me..."

"It's not against you, it's all for Father's sake. Strong enemies pushing over to the workshop are this Tiran's

It's definitely your father's loss in the calculations. Eigaoan won't win either. Even if Tiran hatches, please fulfill it... then Tiran suggests ways to be more certain you can win. Again, for Father's sake. This is the advice of a friend of mine. And that's why I got this spear. "


Anomaly realized in being deprived of her thoughts. Surely Tyran hasn't betrayed himself. Rather, it can be said that according to its existential significance, a definite method was chosen. It is to select oneself as a primitive body to take in for hatching. Indeed, the completion rate would be much higher than taking in the phantom beast on top.

But the point is not taken into account there. Survival as anomaly remains what it is today. Anomaly was going to abandon this workshop. Worst of all, I can prepare my own workshop somewhere as long as I survive. It takes time, but Tyran and Kubelay can make it again. My life expectancy is long anyway. All you have to do is start acting again after someone who knows who you are dies.

But if Tyran takes me in, I won't get a resumption. Tyran doesn't have that kind of thought, and he made this workshop and his survival a top priority. I didn't even have time for Anomaly to rewrite such an order because I was in a hurry, but I didn't expect to go into this kind of action because Tyran was nothing but a consumable for Anomaly in the first place. And who gave such a weapon? There should not have been any items of weapons collected by Anomaly or Titania that had dangerous effects against themselves. And there's too much time between them, and I don't know what 'he' is.

I had an imagination. But before finishing the thought, Tyran was in action early. It is an individual created not to act in vain. It did not give Anomalie extra time for thought, etc., and in front of Anomalie was a large mouth open so that he could swallow the Anomalie whole.


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