The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 106: A den of thieves hidden deep in the mountains

Chapter 106 A den of thieves hidden in the mountains

It was getting dark when she came out. Yu Wan was not in a hurry to go down the mountain. She had to hunt some prey and put it back in the porridge.

Now at the fourth level of Qi training, the spiritual power in her body is stronger, and she knows basic spells. She is not afraid to go deep into the mountains.

 The night is getting darker, and the chirping of insects and birds in the deep mountains has also stopped. At this time, the bright moon hung in the sky, stretching her small figure and shining on the ground.

Yu Wan held the flying sword and ran towards the deep mountains.

 At night there were also prey coming out to look for food, so she went straight deeper.

When we reached fifty miles away, there was a rustling sound and a humming sound.

 “Wild boar?”

Yu Wan quietly moved over and saw a large wild boar weighing four to five hundred kilograms holding a type of yam in the ground.

"Whoosh!" Several ice spikes pierced the pig's throat. The wild boar hit the ground with a few "hoohoo" sounds, and she quickly retreated into the space.

Yu Wan cast a few spells on the place where the wild boar had plowed, and the things under the soil turned up.

This kind of yam can also be eaten by people. It tastes pretty good and sweet. Plant some in the space and eat it later if you want.

Yu Wan collected the potatoes and continued walking.

 “Huh? What is that?”

On a cliff, an unknown plant is absorbing the moonlight.

 “Absorbing the moonlight, does this mean you have become a spirit?”

Yu Wan took out her flying claw, and after grabbing it firmly, she climbed up with a "swish".

When she got closer, it was a moon-white plant. She took out her flying sword and "swiped" it twice, then threw the stone into the space along with the plant.

“Hey, there is such a big wild loquat tree here.” When Yu Wan looked up, there was a flat land above with a loquat tree growing on it, with small fruits hanging on it.

This is a good thing. Yu Wanyi jumped up and dug into the space.

 Sigh, there are so many treasures on the mountain. Yu Wan sighs when she receives something.

 When you have time, come to the mountains to hunt for treasures.

Yu Wan spent one night rummaging around in the mountains, digging and knocking, and shot a few wild beasts that came out to look for food.

At dawn, Yu Wan went into the space to wash up and then ate. After collecting what needed to be stored in the space, she came out of the space.

There are many wild animals that come out to look for food during the day. There are so many wild boars, pheasants, hares, and so on.

Yu Wan found a lot of wild eggs, and there were quite a few in the space, so she collected them as well.

 After collecting the wild eggs, she climbed up a high mountain to see how to get over the other side of the mountain.

 She had already heard the roar of wild beasts on the mountain opposite.

 “Huh? That is?”

There was a deep ravine between the two mountains. At the bottom of the ravine, there were many people at the foot of the mountain. She could just see it from this angle.

Yu Wan was quite surprised. How could anyone dare to live there? In this deep mountain, she was not afraid because of her cultivation, but ordinary martial arts masters would not dare to enter.

She hurriedly went down the mountain. When she came down the mountain, she was a little far away from there. She still carefully checked to see if there was anyone on either side.

  If someone lives there, it won’t occupy only that small amount of space. The bottom of the ditch is wide and there are many caves on both sides. It doesn’t look like it was man-made, but the footprints on the ground are fresh.

Suddenly, a man in a black cloak walked in front, with only two eyes exposed, and the rest was hidden in the black clothes.

Yu Wan dodged slightly and hid. She saw the man in black lifting the vines at the entrance of the cave and walking in.

  The time for a stick of incense did not come out.

Just when Yu Wan was about to go over and see what was going on, the man in black came out quietly and then left.

When the man in black walked away, Yu Wan quickly ran over and passed under the cane.

Behind the rattan is a cave. The cave is very wide and deep. Yu Wan walked forward close to the rock wall.

After walking for half a mile, two men in black were walking around patrolling inside.

 The innermost parts are full of wooden boxes and sacks. You don’t need to think that the sacks contain grain, but the wooden boxes don’t.

Yu Wan rolled her eyes. She picked up a stone on the ground and threw it towards the entrance of the cave.

 “Pop”, the stone fell to the ground.

 “Who?” one person shouted.

 “Go and see,” said the other.

The man nodded and headed for the exit. Yu Wan had already entered the space.

When the man passed by, Yu Wan used lightning speed to throw a few ice spikes at the man in black inside. The man in black groaned and fell down.

The movement here attracted the man back. Yu Wan put the man on the ground into the space and lay down next to the sack to wait.

When the other person came back, the person stopped and looked around. Seeing that the person before was not there, he turned around and wanted to leave. At this time, Yu Wan put her spiritual power into her hand and stabbed the flying sword at the person's back with all her strength.

  "Pounce", the flying sword entered the body, and the man in black fell down. Yu Wan quickly ran over to collect the man, and then returned to the wooden box.

She pried open the lid, and there was gleaming gold, neatly stacked one by one.

Yu Wan estimated that there were ten large boxes and hundreds of sacks. She waved her hand and accepted them all.

 This must be the home of those thieves.

Yu Wanfan was in trouble. He collected the things here and already alerted the snake. If he didn't take the opportunity to clean up this time, next time he and the little snake come back, they might run away.

It's just that she is alone today, and the enemy's situation is not clear. If she goes forward rashly, she may not be able to deal with it alone. There must be someone with several brushes hiding here.

 She is not so stupid as to think that she is so awesome that she can kill everyone here.

 To outsmart, only outsmart.

Yu Wan thought, there are many caves here and there are many things in them. Let’s check each cave one by one before making the next plan.

She escaped from the cave and quietly entered another cave. In the other cave, there were some meat and vegetables. No one was watching, so she collected them.

 Then there was another cave. Before entering, I smelled the smell of oily smoke.

  She retreated. This was an important area of ​​the kitchen, and she, an idler, was not allowed to enter.

 The kitchen is the most suitable place for doing things, including poisoning and other things.

She can't get in. Didn't she, a little brat, go in intentionally to let people know that someone is coming?

Yu Wan ducked into another cave entrance. It was quiet inside. She looked inside and saw that it was a dining area.

Her eyes lit up. Those shelves were filled with bowls. Didn't this give her an opportunity?

Yu Wan laughed dryly in her heart, took out her homemade poisons and poisons from the space, and put in a few more. In case someone has the habit of washing dishes before meals, the work would be in vain. If there are more kinds, one of them will always hit the target. trick.

After Yu Wan died, she quickly withdrew. She looked at several caves on the opposite side and found that they were all sleeping areas. She also sprinkled poison.

After all this tossing, hundreds of men in black came to the place where the bowls were placed.

Yu Wan had already hid in the space. She tore off the cloth on the heads of the two men in black, revealing two white men with ordinary looks.

 She asked Sanzhu to search her body and found two waist tags with red ten and red eleven written on them. This is the number assigned by their organization, she understands this.

 (End of this chapter)

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