The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 109: The little snake is back

Chapter 109 The little snake returns

 The three of them did as Yu Wan said. The man in black had nothing on him but his clothes. They put all the things they found in front of her, and they were the same things they found before.

 Then the three men moved the sixteen dead people to the fields.

They wondered, could it be that Yu Wan asked them to bury the dead people in this field?

Even though they are not afraid of dead people, they feel very uncomfortable when they think about burying more than a dozen dead people in such a big place.

Yu Wan went over and threw a few fireballs on the corpse. The fire stuck to the corpse and burned it non-stop. After a while, there was a smell of meat, and when the smell passed, there was another smell of burning. , and finally a pinch of ashes remains.

 At this time, Yu Wan used a few more small cloud and rain spells, and even Hui Hui disappeared.

 The three of them watched the entire process without missing a beat. Their mouths were wide open, their palms and vests were covered in sweat, and their hearts were pounding as if they were about to jump out.

 What method is this?

 It’s so **** magical, so terrifying!

After Yu Wan finished processing, she said to one of the men in black: "What's your number? Ask who wants to live. Those who want to live will stay and work for me. Those who don't want to live will be brought over."

She just wanted to show her ability in front of them, so as to scare the monkeys.

 Only if they are afraid of you, they will be honest if they stay in the space.

She believed that the men in black who were lying or sitting on the ground, watching or listening the whole time, also knew their current situation.

 No one wants to die, it is better to die than to live.

The man calmed down and said, "Miss, I am No. 3."

Very good, calling her miss means recognizing her as your master.

 She waved to the three of them, and the three of them walked towards the men in black.

She herself threw everything they found into the wooden house. Strangely enough, only she, the owner, could enter the wooden house.

 So, the things are very safe inside, but she has collected so many things today that she can’t even put them in the wooden house.

 She had to pick up valuable things and carry them into the house.

After moving, she glanced at the men in black. There were so many skilled laborers here who cut wood to build wooden houses. They also needed a house to live in anyway.

Yu Wan thought about how she could choose from the wood on the mountain as she flashed out of the space. The most indispensable thing was wood.

She pointed at the big tree and cast a few spells, which was several times faster than cutting it with a knife.

 The wood was thrown into the space, and she entered with it. At this time, No. 3 came over and said to her: "Miss, they all want to be here."

"Well, I just happened to cut the wood and come in. You can find a place to build a house. Building a three-story house will not take up any space."

 She is running out of space now. Fortunately, she got two more acres of space last night, which can be used to build a house.

To let them work, Yu Wanzi detoxified them all, and then drank some water from the spiritual spring. After that, they basically recovered, and there was still no problem in working.

 These people must have personal management, so she handed over the ninety-eight people, including the five cooks, to the management of No. 3.

She had not thought about keeping these people before. She did not expect that those people did not die after entering the space, and the poison was slowly relieved. If that's the case, then she should keep it for herself and give it to her with ready-made hands. If she doesn't want it, wouldn't she be living up to the good intentions of this space?

On the third day, after their bodies recovered, almost a hundred people went into battle. The tools were all ready, and they were veterans. In three days, three sturdy wooden buildings were built. The furniture is not simple at all. It requires wood, wood, and bamboo. It can be made in less than two days.

While the man in black was building a house in the space, Yu Wan came out of the space to hunt in the mountains. Now that there are so many people raising them, a lot of food is consumed every day.

  When it was almost time, she was ready to go down the mountain. Counting the time, she had been up the mountain for almost four days, and it was time to go down.

When going down the mountain, she checked the water pipe as usual, then returned to Zhuangzi and took the horse back to the city.

 “Hey, is there anyone else giving porridge?”

When Yu Wan rode her horse to the city gate, she saw sheds set up on both sides, porridge was being given out inside, and both sides were lined up with victims.

 “Bai Ziyi is here?” Yu Wan thought to herself, who else would have such a bodhisattva heart?

She quickly rode back to Yu Mansion. There were still three long queues in front of the door. Wang Yuan directed his servants to work in an orderly manner.

Wang Yuan saw his master coming back at a glance. He came forward and led the horse: "Miss, you haven't eaten. The old slave will bring it to you."

"I'm really hungry. Just bring me some light food."

Wang Yuan nodded and led the horse down.

She stepped forward and saw that the porridge in the bucket was still the same. After no corners were cut, she went back to the attic to eat.

Then she came to the kitchen and saw that the water in the big vat was almost bottomed out. She had to come back in time. If she didn't come back, she would have to stop giving porridge.

She filled up the water, and then used small cloud and rain spells on the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard, then returned to the bedroom, climbed into bed and went to sleep.

 She had not slept well in the past few days. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep immediately.

"Master, master, wake up, wake up", a shout woke her up.

Yu Wan saw in a daze that it was the little snake coming back. She waved her hand and threw her into the space, and then continued to sleep.

It's noisy.

She didn't wake up until the next morning. She patted her head, which seemed a little fragmented.

 Oh, the little snake is back.

 She ducked into the space, and as soon as she entered, the little snake flew into her arms.

“Master, when did so many people live in this space?”

Yu Wan carried it to the wooden house. She put the little snake on the bed and said, "Tell me, what did you find after being out for so long this time?"

The little snake made a hey sound, then threw two storage bags to her and said, "Look, I have gained more than you."

Yu Wan took it out and looked at it, smiling with her eyebrows creasing: "It's not bad."

In addition to harvesting two bags of food, weapons, treasures, etc., the little snake went out this time. The most important thing is that it also swept away a destroyed stronghold, and at the same time, it clearly inspected every stronghold in the entire Huaiyang Mansion.

 This is the benefit of divine consciousness. She is extremely envious of the divine consciousness that Little Snake said. Unfortunately, she cannot cultivate it now and cannot release her divine consciousness.

At the same time, Yu Wan also told Little Snake about the secret stronghold hidden in the mountains.

“Master, are these the killers?”

Yu Wan nodded: "Yes."

 “Does the master want to keep it for his own use?”

“I didn’t think about it before, because if I throw them in, they won’t die. I can only raise them first. It’s just right for you to bring back so many things.”

After the master and servant discussed the next plan, she left the cabin and saw that the men in black had nothing to do and were training.

By chance, Yu Wan had brought all their training equipment in, and they were all placed in the open space next to the wooden building. Ninety people were training in that much bigger place, and they were so crowded that they couldn't even use their skills.

 (End of this chapter)

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