The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 185: The Palace of Destruction is destroyed

Chapter 185 The Palace of Destruction is destroyed

“Oh? Tell me, what happened?”

 She was so anxious that this little snake was still appetizing her.

With a flash of consciousness, she found a spiritual stone in her hand: "Then, this is for you, tell me quickly."

When the little snake saw that it was a spiritual stone, its triangular eyes almost became a line. Its mouth was facing the spirit stone, and with a "whoosh" sound, the spirit stone entered the little snake's mouth.

 It swallows it and makes it look delicious.

"Pa" "You greedy snake", Yu Wan slapped it. One spiritual stone was enough for her to practice for an hour, and she swallowed it in one mouthful.

 The "master" doesn't even know how to hit it lightly.

"Master, it turns out that Chu Yunxiao has been unconscious for many days. He was poisoned by my poison. I took a look and found that he was almost dead. Then I took the opportunity to poison him a little more. He may have died by now." , the little snake finally finished speaking in one breath.

“Are you sure it can be poisoned to death?” Yu Wan looked at it with unbelieving eyes. Couldn’t this guy just come out after he belched his fart?

 Being irritable in doing things.

“Han, what do you think of Master’s expression? You still don’t believe in my poison. It can be said that no one in the world can cure it. I will definitely die. If Master doesn’t believe it, why should I run away again?”

Yu Wan nodded. She had to confirm whether Chu Yunxiao was really dead. Everyone said that good things don't last long, but disasters last for thousands of years. She couldn't believe that this scourge died so easily.

 She let the little snake out again.

After a few dozen breaths, the little snake came back. When it came back, it said happily: "Master, he is really dead. Are you relieved now?"

"It's good to be dead." Yu Wan breathed a sigh of relief. The culprit was finally gone. Forget about the other people, she doesn't want to kill anyone anymore.

"Master, I also heard those people saying that Chu Yunxiao is also dead, and if they destroy the palace, it will really be destroyed. Master, do you mean that the palace owner is also dead?"

 “What? Is there such a thing?”

This is really an accident among accidents.

Unexpectedly, the Palace of Destruction was destroyed like this.

 It is good if it is destroyed, at least the war between the four countries will not break out again, and the people and soldiers will not have their families destroyed, their families separated, and their families displaced because of the war.

The Great Yan Empire had enjoyed peace and prosperity for several years, and it took a lot of money to help it recover. Only a few years later, Chu Yunxiao jumped out to cause trouble again, causing great damage to Dayan again.

These people who are full of tricks for their own selfish interests should all die!

 “Master, we still have to go and burn it, it’s almost dawn.” The little snake touched Yu Wan, and the master was in a daze again.

Yu Wan was excited and shook her head: "No need. Once Chu Yunxiao dies, the Imperial Palace of the Great Sun Empire will be burned down and the Palace of Destruction will be destroyed. Their vitality will be severely damaged. There is no need. Let's go back."

  "Okay", anyway, whatever the master says is whatever it is.

The master and servant came out of the space, and the little snake took her flying into the air, heading towards Yanshan City.

The journey was uneventful. Three days later, the master and the servant arrived at the city gate.

At this time, order has been restored in Yanshan City, and the gatekeepers are checking people entering the city.

Yu Wan followed.

"Huh? It's Miss. The general and his wife have been looking for you for a few days." When the gatekeeper saw that it was her, he quickly let her into the city.

Yu Wan nodded. She recognized that this was the soldier who went down to Yanshan with them. She thanked him and walked to Feng's residence.

There are not many people in the city. Half of the shops on the street are closed, and most of them are grain and oil shops that are open.

When Yu Wanxing arrived in front of the city lord's mansion, Fengshi and Bai Ziyi ran out.

“You **** kid, you’ve been gone for so many days and you’re trying to scare me to death.” Mrs. Feng came out and slapped her on the **** several times involuntarily, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Hey, mother, let’s go in quickly.” Yu Wan winked at Bai Ziyi and spanked her in front of so many people. She was a big girl and it was hard to beat her.

Bai Ziyi's mouth twitched, he stepped forward to hug his wife and coax her into the house.

“Oh, don’t cry. The fourth child is an adult now. She has a sense of proportion. Isn’t she back? Don’t be angry anymore!”

 “Huh!” Feng Shi kicked him and entered the house.

Yu Wan rubbed her **** and looked at the guard at the door who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. His face was red from holding back. Then he followed them in.


"Huh! Don't call me. When you grow up, you don't have to tell me anything." Feng said looking away.

Oh, why is her mother so angry?

“Mom, I won’t leave without saying a word from now on. How about I tell you loudly?”

 She immediately took out a pair of high-quality jade bracelets from the space and handed them to Feng in a flattering manner.

"You kid, you have a very wild temper. There is no future for you. Remember," Ms. Feng poked her forehead heavily without even looking at the box. Hum! I still want to bribe her, but there are no doors or windows. If she doesn't repair her properly, how will her old heart be able to bear it in the future?

“Yeah, remember, I will never do it again.” Yu Wan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

 “Tell me, what were you doing again?”

“Uh, mother, do you want to listen? Uncle Bai, hold my mother steady.” Wasn’t her mother training her? Why did she go off track all of a sudden? She couldn’t keep up with her mother’s rhythm.

“I still need to support you. What earth-shattering thing has Xiao Si’er done?” Bai Ziyi really supported Feng and looked at her with all four eyes.

“Ahem, cough, cough, it was me who burned down the Great Sun Palace, stole their treasury, and the little snake poisoned Chu Yunxiao to death. By the way, the Destruction Palace was really destroyed, mother, are you surprised?”


The expressions on both of them are the same, two words - horror!

 “Oh my God”, Feng held his forehead and actually burned down the palace. What kind of courage is this?

"This is a great job. So many people died in Yanshan City. It is a bit of comfort to bury them with the Imperial Palace and those people." Bai Ziyi looked up to the sky and sighed, his expression unusually sad and indignant.

Almost 50,000 people. The number of people in the Great Sun Palace is nothing. Not counting how many people died in Western Xinjiang.

 It is estimated that the number of people will not be much less.

 According to his temper, even the capital city was burned by him.

If they didn't have cultivation skills and little gold, it could be said that Yanshan City would be completely destroyed.

He, Bai Ziyi, has fought so many battles, but this battle was a disastrous defeat with heavy losses. He could not even see the Supreme Emperor.

Ms. Feng patted his hand and said, "Don't think about it. Just guard this place."

 Bai Ziyi regained his composure, held Feng's hand tightly and nodded to her.

“Mother, Uncle Bai, Yanshan City has almost recovered. I want to visit Mu Jiuchen,” Yu Wan said.

 She didn’t know what was going on with him, and she didn’t see Xiao Jin coming back, so she went alone to tell them the good news.

"You go, I have already passed on the news of your safe return to your eldest brother, otherwise he will die in a hurry." Ms. Feng glanced at her, and the female eldest daughter was disappointed.

 (End of this chapter)

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