The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 281: Kill the fourth level monster

Chapter 281 Killing the fourth-level monster

There is no suspense that this time the beast tide lasted for half a month before it ended. However, they discovered that the territory of the monster beasts had advanced more than a hundred miles into the human territory, which meant that humans were retreating inland.

 Humanity is fleeing.

 They were now in the rear area of ​​the monster.

Yu Wan's consciousness moved and she put them all into the space, leaving only her and Mu Jiuchen.

Mu Jiuchen didn't need to guess, his wife was about to cause trouble.

The two of them released their consciousness, and sure enough, a thousand feet in front of and to their left, there was a canyon surrounded by mountains, and a group of high-level monsters didn't know what they were talking about.

“Let’s go,” Yu Wan shouted, “God help me.” She was worried about where to find the fourth-level monster, but it was brought right in front of her.


 The two of them started to move, and within a few jumps they disappeared.

Outside the valley, the two of them escaped the monsters' checkpoints and finally arrived outside the valley. Wearing robes that isolate their spiritual consciousness, they lay on a hillside outside the valley entrance. From this position, the situation in the valley could be seen with the naked eye.

This is indeed the headquarters of the monster beasts. There are five fourth-level monster beasts, and they don’t know what to say when they gather together.

Of course they don't understand beast language. The fourth-level monsters can't speak human language yet, only the fifth-level transformed monsters can.

Yu Wan regretted not letting the little snake come out. Now it is too late to let the snake come out. This place is within the range of the monsters' spiritual consciousness, and the slightest fluctuation in spiritual power will alarm them.

Well, the only way is to force it. She and Mu Jiuchen looked at each other, and they sent out soul thorns at the same time, one to deal with the other.

Yu Wan’s consciousness locked onto a phantom bear that was one foot long, mainly because she wanted to eat the bear’s paws.

Mu Jiuchen was targeting the fourth-order Vajra Ape. Judging from their behavior, this Vajra Ape should be the leader.

 Then just kill it.

Yu Wan gently stretched out three fingers.

 1. She bent a finger.

  Two, three.

 When her third finger was bent, the two of them simultaneously sent out ten soul thorns to stab their respective targets.

 “Woo woo woo…”

 “Ho **** ho…”

Suddenly, an ape and a bear screamed, and they immediately fell to the ground and bled to death.

This sudden scene startled the other three fourth-level monsters. Who dares to attack their fourth-order monsters?

They were stunned for a short while and immediately let go of their spiritual consciousness to search. Two of them rushed out of the valley. Apparently they were not afraid of their opponents.

 A snow-white four-tailed fox opened its mouth and howled a few times, and immediately various monsters jumped out and began to search around.

The two people who succeeded had already dodged into the space, and at that moment, they were caught by another fourth-level white wolf king, which appeared in the blink of an eye where the two of them had been.

It sniffed the breath left by the two people and remembered it.

Knowing that they had disappeared, it immediately returned to the valley to talk to the other three. The three fourth-level monsters left some monsters to guard the valley. One of them returned to the depths of the inner circle to report the situation here and the two dead fourth-level monsters. Level monster.

 The other two split up to chase Yu Wan and the other two.

 The two people who entered the space are doing this and that in the wooden house at the moment.

Mu Jiuchen, who had been holding her in for half a month, couldn't wait to press her down on the bed and wipe her clean before stopping.

Yu Wan was beaten until she was as soft as mud, her whole body had no strength, and she could only stare at Mu Jiuchen with her murderous eyes.

 Next time she will definitely torture him so much that he can't get out of bed.

Mu Jiuchen looked back provocatively, he was the least afraid.

The two of them had a long eye fight, and it was Yu Wan who suffered in the end.

Yu Wan lost her temper. She quickly put on her clothes and left the space with a flash of consciousness.

snort! Let him worry in space.

"Huh? There are no fourth-order monsters anymore?" As soon as she came out, in the valley, except for the two fourth-order monsters still lying upright in the cave, there were only third-order monsters patrolling the valley.

She scanned it with her consciousness and saw that there were twenty animals in two groups.

 No matter what, this was a good opportunity, and she immediately sent out ten soul stabs towards one of the teams.


 After ten soul stabs, those ten fell to the ground. The other ten found Yu Wan and attacked her desperately.

 “Whoops”, the tiger-headed leopard at the front died.

She raised her steps and dodged the attack.

 "Boom", a big palm slapped towards her.

"Bear paw? You're welcome." Yu Wan changed her appearance, and her afterimage flashed past and appeared behind the third-level monster bear.

 “咻”, “explosion”.

With a scream, the third-level demon bear fell to the ground, but the moment it fell to the ground, its body had disappeared.

At this moment, a wind blade hit her.

With a flash of consciousness, she disappeared. The wind blade carved a deep groove where she stood.

 When she came out again, the third-level snow eagle with the wind blade fell to the ground and died.


A sound broke through the air again, and a third-level demon fox raised its sharp claws to claw at her.

 “Woo woo woo…”

The demon fox roared, and its sharp claws suddenly grew to half a foot long, like dense white bone claws, and they plunged straight towards the top of her head.

"Hey", seeing that she couldn't escape, at this critical moment, she quickly sent out a soul stab, and then pinched it, and immediately a thick wall blocked her claws.

 “Woo woo woo”, the scream of the demon fox.

 "Boom, boom, boom", the sound of the earth wall being scratched into pieces.

And Yu Wan had already ducked behind another monster.

 She has the ability to transform and move through monsters like lightning. Level 3 monsters cannot do anything to her.

 She could only eliminate them one by one.

After half a stick of incense, Yu Wan cleaned the battlefield and quickly collected the monster corpses on the ground. Of course, they were packed in storage bags and the monster pills had to be dug out before throwing them on the ground.

 Then she chose a direction and ran out.

"Huh? Oh no, the fourth-level monster is back." In her consciousness, a fourth-level white wolf teleported to the entrance of the valley and found her.

 “Ouch, ow, ow, ow…”

The white wolf looked up to the sky and roared several times, chasing after Yu Wan.

This is this human monk, no matter what he says today, he will crush her to ashes.

In the face of the four -order monsters, Yu Wan cannot deal with it, and it can only be useful when using soul thorn.

 She could only take up the Apparition Step and run as fast as she could.


She ran in an S-shape in the forest, and when the white wolf chasing her was about to catch her, she ran to the other side.

The white wolf was so angry that he became violent.

“Bang”, a towering tree in front of her fell down on her.

 “Huh?” Yu Wan hid aside. What does this white wolf mean?

 Scare her?

 She ran towards the fallen tree, and her consciousness entered the space.

The last breath of the white wolf came, and he looked puzzled. Why did this human monk disappear?

Its spiritual consciousness swept across a radius of 500 miles without a trace, so fast?

What spell did this cunning human use to run so fast? Could it be a teleportation talisman?

 Indeed, it felt a trace of spatial fluctuation.

 (End of this chapter)

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