The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 22: Go up the mountain

Chapter 22 Going up the mountain

"Fourth Miss, this..." Qin Dazhu saw that Yu Wan only took the banknotes, and she didn't ask for any other broken silver or copper plates.

 “Take it, I’ll give you some relief.”

This handful is worth about ten taels of silver at least. Why don't you give it up if the fourth lady says you don't want it?

“Ah, then, thank you Miss Fourth,” Qin Dazhu carefully put it away.

 “How are things going on the farm? How are the crops growing?”

Yu Wan asked as he walked towards the place where crops are grown in the village.

“Miss Fourth, the village is basically full of rice, and no one is taking care of it. This year’s harvest may not be very good. There are also soybeans that have been harvested, but there are no others.”

Yu Wan heard this and thought it was normal. There was no hybrid rice in this world, no chemical fertilizers, and no one to take care of it. It would be strange if the harvest was good. However, she can plant some rice in the space. The products produced in the space should be high-quality. In terms of yield and quality, it should be much more productive than those grown outside.

 As I walked closer, I found that the rice was wilted and one-third of the ears were empty husks.

At this moment, Mrs. Qin Ming and her son and daughter were pulling grass at the edge of the rice field.

"Uncle Qin, tell them not to pull grass. It's useless. It's hot and don't suffer from heatstroke. Let's harvest the rice in a few days."

“Hey, okay, Miss Fourth,” Qin Dazhu responded quickly.

Yu Wan: "Do you have a place to cook here?"

“Yes, Miss Fourth, don’t worry, we have them all.”

"As long as you have everything, if you are missing something, go back to Uncle Zhu. I want to go up the mountain, so you can go and do your work."

After Yu Wan finished speaking, she walked up the mountain from the field stem.

As expected, this village is connected to the mountain. As Yu Wan walked, he tore off a few rice ears and threw them into the space to plant them later.

Yu Wan went straight up the mountain from the foot of the mountain. The Daqingshan Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, and Qinglian Town is also under the Daqingshan Mountain.

Climbing halfway up the mountain, the whole town comes into view. The four streets in the southeast and northwest are like a cross, simple and neat.

Yu Wan continued to climb the mountain. The chirping of insects and birds on the mountain was like a symphony, and the various sounds were loud and long.

 This is Yu Wan’s true experience of the mountains, forests, and trees of this world. Last time she just arrived and hurried down the mountain before she had time to take a good look.

Yu Wan continued walking deep into the mountains. The trees in the mountains were getting thicker and thicker, and the weeds were overgrown, engulfing her small body.

The further you go, the dimmer the light becomes, but the cooler it becomes, and gradually more and more small animals appear.

The little squirrel jumped back and forth among the big trees as thick as an arm. When he saw Yu Wan approaching, he disappeared with a "whoosh" sound.

 Many hares were eating green grass, chewing it with their small mouths very rhythmically.

That cute little appearance made Yu Wan reluctant to kill her.

But who is she? She is an agent. A hare just makes her look at it twice.

Yu Wan took out the dagger, and with a "whoosh" sound, the dagger hit the rabbit's head.

Yu Wan went up, picked up the hare, threw it into the space, and continued walking forward.

This direction probably came from Zhuangzi. It was untraveled, allowing Yu Wan to catch a lot of hares and pheasants, and also touched a lot of eggs.

It was getting dark, so Yu Wan found a cave and entered the space. Of course, the first thing she did when entering the space was to offer sacrifices to the five internal organs temple. After walking in the mountains for an hour and a half, I was already hungry.

This time her space has basically all the barbecue items. The only regret is that there are no chili peppers. It seems that no one here knows what chili peppers are. There is no such thing in Yu Wan'er's memory. She often goes out in the mountains and has never encountered any wild ones.

Having no other choice, she made do with roasting a hare, but luckily she had salt.

Yu Wan finished eating half of the rabbit and some fruits. Then she sat in the space and began to practice. Every time she practiced, she felt that her Dantian was warm and her whole body felt very comfortable, as if she was bathed in the morning light and her whole body was transparent.

After practicing, Yu Wan took out the few rice ears that she pulled in the field during the day and wiped the grains off. Use the dagger to dig a small hole in the open space and plant the millet.

There were no fields in the space, it was all black soil, so she tried to see if it could sprout and grow normally.

After planting, she poured some spiritual spring water into each nest, hoping that the almighty spiritual spring water would surprise her.

 After doing this, she picked all the ripe fruits in the space.

Yu Wan spent several hours picking the fruits. Seeing so many fruits piled in the open space, she didn't know what to do with them. She wants to imitate others in making fruit bars at home, but she really doesn’t know how.

She just sat there blankly like this, wondering why she, a person who specializes in killing people and stealing goods, was asked to come here?

Since Time Traveler lets her wear it, why not let her wear it into the world of immortals and let her experience the feeling of being a god.

Yu Wan actually dislikes such a life, if the original owner didn't have so many brothers and sisters, and all of them are fine. And with her status as a cheap mother-in-law, I don’t know what kind of **** events are waiting for the brothers and sisters in the future.

She couldn't let go of this, otherwise she could have given their family a large amount of money and made them rich for the rest of their lives.

 If they were a little more hateful and selfish, she would repay the karma of this body and walk away.

But the children were so cute, especially Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu. She didn’t know what would become of the two little things if she left.

“Hey, just farm, it’s pretty good now,” Yu Wan comforted herself.

Then she will train a few children to pursue official careers. Based on her knowledge in her previous life, she is not religious enough to produce a useful person.

Yu Wan stood up and looked back at the grains she had planted. Sure enough, before she arrived, she saw green on the ground.

She walked in and took a look, and was really pleasantly surprised. The magical spring water in this magical space was simply an artifact, and it sprouted in such a short time. It seems that I will grow some vegetables in the future and have fresh vegetables to eat every day.

 Yu Wan returned to the wooden house, picked up the unfinished Wan Cao Jing and continued reading.

The next day, Yu Wan came out of the space and stood in the cave. The morning air was extremely fresh. She took a few deep breaths of the air that smelled of green grass and trees, and she felt refreshed.

Yu Wan came out of the cave and walked deeper into the forest.

She held a dagger and was always alert. After entering the deep mountains, large beasts appeared. She didn't dare to be careless. She could deal with one alone, but facing a group of them would be a bit difficult.

 In previous lives, there were people fighting wolves with bare hands in the wild, but at that time it was a team of people, not a single person.

Yu Wan paid attention to the herbs under her feet as she walked. If they were useful, she would dig them up twice with her dagger and throw them into the space.

 Thanks to her reading the Book of Wancao, the herbs recorded in the book cannot escape her eyes. Since she practiced "Star Art", she feels that her eyes are like those blazing golden eyes. Not only can she see at night, but she can also remember and recognize anything that passes her eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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