The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 32: Look at Zhuangzi

Chapter 32 Looking at Zhuangzi

After the two sisters had eaten, they came to the second courtyard. Yu Wan taught the characters that were to be taught today and then exercised.

After they were free, the brothers and sisters went to see Feng again. Feng took a nap and drank some medicine, and she felt much better.

 Three days have passed like this, and today is the day to go to the county town as agreed with Shopkeeper Zhang. She got up early, explained to Zhu Dagui, and then went out.

When Yu Wan arrived at Yaxing, Shopkeeper Zhang was already waiting. She stepped forward to say hello: "Good morning, Shopkeeper Zhang."

"Haha, it's good morning, Miss Yu. Have you had breakfast?" Shopkeeper Zhang asked with a smile when he saw that Yu Wan had arrived early.

"have eaten".

 “Then let’s go, it will take a lot of time on the way.”

Shopkeeper Zhang got on the carriage first and stabilized the carriage. Then he asked Yu Wan to get on the carriage.

Yu Wan opened the curtain and got on the carriage with a slight jump.

When shopkeeper Zhang saw it, he was surprised that this girl knew kung fu.

After Yu Wan sat firmly, shopkeeper Zhang whipped up his riding whip and set out on the road.

 “Ms. Yu, have you ever been to the county town?”

"No, today is the first time. Is the county town big?" If the county town is not big, she would have to consider the restaurant and go to the capital to check it out before making a reservation.

"Oh, then Miss Yu can visit the county town. The county town is much larger than our Qinglian Town. In fact, I don't go to the county town very often. I only go to the county town when our boss has something to ask." Shopkeeper Zhang chatted with Yu Wan while driving the carriage.

Yu Wan wanted to ask: "Your boss should be familiar with the county, right? There should be more schools in the county. Which school is better?"

"Well, Miss Yu has asked the right person. I am familiar with it. My two sons also go to school in the county. There are three schools in the county. Two of them are opened by two old masters. The number of students is relatively tight. The other one is It was also driven by an old man. He has a long story. He..."

After hearing this, Yu Wan had some thoughts in her mind. She liked this Mr. Shen better, so she stopped by there to have a look this time.

This Mr. Shen reminded her of Liu Yuxi, a great poet from ancient times in her previous life. The two men had similar personalities.

 The life motto of Mr. Shen is: As a person or an official, the most important thing is to be happy. He has a straight heart and gets angry when he sees someone he doesn't like or something he doesn't like. Anyway, according to people nowadays, he just has a bad mouth and gets angry with everyone regardless of the person or the occasion.

  It feels good to those who have been criticized, but not to the person who was criticized. He has already become a bachelor. Because of his bad mouth, the emperor was so angry that he simply demoted her. With this disgusting mouth, he wanted to get as many beauties as possible to be attacked by this **** old man.

  So he feels good for a while when he is arrogant, and feels good all the time, and then he is done with it. He didn't care how the emperor demoted him, he would stay wherever he demoted him.

At this time, how could the people who had been criticized by him in the past miss such a good opportunity? They all took a copy of his book. Now they say that he has no law and order. They clearly say that he has no regard for the court, and later they say that he has no regard for the emperor. What do they want? Just take part in whatever you want. Anyway, today's ginseng will be tomorrow's ginseng, and Mr. Shen will be demoted all the time. This year he will be demoted, next year he will be demoted, and he will be demoted every year. Until he can no longer be demoted, he became a gentleman in Daxing County, Huaiyang Prefecture to support his life.

When shopkeeper Zhang saw that Yu Wan remained silent, he asked, "Ms. Yu, are you interested in Mr. Shen? He only accepts students who are pleasing to his eye. I heard that there are currently less than ten students there."

"Well, let's see when the time comes. There are five boys in my family who want to study. My family was poor before and they have never been enlightened. I plan to go and have a look. Those who have not been enlightened in other schools will not be accepted in the second half of the year. I will go next year. Another waste of time."

She felt that Mr. Shen had a different temper than hers. He was a straight man, but he was knowledgeable and could be a bachelor and had enough ink in his stomach. As for being a human being and doing things, with her Yu Wan’s guidance, it’s fine if you don’t become a wolf.

Two hours later, the carriage arrived at the gate of Daxing County. They saw a tall city wall that was three feet high, three eye-catching Chinese characters for Daxing County, and a thick wooden gate painted red.

 It was noon at this time, there were not many people entering, and there was an endless stream of people leaving.

 There are those who drive carriages, those who are on foot, those who are empty-handed, those who have backs, and those who carry burdens. Men and women, old and young, it was so lively.

Yu Wan saw that the people here were generally much better dressed and looked better than the people in Qinglian Town. This proves that the living standard in Daxing County is one level higher than that in Qinglian Town.

 I think it is totally feasible to open a restaurant in this county, and I don’t have to worry about no one coming to spend money.

“Miss Yu is coming to the city,” shopkeeper Zhang shouted.

 “Okay”, Yu Wan lowered the curtains.

 The carriage driver entered the city and soon stopped.

“Miss Yu is here,” shopkeeper Zhang stopped the carriage and shouted.

Yu Wan opened the curtain and got out of the carriage, and saw that it stopped in front of a Fumanduo shop.

There were not many people on the street now, but the shop door was open and no one was seen inside.

 Shopkeeper Zhang entered the store first, followed by Yu Wan. The format of this shop is similar to Shopkeeper Zhang’s dental shop. There is a reception counter in front, and a door on the left and right of the counter. There is a set of tables, chairs and benches on the left and right sides of the lobby.

“Shopkeeper Wu, is shopkeeper Wu here?”

 After a while, a middle-aged man in blue shirt who was about the same age as shopkeeper Zhang came out of the inner hall.

He said with a smile: "Shopkeeper Zhang is here, who is this little girl?"

 Shopkeeper Zhang: "Oh, this is Miss Yu who came to see Zhuangzi."

Shopkeeper Wu looked at Yu Wan suspiciously.

Yu Wan said with a smile: "Hello, shopkeeper Wu."

  "Okay, Miss Yu." They say you don't hit anyone with a smile. Shopkeeper Wu saw the smile on Yu Wan's face, so he couldn't just ignore the person.

“Shopkeeper Zhang, should we eat first or visit Zhuangzi first?” Yu Wan saw the two of them standing there without words.

Shopkeeper Zhang first looked at Shopkeeper Wu. Shopkeeper Wu hesitated for a while and said, "Let's eat first. We have a wife in the tooth shop who has cooked it. How about Miss Yu?"

Yu Wan chuckled.

This is because I think she is a child and I look down on her so much.

 Shopkeeper Zhang said quickly, "Let's eat at the nearby Baiwei Restaurant." He looked coldly at Shopkeeper Wu, a man with short-sighted eyes. The wink she gave him before was to look at his face.

Yu Wan quickly waved her hand: "Let's just eat here. After eating, I will look at Zhuangzi and make sure I have other things to do."

 Shopkeeper Zhang shook his head.

Yu Wan and Shopkeeper Zhang ate at Yaxing at noon. After dinner, Shopkeeper Wu took them to the south of the city.

After walking for five miles, we stopped in front of a village.

Yu Wan got out of the car and looked up at the village. It was surrounded by walls and the gate was closed. The outside of the house looked 50% new.

Shopkeeper Wu took out the key and opened the door. He went in first, followed by Yu and Wan.

There is a second courtyard on the right side of the entrance. The entrance to the courtyard and the main entrance are all paved with stones.

As far as the eye can see, there are fields. The rice has just been harvested in the fields, and the piles are still there.

 (End of this chapter)

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