The Branded Female Fencer

Boys, Part 32 - Confrontation


Obles knocks on the door of the room. Strangely, there was no one around the glass live room. When visitors arrive, usually someone packs it outside the room, but this time it doesn't happen either. Obles watched the knights move around as they were prepared to take this association away, but I also wonder if it was because of that.

But it must be a one-of-a-kind opportunity. When he heard a glass live reply from inside, Obles never went into the glass live room with his will.

"Excuse me."

It's the usual habitual behavior, but I'm not at all comfortable with Obres today. No, I might have actually felt the same way back in the day. Every time he walks into this room, Obres reminds me that he feels like he's eating the worst shit. Every time I played with a glass live, I remembered which was the worst compared to licking the bottom of the toilet. I just thought it was too bad that I quit thinking and feeling things.

The person at the moment, who gave Obres a taste of the worst thoughts, was in front of him. Glass Live is the same phase and the best smile you'll ever want to smash. It's still no wonder why it extends to the worst of acts, even with this smile. And I found out with the help of Glass Live that this priest is the worst scumbag and at the same time he does help a large number of people. If we could help people, how could we denigrate them on the other side? In this sense, Glass Live was a monster, very incomprehensible and an object of awe for Obres.

But I'm no longer willing to understand. I don't even have time to just be afraid. After a quarter of an hour, I guess the priest in front of me is just a chunk of meat. Obles asked Glass Live, as inorganically as he could, not to be enlightened.

"I came to say goodbye today, priest"

"Well, are you leaving then? Wouldn't anything be sudden? I heard their hoarded treasure was taken..."

"Yeah, sure. But it's not like I can't guess anything else. We can't take all the humans, but we can't keep moving."

"Ho ho, that's my first ear"

Glass Live stroked his saggy jaw, as impressed. Obles felt some discomfort in the trick. Spending a long time with this priest, I somehow grasp the habit of Glass Live. When he strokes his jaw, he is often in a hurry for some reason.

"(The priest is in a hurry... to what?

Obres doesn't know why. Because Obles has no reason to know that Elsa, the Archbishop, has just visited him and has also made a declaration equal to the final circular.

Obles went on to talk, suspicious inside.

"Anyway, we're leaving here. I will no longer receive your assistance."

"I see, that makes you lonely. But if that's your decision, I respect it, but who the hell are you taking out of here?

"Before you tarnish those who still have a future."

With the words, Obles took out a metal hammer about the hammer he had left in his nostalgia. The pattern was engraved with a pattern like a balance, which the glass live had never seen. And the metallic glow is not the same as iron. For a moment, I think it was iron, but it also had a gloss close to silver, and it was made of metal that I would never have seen a glass live. Glass Live looked suspiciously at Obres, but he was still settling down. That must have also been an attitude of belief and unquestioning of one's absolute advantage. At least for Glass Live, Obres was not a life-threatening being.

But Obles pointed at the hammer toward the glass live, as if he had some confidence.

"I'll kill you here and now. That way we're free. I will not be threatened by you anymore, nor will I live crying. I should have done this from the beginning. That way, my people don't have to be so scared of you."

"This is an out-of-heart thing. When did I threaten you?

To the words of Glass Live, a girdle of obres bit his lip. The look is filled with anger.

"With which mouth... with which mouth would you like that word!? That's all you've got against us. Remember Villa? Because of you, he threw himself in the river! You fucked me every night and every night and he lost his mind!!

"Oh, there were some boys like that. He was a boy with a good look. If I'd embraced reality sooner, I wouldn't have had to lose my sanity, but he didn't have the flexibility and strength like you."

"Just kidding! Where do we need to embrace reality like this!

Obles accidentally bared his voice. He knew there was soundproofing magic in this room, but still he had forgotten me in anger. Now, Obles was remembering the faces of his dead companions.

