The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 118: Hire men in black

 Chapter 118 Recruiting the Man in Black

Hua Niangzi: "Okay, miss, please wait a moment." After saying this, she went to the row of houses behind the courtyard to bring the children over.

Yu Wan went to the yard first and moved a chair to sit down. Shitou and Xin'er came to her side and stood on either side.

After a while, Hua Niangzi led the people into the courtyard. They stood up consciously, looked at Yu Wan sitting on the steps, and shouted in unison: "I have seen the young lady."

Yu Wan nodded.

These children have been cleaned and raised for two days, and they seem to be in good spirits.

Lady Hua also came up and waited beside her. Then Yu Wan said, "I'm asking you to come here and pick someone among you. Don't be nervous. Just do as I'm told."

She took out the spirit-detecting ball and gave it to the stone: "I leave it to you. Let them put their hands on it. Those who see the light will come up. Those who don't can just stand outside the yard."

Shi Shitou took the crystal ball and said, "Yes, Master."

 Place the stone down, starting from the first one, and let him press it on the crystal ball. There will be no reaction.

 There were no more than twenty people. Yu Wan looked at it without any reaction. She knew that doing so would undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack.

The only thing I can do is give it a try. If this doesn't work, I'd better go to the beggar's den and look for it. It's really stressful to buy so many people to feed.

 She made a mistake.

 In the end, there was only one person with five spiritual roots, who was twelve years old.

This boy's name is Wu Gen. When he was introduced, Yu Wan almost laughed out loud. What name did his parents give him? In the end, she changed it to Wu Sheng. He is the second eldest child and Xin'er is the third.

 This day passed like this.

The next day, Yu Wan asked Shitou to teach the two of them to read the characters first. The characters were recognized based on the exercises, just like Yu Haoran and the others before.

 If you read and read it every day, you will soon be able to understand the meaning of each word and sentence.

After the explanation, Yu Wan walked to the fruit forest at the back alone. The fruit trees were almost dead and the branches were all dry.

She immediately used the Little Cloud and Rain Technique to water the fruit forest so that it would not die immediately. She would do it again later.

 There is an open space behind the orchard where vegetables and grain can be grown.

She looked towards the wall. There were several wooden buildings built on the side, and a large shed was built in the middle. It would be a good place for the men in black to take the children to train.

 This will be used as a training base in the future. It happens to be backed by Dawang Mountain and there are no homes within dozens of miles.

When you have time, look at the left and right sides of Zhuangzi. It seems that the previous owner created the wasteland here by himself. She can also open up the wasteland by herself.

 People who live here can be completely self-sufficient.

Yu Wan made up her mind and entered the space in a flash. As soon as she entered, the little snake flew over again, scratching and shouting in surprise: "Master, master, it's terrible, another six acres of that land have appeared."

Hey, I haven’t entered the space for two or three days, and I’ve grown a lot.

She and the little snake went around for a while, not wanting to take a look, but just caressing the little snake's roaring voice.

 Then she carried the little snake back to the cabin and threw the little snake onto the bed. The little snake thought she wanted something again and was ready to bring it out.

“Little snake, can you put some poison into the bodies of the men in black? I want them to go out and help me, do you think that’s okay?”

 The poison she made herself is too overbearing. If she eats it outside, she can only live for one day without the antidote.

Phew, the little snake breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the owner did not want its treasure.

 “This is okay, is it now?”

Yu Wan thought about it and asked: "Little snake, can you move out the wooden building inside?"

 If it is under construction, it will be too time-consuming. It is better to just move this ready-made one.

 The little snake nodded: "Yes, master."

It has now regained a lot of strength and can completely move these wooden houses out.

 The little snake feels at ease if he can help his master with work and make her happy. If his master is unhappy, he will be miserable!

Yu Wan was very satisfied with the affirmative answer of the little snake. She asked the little snake to deal with the man in black. She took out the space herself, selected the place, and leveled the ground with magic.

 After looking satisfied, she entered the space again.

 “How about little snake?”

“Master, don’t worry, I’ve given you some hallucinogenic poison to make them think you are their master. They are not monks and cannot cure my poison.”

 “Is there any problem meeting the monk?”

 The little snake shook his head: "Unless you are a golden elixir monk."

 “Oh, then I’ll be relieved.” It's mainly a matter of her space and cannot be exposed. Mortals don't understand, but monks definitely understand. Once you subdue them, you can rest assured.

 She asked the people in black to go back to their respective rooms.

 “Master, get ready, when I shout, you will make space.”


The little snake closed its eyes, and Yu Wan could feel the slight shaking of the wooden building. At this time, the little snake shouted: "Get out."

   Yu Wan: "come out".

Sure enough, a wooden building suddenly appeared where she entered, including a man in black inside.

The men in black were so shocked that they changed places in the wooden building in an instant. This is really incredible—what the hell!

Yu Wan and Xiao She used the same method to move out the other two wooden buildings, training equipment, kitchen and five cooks.

 Three pillars still remain in the space.

 After everyone calmed down, she called the men in black out of the wooden building and gathered in the training ground.

She came and said to them: "You are outside now. From now on, you will be assigned tasks. Of course, when there are no tasks, I will send dozens of children tomorrow. You are responsible for their training, literacy and regular presence." Mission. Who among you is number one?”

 Immediately a man came out from the crowd and said, "I am number one."

"Okay, from now on, you are the boss, and you will be replaced by Yu Yi, and the others will follow in turn. Do you hear me?"

Man in black: "Miss, we heard it."

"Yu Yi, I'll leave it to you to arrange the next steps and clean up here. If you want anything, go to Fucheng and buy it yourself... In addition, your clothes have all been changed."

 Finally, Yu Wan returned them all the weapons and money bags they originally used.

 Also put a large water tank in each wooden building and fill it with water.

 After doing this, she returned to the house, just in time to start dinner.

In the afternoon, Yu Wan told Hua Niangzi that there were people living behind the orchard and the things they needed.

 She also put daily items in the warehouse here, leaving Hua Niangzi with a thousand taels of silver notes.

 At night, Yu Wan returned to the space, lay on the bed, and breathed a long sigh of relief. The matter of the man in black was finally settled.

 In the future, people will not be left unavailable.

The next day, she and Hua Niangzi led fifty-seven children to the back of the orchard and handed the children over to Yu Yi.

 Only Hua Niangzi stared blankly at Yu Yi and the others. She didn't know there were so many people here.

"Yu Yi, they are too weak now. Let them exercise first at the beginning."

Yu Yi looked at the thin, jagged children, who looked so much like them before.

 “Yes, Miss”.

 “Okay, you can make your own arrangements.”

 She confessed to the beautiful lady before riding back to Nanzhuang.

 (End of this chapter)

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