Chapter 29: The Poison Insect

 “It should be so, they have some spiritual energy fluctuations”.

Yu Wan heard this and said, "This is more or less the same. The products produced by Space must be of high quality. The people who used Space in the past cannot accept some mainland products to occupy space."

Finally, Yu Wan used up all the spiritual energy in her Dantian before ending her morning run for the day.

Yu Wan did not rest as usual, but practiced cross-legged on the spot where the sun was rising.

Just as Teng She said, the surrounding spiritual energy poured into her Dantian like life, and she quickly practiced according to the exercise route.

Yu Wan felt so comfortable and magical, so she devoted herself to selfless practice.

 The brothers on the side saw that Yu Wan was not resting, so they meditated on the spot. They thought about it and sat down to practice like Yu Wan.

Li Erniu and a few women brought water in. What they saw was a group of children sitting on the ground, breathing and breathing in a strange posture.

They quickly retreated, knowing that the masters were practicing something, and their children were also inside, so they immediately made a gesture not to disturb them.

Sure enough, Yu Haoran felt that practicing like this this morning made the warm feeling in his lower abdomen even worse. He practiced with more concentration as described in the exercises.

Yu Haoyu, Yu Haotian and Xiaowu and Xiaoliu all had the same feeling, and they all swallowed quietly.

An hour later, Yu Wan took a long breath and opened her eyes. She had gained a lot this morning. She felt that the spiritual energy stored in her Dantian had reached saturation, and she would definitely advance to the second level after practicing for a few more days.

"How is it? Master, the little snake didn't lie to you." Teng Snake said with a flattering look.

“It’s okay, you greedy snake is still of some use. I know you want to eat roast chicken, don’t worry, as long as you behave and don’t play tricks, the master will give you roast chicken every day.” Yu Wan glanced at it, didn't this guy know that it was excited for a moment and let her know what it was thinking, little boy.

She didn't know that she could cut off the telepathy between her and the contracted beast. She thought that if she wanted the greedy snake to know what she was thinking, then what privacy would she have? You can keep it from knowing.

Yu Wan had just that thought at that time, and sure enough, since then, she has never heard the little snake say what was on her mind.

"Master, the little snake is useful. It is of great use. The little snake will obey the master's words obediently." Teng Snake was anxious, it was overly excited, it had turned off the telepathy with its master, but it couldn't figure out why it had forgotten to turn it off.

If the snake had hands, it would definitely be as big as me, and you would be so proud of it. Its owner is not a real nine-year-old kid, she is an out-and-out killer who kills without blinking an eye.

"Well, just do your duty as a contracted beast." Yu Wan had better bang it. This guy was just a bit greedy and had no intention of harming anyone. Otherwise, Teng She would have poisoned her in a matter of minutes on the mountain.

Seeing that his master had no intention of hating him, Teng She nuzzled Yu Wan's wrist with his head.

Yu Wan ignored it at the moment. She stood up. Oh, the courtyard was full of people. Yu Haoran and the others were also sitting on the ground, crossing their legs and meditating.

She walked out of the small courtyard gently and returned to her room. Mrs. Wu had already put the water in. She washed and changed clothes and came out of the room.

At this moment, Yu Haoran and the others were still practicing. Seeing that it was still early, she went to Feng's courtyard.

Mrs. Wu saw that Yu Wan had finished washing and left. She picked up Yu Wan's dirty clothes and went out.

When Yu Wan entered Feng's yard, Mrs. Chen took her to look at the flowers in the garden. Today, a few flowers bloomed, and the whole yard was filled with a faint floral fragrance. She didn't know what kind of flower it was, but the smell was really good.

“Miss Fourth is here,” Mrs. Chen stepped forward and saluted her.

"Well, Aunt Chen, please help my mother into the house, and I'll show her." Yu Wan also stepped forward to help Feng.

Entering Feng’s bedroom, she saw that there was only Feng’s belongings in the bedroom. She frowned and asked Mrs. Chen, “Aunt Chen, why does my mother sleep alone?”

Mrs. Chen looked embarrassed and said, "My wife requested it."

Yu Wan helped Feng sit on the stool in front of the dressing table and looked at Feng.

Today, Mrs. Feng’s eyes are even brighter. Yu Wan guesses that Mrs. Feng doesn’t like Yu Dahai.

Yu Wan was very confused. What if Fengshi was cured and she left immediately? She couldn't bear it if Feng's family was not cured.

She pulled up another chair and sat down, looked into Feng's eyes, and said to her: "Mom, are you willing for Xiaosi'er to treat you?"

Feng's dull face showed no expression, but her eyes suddenly brightened, and then she nodded.

Yu Wan sighed, and finally gave in. She said to Chen, "Aunt Chen, close the door and guard it outside. No one is allowed in."

Ms. Chen quietly exited and closed the door.

Yu Wan said to Teng Snake: "Little snake, the poisonous insect is in my mother's body, what do you do with it?"

Teng Snake scanned Feng's body and found that there was a round thing in her heart, which was still bulging and mature.

It said: "Master, the worm has matured and is in the heart of the mistress. You will lay her down on the bed later and I will **** it out from her abdomen."

"So simple?"

“Master, what do you mean it’s so simple, does the little snake have to use spiritual power to understand it?”

It's just that it didn't say that it was a mythical beast. It was such a little insect that it could breathe out and breathe it in with some spiritual power. Only mortals would be helpless against this thing.

“Oh,” Yu Wan understood. She just had to use her own spiritual power to force it out. She looked at her hands, okay, she couldn’t. Just let Soaring Snake **** it. Didn't it say it wanted to eat that kind of thing? It's just right.

Yu Wan helped Ms. Feng get up: "Mom, lie down on the bed. The thing is in your stomach. I will use my internal strength to force it out in a while. Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Ms. Feng nodded and lay down on the bed. Yu Wan sat on the edge of the bed and lifted Ms. Feng's clothes, revealing her deeply sunken belly.

This emotion-devouring Gu not only eats the seven emotions and six desires, but also eats human essence and blood, torturing Feng until she no longer looks like a human.

Yu Wan sighed and put the snake in the palm of her hand. Only the snake's mouth bit Feng's belly.

“Master, if this poisonous insect is not taken out, your mother will not live for more than a year, and she will not have much energy left.”

 “Well, let’s get started. If you have anything to say, we’ll talk about it later.”

 “Right away, right away, master”. Teng She immediately shut up. After a while, a finger-sized lump bulged in Feng's heart, and it was still swimming slowly towards Teng She's mouth.

Yu Wan looked at Feng and saw that her face was still expressionless, only her eyes were slightly narrowed, indicating that she was in pain. But Feng didn't move. It seemed that she was a tolerant person.

 (End of this chapter)

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