Chapter 326 found

 But now the formation is already shaky and may break at any time.

The giant beast turned its head and saw two strangers coming in. It tilted its head and looked at them curiously, but had no intention of attacking them.

 Whose contracted spiritual pet is this?

 This is how the two of them feel.

“Can you understand what we are saying?” Yu Wan tried to ask the giant beast that looked like a dog and a flying wolf.

 The beast nodded to them.

Yu Wan was very happy. She scooped out a basin of monkey wine from the space and placed it in front of them. She said to the giant beast, "Try this very fragrant wine. I'll give it to you to drink."

The giant beast sniffed, and sure enough, a smile appeared on the dog's face. It looked like it should be very happy.

Yu Wan breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best not to fight. They could not feel any malice from the giant beast, and the beast looked quite cute.

 She is naturally fond of dogs.

Before Yu Wan could say anything, the giant beast grabbed the basin and ran away.

Su gently lit a stick of wax on the giant beast, hoping it wouldn't die of drunkenness.

They quickly ran to the formation. Mu Jiuzheng solved the formation. At the same time, Yu Wan led the three of them into the space.

 In the space, two people each check one.

Yu Wan inspected Yu Haoyu with her consciousness, and saw that all their bones were shattered, and there was not a single intact bone in their bodies. Even their skulls were broken, and their whole bodies were like pieces of paper. The internal organs were also rotten and shapeless.

 In short, there is no human shape at all. If it weren’t for the robes covering their bodies and the fact that they had gone through physical training, they would have been reduced to pieces of flesh.

  She carefully checked her Dantian and Shenhun. Under such circumstances, it would be damned if they were intact.

 Sure enough, after this inspection, the Dantian was broken and the soul was shattered.

Yu Wan quickly gave him a top-grade healing elixir and used her spiritual power to help him dissolve the potion.

After checking over there, Mu Jiuchen couldn't help but take a breath. The injury was so serious that he might not be able to recover for ten or eight years. Especially the dantian and spiritual consciousness cannot recover so quickly even if there are pills.

These two uncles were so seriously injured that Mu Jiuchen wiped away his tears for them.

 Fortunately, he has his wife and their lives are good, otherwise, they would have waited for ashes to ashes to ashes to ashes.

 Fortunately, he could still save their lives, so he immediately stuffed a pill into Yu Haotian to relieve him of the medicine's power.

 An hour later, the two of them fed them a healing elixir at the same time.

Slowly, the bones and internal organs of the two of them are recovering, and now they look a bit human.

After being fed another top-quality elixir, the two brothers' bodies were completely intact. They were still not as strong as before, but they were about 40% or 50% better.

 The next thing is the Dantian and the soul. The soul is easy to talk about. With the soul liquid, their souls can be healed in less than ten and a half days.

This Dantian is a troublesome thing. This Dantian is broken. If it is not repaired, they will no longer be able to practice and will stay here for life.

“Mu Jiuchen, I will give you the soul liquid. You can help them repair their souls, and I will refine the elixir to repair their Dantian.”

Mu Jiuchen nodded.

Yu Wan entered the red earth with her consciousness, filled two large bottles of divine soul liquid and gave them to Mu Jiuchen, telling him how to use them.

At this time, Mu Jiuchen knew how Wan'er had rescued him when he had fallen into the inner demon.

 When he rescues his two uncles, he will definitely love his wife well.

He followed the method and first sprinkled the soul liquid on each person's soul.

Yu Wan entered the alchemy room and sat down cross-legged, searching for Huang Qiuying’s elixir in her mind. She remembered that there was an elixir for repairing the Dantian.

 After burning a stick of incense, I found a fourth-level elixir pill.

She looked at the elixirs in the elixir recipe, memorized them carefully, and then searched the medicinal field with her consciousness. Fortunately, all the elixirs were complete.

With a flash of consciousness, she had arrived at the elixir field. With a flash of consciousness, she already had ten more elixirs of pill pills in her hand.

 Then go back to alchemy, process the elixir, and then carefully go through the refining process of refining the elixir in your mind.

 The refining process was a bit complicated. She thought about it several times before starting to refine the elixir.

Now she is at the peak of the middle stage of the golden elixir, and her spiritual power is much stronger than that of the early stage of the golden elixir. Now it is not so strenuous to refine the fourth-level elixir.

 The first time I refined these fourth-level elixir pills, a lot of them were scrapped. In the last two batches, I still made five pills.

At this time, Su Qingqing's consciousness relaxed. She had no time to regulate her spiritual power, so she sent out the elixir and gave it to Mu Jiuchen. After that, she returned to the elixir making process and sat down to meditate to restore her spiritual power.

With Yu Haoran helping outside, Yu Wan was not so anxious. She would not come out until her spiritual power returned to its peak.

 “How are the second and third brothers doing now?”

"Don't worry Wan'er, they are fine now. They can just rest for a month or so." Mu Jiuchen held her in his arms and patted her back to comfort her.

"Well, eldest brother Mu Jiuchen, you two should go and have a rest first. Leave this to me." The faces of both of them were full of exhaustion.

 The two of them nodded towards her, indeed both of them were exhausted.

 The main reason is that when helping them dissolve the pills, their consciousness and spiritual power must not relax for a moment.

Especially Yu Haoran, his injury was not fully healed yet, and now he is even more exhausted.

After they left, Yu Wan took Yu Haoyu and Yu Haotian to their bed. Before, they were as untouchable as the piece of paper, so how could they dare to move.

 Now that their bodies have recovered half of their strength, moving around is not a problem.

She checked their souls, which were being repaired. She was fine now. Thinking about the giant beast outside, she probably drank a large basin of monkey wine and was drunk enough to be unconscious, right?

She came out of the space, and as soon as she came out, she heard the sound of snoring.

She walked following the sound, and sure enough, the giant beast was lying on the ground snoring, with the basin still beside its mouth.

Yu Wan knelt down and looked carefully at this monster that looked like a dog and a wolf. It had the head of a dog and the body of a wolf. It was a fifth-level monster with considerable strength.

Now he was purring, looking silly, and looked very cute. She had the urge to accept it as a pet for a moment. She liked such cute pets the most.

 Think about it, there is a small snake, so forget it.

While it was drunk now, Yu Wan took a look at the cave. This huge cave was obviously man-made. The walls of the cave were smooth, and the ground was not uneven. Just because it had been too long, there were some gravels scattered on the ground.

She scanned the cave carefully with her consciousness and found a secret door. She stepped over and pushed it with her hand. The stone door did not move at all.

 She put her spiritual power into her palms and slapped it away hard.

With a loud bang, the stone door shattered, splashing dust all over the ground, and Yu Wan immediately dodged away.

Then he waved at the dust a few times, and the dust dispersed, revealing a stone room inside.

She checked with her consciousness and found a skeleton sitting inside. It must be the owner of the cave.

 (End of this chapter)

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