The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 300: Open up acupoints

Chapter 300: Opening up the acupoints

Yu Wan broke through the first acupuncture point very quickly. She was a monk who had the spiritual consciousness to look inside and hit a point on the acupoint. No matter how tight the acupoint was, she could break through it.

So speaking of it, it is much easier to practice this technique after becoming a monk than it is for a metaphysician.

 It took Yu Wan four days to break through the second acupoint.

Just like this, as long as one breaks through, Yu Wan will take a rest before continuing the attack.

 Spring passed and autumn came, one year passed after another, five years passed quietly.

“Huh, I finally opened up all the acupoints in my body.” Yu Wan opened her eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Supposedly, there are 360 ​​acupoints that can be opened. In fact, there are more than 600 acupoints that need to be opened. How can it take five years?

 The reason why it took so much time is that the acupoints in the internal organs and head are too small, so we can only polish the acupoints slowly and then attack them when they are almost ready.

 Like other large orifice points, it rushes violently and is destroyed within a short time of exiting the acupoint.

 That’s why it took so long.

 The first level is successful in opening the acupoints, and the second level is bone refining.

Yu Wan was not in a hurry to retreat. She left the training room and came to the valley.

 The valley has not changed much, it is the same as before.

She scanned the valley with her consciousness and found that everyone was in seclusion in the cave. Only Mrs. Gao, Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Xu were doing needlework in the room.

 Through these years, they have maintained this habit and wear clothes made by themselves.

Yu Wan walked towards their cave.

 “Mother, second aunt, high aunt”.

"Ah? It's Wan'er. Are you out of seclusion?" Mrs. Xu quickly put down her sewing and asked Mrs. Gao to bring out all the food.

Yu Wan couldn't help but irritate them, so she ate all the food brought out by Mrs. Gao.

"Fourth Miss has a great appetite, just like before." Mrs. Gao put away the bowl and chopsticks with a smile.

“Mom, what is this little dress you made?”

“Your sister-in-law is finally pregnant, and the grandson she has been waiting for for so many years is finally here,” Mrs. Xu said with a smile, then sat down and started making clothes, making gestures with the fabric from time to time.

Yu Wan is also happy for them. It is difficult for monks to get pregnant. This is because everyone has been practicing for so long. The eldest sister-in-law is the only one who is pregnant. The first one is of course her mother.

Her mother’s fertility was simply unparalleled, and no one could surpass it.

 Nine children, I don’t know if there have been any more over the years.

Yu Wan: "Well, more children will make it more lively."

Yu Wan knew that the three women could not practice cultivation. They spent a lot of time in seclusion on weekdays, and they had little work to do. People tend to think wildly when they are free. If they have a child to take care of, their lives in the future will not be so boring.

"Yes, Miss Fourth, please hurry up and give birth to a baby. My old slave can still carry it for you now," Mrs. Gao also said to her.

"Yes, Wan'er, let's give birth as soon as possible while we are still young and can take care of her. If it's too late, I'm afraid my mother won't be able to wait for that day."

Mrs. Xu looked sad and glanced at Yu Wan.

Mrs. Xu’s expression naturally fell into Yu Wan’s consciousness. She frowned. Is Mrs. Xu complaining about her?

 She glanced at Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Mu Er, and saw that they both had similar expressions at the moment.

Are they complaining that she gave Mr. Mu their skills back then? Or shouldn't we take their family out?

If she doesn't send them the exercises, Mu Jiuchen will find them for them to practice.

Then it’s her fault for bringing their family out.

She sighed deeply. There was nothing that could be done about it. The most they could do if they stayed in the Great Yan Empire was to reach the perfection of Foundation Establishment and they would not be able to make any progress.

It was not only her who ruined her journey to immortality, but also Yu Haoran and the others.

Just after they came out, Mrs. Xu and her sisters-in-law could not practice cultivation, so you can imagine the life they had.

Grandsons, grandsons are hard to hold in your arms. Men, men only know how to practice in seclusion and put them aside. That ideal life is far away from them.

 She, the chief culprit, was naturally blamed by them.

Um? They don't have spiritual roots, so they can definitely cultivate mystical power. Why did she ignore it, and Mu Jiuchen also ignored it? Or do they not want to practice?

 Practice Xuan Li to increase your lifespan.

 After opening up the acupoints all over the body and practicing bone training, it is equivalent to a Qi training monk, and there is no problem in living for more than a hundred years.

 This way they can have more time to live with everyone.

They are at most fifty years old now. With her as an alchemist, she can use elixirs to assist them in their cultivation.

When Yu Wan thought of this, she immediately asked: "Mother, Second Aunt, and Aunt Gao, why don't you also practice Xuan Qi? You don't need spiritual roots. You can also increase your lifespan if you practice it."


Mrs. Xu simply screamed out in surprise, not at all like her usual ladylike self.

Yu Wan secretly thought that it was true.

No one wants to live a long life and stay with the people they love.

Yu Wan nodded towards Mrs. Xu, "If Mom wants to practice, I will help you take a medicinal bath starting tonight."

"Fourth Miss, can I be an old slave too?" Mrs. Gao was not as happy as Mrs. Xu. She was almost sixty years old, and she had to hesitate whether to practice or not.

"Aunt Gao, as long as you are willing, I can help you. Even if it fails, if you open an acupuncture point, you will be younger. The body has the accumulation of spiritual energy, which can also extend your life."

“The old slave should give it a try. When his body and bones heal, he can help the fourth lady take care of the children, as well as the eldest young master and the others.”

“Aunt Gao, don’t you want to live longer?” Yu Wan said that her head hurt just because she wanted to take care of her children.

Gao Shi smiled innocently at her.

Mrs. Mu Er has the two of them taking the lead, and she can’t do it even if she doesn’t want to. She can’t just watch herself grow old before them all.

 So the three of them happily started taking medicinal baths tonight.

As they get older, their bodies begin to age in all aspects. Medicinal baths can soften and expel impurities from the body, which will make their cultivation much faster.

It was night, and Yu Wan placed three large wooden barrels in the space. The space time should be faster, and it could be done in one night.

“Mom, Second Aunt, Gao Aunt, this medicinal bath is a bit painful, you have to endure it and don’t get up.”

After Yu Wan finished the medicinal bath, she specifically warned them that if they couldn't stand the pain during the process, all the previous efforts in the medicinal bath would have been wasted and they would have to start over and endure the pain one more time.

"Okay", the three of them confidently entered the bathtub wearing only their underwear.

 “Hiss”, as soon as they sat down, their cries of pain came.

 Fortunately, the three of them gritted their teeth and persisted.

Yu Wan also admires the three of them. If she were to do so, she would probably be embarrassed. Let alone the three of them being mortals, they are still middle-aged and elderly women.

 Sure enough, women can endure pain.

 The pain of this medicinal bath is no less than the pain a woman experiences when giving birth.

Mrs. Xu Da and Mrs. Mu Er are doing better. They have given birth to children at a younger age than Gao, and they can still endure it.

 (End of this chapter)

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