The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 316: Got the monkey wine

Chapter 316 The monkey wine is obtained

"Are you okay?" Mu Jiuchen helped her into the wooden house distressedly. His wife's behavior was so virtuous when she saw the treasure that her life didn't matter anymore.

This time he knew that Yu Wan had used all her spiritual consciousness to move the fruit tree in.

 Sigh, Mu Jiuchen sighed in his heart, his strength was still too weak, otherwise there would be no need for his wife to take risks.

Yu Wan entered the wooden house and waved to Mu Jiuchen. He understood what she meant and closed the door behind him when he left.

 When Mu Jiuchen went out, she suddenly came to the black pool and immediately sat down cross-legged to meditate.

This meditation lasted for seven days. The first thing Yu Wan woke up was to see the jade bead tree.

The jade bead fruit tree was still where they came in. She took the jade bead fruit and several other fruit trees into the red earth.

Having no choice but to dig eight large holes next to the black pool, she planted eight spiritual fruit trees.

These eight trees are all fifth-level spiritual fruit trees. If you steal them once, you will definitely steal the highest-level and most cherished ones. Eight trees and eight varieties, Yu Wan felt very beautiful when she thought about it.

She walked to a flame fruit, picked a fruit, cleaned it with a cleansing technique, and took a bite of the flame fruit.

 “Kacha Kacha”, well, it’s more juicy and less meaty, crisp and sweet, full of flavor in the mouth, and rich in spiritual power.

“Not bad, not bad.” Yu Wan finished a few bites, picked off a few more, and rewarded Mu Jiuchen as well. These are fire spiritual fruits, very suitable for him to eat.

She saw that these eight spiritual fruit trees were still too few, otherwise she would also use them to make wine.

“How about stealing the monkey wine from the demon monkey?” Yu Wan’s eyes were bright, she always wanted to try the legendary wine.

Yu Wan glanced at Mu Jiuchen who was practicing. She couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart. She didn't even send the spiritual fruit. She left it in the wooden house and he went to get it after he finished practicing.

So the foodie came out of the space with his consciousness, tightened the invisibility cloak around his body, and then quietly escaped to the ground.

Well? This is? Monster bee?

My grass, monkey, you are smart, are they determined that she will not fire the fruit forest?

There are also densely packed second-order bees in the orchard, are they going to sting her into a hornet's nest?

Who is Yu Wan? Can a person be choked to death by urinating?

She had already made up her mind.

Yu Wan escaped underground and escaped outside the orchard. Her consciousness scanned the edge of the orchard, and then she quietly escaped from the ground. She waved her fire finger, and a small fire appeared on her finger. She threw it at the fruit tree again. .

“Whoosh, crackle, crackle”, the flame quickly wrapped the fruit tree around its roots and burned it. Within a moment, the flames started to burn upward.

"Buzz buzz..." After a while, a large number of demon bees flew over. Looking at them from a distance, they didn't know what to do.

 Some high-level demon bees immediately raised the alarm.

Yu Wan ran away after setting the fire. At this moment, the demon bees were in a panic. Who would notice her?

Yu Wan quickly ran to the other direction of the orchard. There was a large cliff next to the orchard, where the monster monkey must live.

 It was just a little far away, so Yu Wan had to speed up.

The burning fruit tree over there was about to burn out. Suddenly, a big branch on the fruit tree happened to fall down with a "pop", and the flames on the top of the tree suddenly jumped up and burned another tree.

This time they are in big trouble. The demon bees dare not get close to the flames. Who doesn't know that fire is their nemesis. Ordinary fire is better. The monk's elixir fire must not be touched.

Who dares to get into trouble?

This monk is so abominable, I never expected that she would actually burn the fruit trees.

When the rescue monster monkeys arrived, the monster monkeys were so angry that they beat their chests. They were so angry that they vowed to capture the human monk and tear her alive.

Yu Wan finally managed to escape to the foot of the cliff, and when she looked with her spiritual consciousness, she saw that the caves of all sizes were indeed filled with monster monkeys.

However, quite a few demon monkeys were making panicky "ZhiZhiZhiZhi" noises, and they were making unknown gestures with their hands.

Not long after, a large group of demon monkeys were led by a fifth-level demon monkey and jumped towards the place where she set the fire.

Yu Wan was puzzled, so she burned a spiritual fruit tree. What were so many monster monkeys doing?

 Catch her?

Yu Wan immediately released her consciousness, looking for the cave where the monkey wine was kept.

“Hey, there is also a demon monkey with a powerful aura.” When Yu Wan swept to the middle, a powerful aura appeared in her consciousness, and she quickly passed by.

 Then continue to sweep the cave next to it.

“Hey, it’s here,” Yu Wan felt happy. It turned out to be at the bottom of the mountain. Didn’t this open the door to convenience for her.

 She looked around again and made sure that most of the monster monkeys had run away.

Yu Wan immediately launched his escape technique and escaped under the wine barrel.

 When she saw it, she saw that the cave was so big and filled with wine barrels carved from giant trees.

With a wave of her hand, the cave became bare.

Yu Wan smiled so hard that her eyebrows curled up, she escaped underground and started moving the spiritual fruit tree again.

 In the cave, an old giant demon monkey raised his head and opened his eyes.

  Its consciousness swept towards the orchard and then into the caves. The old face with droopy skin looked puzzled and then lowered its head. Not long after, a snoring sound was heard.

 Yu Wan moved the spirit fruit trees in a happy manner. She really came to whatever she wanted. Before, she regretted that there were too few spirit fruit trees in the space. Now it’s better. She moved more this time.

And the fifth-level demon monkey over there is so worried that his beard is almost turning white. How to put out the fire?

They don't understand water magic, so they have no choice but to have the demon monkeys pull out all the fruit trees around the fire area. If they don't get burned, won't the fire be extinguished?

As expected, the monster monkeys rushed to pull out the trees, and the third-level and fourth-level monster monkeys were quite fast at pulling out the trees.

A stick of incense isolated the fire, but so many fruit trees were lost. The fifth-level demon monkey beat its chest again for a while, leaving a few demon monkeys to watch. It directed other demon monkeys to find the spiritual fruit trees that had just been pulled out. The place is well planted.

 It only now had time to find the hateful human monk.

But it didn't matter, once he saw it he was so angry that he beat his chest and almost spit out his blood.

The good spiritual fruit trees in the middle are missing a lot, so we still focus on high-level thieves.

The fifth-level demon monkey looked around but couldn't find anyone, so he had to go back and report to the old demon king to ask him to take action.

  When it came to the cave of the old demon king, the old demon king had already been drunk and fell asleep.

 In the end, the fifth-level demon monkeys had no choice but to give up and send more than half of the demon monkeys out to guard the orchard.

The culprit was currently chopping down the beehive on a giant tree.

She moved no less than fifty spiritual fruit trees and closed them when they were ready, but thinking about the monster bees here, there must be honey to steal nearby.

It is impossible for the demon monkeys to let the demon bees guard the forest for them all the way. It is estimated that they usually have a cooperative relationship.

 When the spirit fruit tree blooms, it requires demon bees to collect nectar. Only the fruit trees that have collected nectar will have high yields.

No wonder the monster bees that are difficult to advance are all of the second level. How can there be so many fourth-level and fifth-level flowers? They happen to be in the monster monkey family.

 (End of this chapter)

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