The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 167: Envoy from the Japanese Empire

Chapter 167 The Envoy from the Empire of Japan Comes

 When Xiaojin stopped, the five people jumped down.

“Mom, we are fine,” Yu Haoran and his three brothers quickly stepped forward and took Feng’s hand and said comfortingly.

Yu Wan took Xiao Jin and Mu Jiuchen and came to Feng.

"You are all back. Let's go back quickly. Your uncle Fei Ge sent a message saying that there is something urgent," Feng said again.

"Is it an emergency? Did uncle say what it is?" Yu Haoran asked.

Ms. Feng shook her head and said, "I didn't say what it was. I just asked us to go back."

Yu Haoran pondered for a moment, and then said: "That's it, then pack it up and let's go back now."

 Generally, all important matters in the court are handled by the ministers themselves. What matters require them to go back?

They all wished that the three of them were not here. One is a writer, two is a warrior. The three of them are masters who are not afraid of offending anyone. One of them is sharp and sharp in speaking and doing things. The three of them are favored by the emperor. Basically, none of them can be well behaved in front of the emperor or sell well. .

 Yu Wan nodded and asked everyone to clean up first, while Xiao Jin took the opportunity to take a rest.

 She also went to the camp where Yu Yi and the others were resting.

"Master, are you back?" Xin'er noticed that she was outside her tent, and she hurried out.

"Well, hurry up and clean up." Yu Wan smiled and patted her head. In a blink of an eye, Xin'er was eleven years old. She would be a big girl in a few years, and time went very quickly.

"Master", Shitou and Wu Sheng also came over after hearing the sound. Their tents were on the left and right of Xin'er, and they had been packed up now.

"Well, go and help the forty-four of them clean up. We have to return to Beijing quickly."

  "Okay, let's go right away", the two of them walked towards the tent of the forty-four children.

At this time, Xin'er also packed up and put the things into the storage bag. She came and took Yu Wan's arm and said, "Master, we still got the spoils. If there is a mission next time, can we still come?"

Yu Wan looked down at her and said, "Are you afraid of such a scene?"

Xin'er shook his head: "Master, I'm not afraid. I saw a lot of dead people on the way to escape, and gradually I'm not afraid anymore. And didn't you say that? You can't be soft or merciful when dealing with your enemies. It's not them." Death is our death.”

Yu Wan held her hand and sighed, such a young girl can face fighting and death. She must have experienced such cruel things to have such a kind heart.

From now on, Xiao Liu must be allowed to practice with them, otherwise he will only be interested in cooking every day and miss the opportunity to practice.

 She can protect Xiao Liuyi for a while, but cannot protect her for the rest of her life.

She is not worried about her three disciples, whether they are in cultivation or character. If one day she really has to leave this continent, they will still be able to live well.

"Well, Xin'er is very good. This time I came out to see highly skilled people perform spells and their fighting skills. You can understand them yourself after you go back. I believe you will gain something different."

Xin'er nodded and said, "Masters who know, they are faster and more skilled than me. I will practice more when I go back."

“Master, this is for you,” Xin’er took out two spiritual stones and held them up in front of her.

"Keep it for yourself, the master has it. This spiritual stone will be of great use at critical times." Yu Wan touched Xin'er's head, and the child honored her with the most precious thing.

Xin'er was a little disappointed. She didn't have anything good to show off to her master. Among the spoils she received this time, only two spiritual stones were the most precious.

Yu Wan felt something. She held Xin'er's hand tightly and said, "Xin'er, be good, the master knows your thoughts. When you grow up, how about you slowly respect the master?"

Xin'er nodded, walked to the forty-four children with her, and helped them pack their things.

 Five days later, Xiao Jin landed in front of the cave in Jiaowei Mountain.

Yu Wan, three apprentices, forty-four children, and Yu Yi came down. Feng and the others returned to the capital first to see what happened.

 In the imperial palace, in the royal study.

The emperor watched Yu Haoran, Yu Haoyu and Mu Jiuchen return, and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Yu Haoran saw that he was relieved. He raised his hands and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The emperor sighed and said: "The three princes of the Great Sun Empire brought their princesses and envoys to our Great Yan Empire. They said they came to make friends with Qin and Jin and deepen the friendship between the two countries."

Yu Haoran frowned after hearing this, "What then?"

“Then, what’s next is that their princess will marry me as my concubine, and their third prince will ask to marry me, my fourth son.” The emperor spoke softer and softer, all the while staring at Yu Haoran’s face.

Sure enough, the three of them were shocked. Their faces turned dark immediately, and they were also covered in cold air. The emperor was shivering from the cold. How could he, a second-level Qi practitioner, bear the cold air from three people at the same time?

He didn't understand why Mu Jiuchen was so grim and cold.

Mu Jiuchen asked coldly: "What else?"

Yu Haoran brothers turned to look at Mu Jiuchen, who was colder than them. Could this person be?

 The two brothers looked at each other and nodded.

 Haha, now there is something to watch. It turns out that their fourth child is still very popular.

They are worried now. With this big killer around, it is estimated that anyone who beats Xiao Sier will not end well.

The emperor was stunned for a long time. His eyes rolled around and turned to the faces of the two brothers.

Oh I got it!

He spoke seriously, straightening his back, and said: "Otherwise, the friendship between the two countries will be severed. I have arranged a dinner tomorrow night to welcome the envoys of the Japanese Empire. All my dear friends must attend, oh, yes Now, please take your family with you and kneel down."

 Kneel down, the three of them shook their sleeves and left the imperial study.

 “Hahaha, interesting, interesting!”

The emperor couldn't help laughing.

The three of them left the palace. Mu Jiuchen and Yu Haoran didn't even say hello to the brothers, but ran straight to the city gate.

The two brothers looked at him walking away with smiles.

“Hahaha, there are people who are more anxious than us. When did this kid fall in love with our fourth son?” Yu Haoyu said.

“Let’s go, go back and tell your mother, she’s still waiting.” Yu Haoran took a photo of Yu Haoyu.

 The two brothers quickly returned to Yufu.

Mu Jiuchen walked out of the city gate, gathered up his spiritual power and ran straight to the mountain.

After Yu Wan came back and made arrangements, she entered the wooden house, closed the door and windows and stepped into the space, having a good night's sleep. Then she poured out the contents of the storage bag she had collected to see what she had gained.

After cleaning up, she shook her head. She was too poor. In addition to dozens of talismans, there were only a dozen spiritual stones, and other gold, silver and other common objects were unattainable.

The resources in this world are basically exhausted. The little snake said before that he could go to the world of cultivating immortals. It seems that it is necessary to go there. If you can, just bring your family with you.

Yu Wan ate something and then stepped out of the space. She opened the door and walked out of the wooden house.

Suddenly, Mu Jiuchen stepped forward, grabbed her and walked out, saying, "Follow me."

 (End of this chapter)

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