A boy named Villa was a loving boy. There were no such stunts, and honestly in 'brothers' he was equal to foot clumping, but his smile soothed the rough air of his companions. The boy stopped laughing at the border one day. It was the same night he didn't come home from Glass Live overnight and the time.

From that day on, the villa did not return to the 'brothers' Azit for many days, and finally the days went by when he could be gone for days. A few days later, a fellow saw the body of a villa floating in the river.

My people rushed to pull him up to the ground, but it was already days after Villa died. My loving face swelled up with water and was not very visible. Many of his companions saw the death of Villa and threw up on the spot. Everyone was struck by the way they died, not leaving too much in their lifetime. Speaking of which is no different from when he was only alive, was it about the size bracelet his buddy gave him?

There is no clear evidence that he died because of the glass live. But no doubt Obles and his people were convinced that it was because of Glass Live. But it doesn't matter if it's true. Without Glass Live asylum, it was the Obles who were in trouble, and because they knew it, they didn't say anything. But only grudges were firmly inscribed on their breasts.

That's how the resentment accumulated on the quote is exploding right now. Obles could not have bled out of his chewed lips, staring at the glass live.

"I've been, I've been patient! I did take care of you. If it weren't for you, we'd be dead. But it's a different matter from this. We're not your toys. I don't know if they like me any more!

"Oh man, that's why I hate grown kids. I forget what I owe you for letting him live, and I even try to bite my husband. That there are so many children in this world who can't live no matter how much they want to. Thinking of them, how blessed are you to live and be given the opportunity to be born only after paying a price of about a year? No one is more unhappy than someone who doesn't know he's happy. This means that wild dogs are better."

Glass Live sighed as he sat in his chair. The behavior was a heartfelt sigh for Glass Live, but it was enough to irritate Obles the best. As Obles grabbed the hammer of his right hand further, he rushed towards the glass live.

"Glass Live!

"He's a worthless child. I also have a lot of resentment. I've never forced anything once. I always gave you a choice. Whether you abandon your pride and stick to the raw or die with pride is your freedom. But I didn't think there was anything more important than life, and I thought you were the same."

Glass live while sitting on a beating obress. But it was Obres who blew them up when they made contact. A screaming oblace that punches me in the back against the wall.


"I fight quite a bit, but before that I have a magical defense. I won't have the means to touch you without having the means to counter magic. Arnelia's magic itself is specialized in defense, even if he had the means to counter it. A magician like you can't break it in the first place."

Glass Live rises sparingly. Seeing how it goes, Obles also loses and rises to cling to the wall. Simple defensive witchcraft is also supposedly offensive in the extreme. Not least for Obres, who has no means of defense, the Glass Live defensive magic was like a storm.

Because you know that, Glass Live can afford it. I guess you don't even think that Obres has the means to break his magic, at least. The only thing that bothers me is the hammer Obres has in his right hand. Glass live. Even with that shock, Obles didn't just let go of his right hand. Obres' hammer only reached the point of lightly touching the glass live. Besides, I think there would be a more efficient weapon if it hurt people.

Glass Live spoke gently to Obres, albeit slightly wary. It also seems embarrassing.

"Obres, do that. You can't beat me no matter how."

"... you'll never know until you try that."

"He's a troubled kid. Now I thought I'd miss what I was getting at. I thought I'd at least show you what's going to happen in the privileged seat."


Glass Live slowly walked towards the back door and pushed the door open. The lights were already inside, and I knew exactly what was in the room. There it was, Elsia lying with her hands and feet restrained. Is there no consciousness, he lay adultly without a single movement? The complexion of Obres changes after seeing how it is.

"- Huh!"

"If you're going to stop turning your teeth on me now, I'll show you exactly what you're going to do too. If it's anything, you can join us. I hear you're thinking about this girl, not you, too?

"... stopped"

An angry look fell out of Obles' face all the time. Instead, the colour of contempt floats in its eyes. Glass Live now gave me an angry look in my eyes as if I could even see a pest.


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